

单词 中新
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Miocene〕the Miocene epoch 中新世文馨英汉〔Miocene〕the Miocene series 中新统英汉大词典〔awareness〕the emergence of a new social awareness among young people 年轻人中新的社会意识的萌生牛津搭配〔calf〕a new deer calf in the zoo 动物园中新生的小鹿英汉大词典〔chapter〕begin a new chapter in one's life 开始自己一生中新的一页英汉大词典〔feasible〕a feasibility study on the proposed new airport 关于建议中新机场的可行性研究牛津高阶〔freedom〕the new freedom in movies and novels. 电影和小说中新的直接表现法美国传统〔infusion〕an infusion of new talent into science education 理科教育中新人才的注入牛津高阶〔introduction〕the introduction of a new topic for conversation 交谈中新话题的引入韦氏高阶〔language〕a new word that has recently entered the language 这一语言中新近出现的词韦氏高阶〔repertoire〕late additions to the restaurant's repertoire 餐馆菜单中新近增加的菜式 英汉大词典the latest addition to our range of cars 我们汽车系列中新添的款式。牛津商务




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