

单词 brass
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔attenuable〕to hammer brass in order to attenuate it锤打铜以使之变薄21世纪英汉〔barred〕the Brass Nickel Bar.“黄铜镍币”酒吧柯林斯高阶〔blare〕the blare of a brass band 铜管乐队的吹奏声英汉大词典〔brass tacks〕getting down to brass tacks.认真考虑实质问题美国传统〔brass up〕to brass up the horse for the horse show给马套上饰具和皮带以参加马匹展览会21世纪英汉〔brass〕brass instruments 铜管乐器朗文当代〔brass〕a brass button (candlestick) 黄铜钮扣 (烛台)英汉大词典〔brass〕a brass candlestick 黄铜烛台韦氏高阶〔brass〕a brass instrument 铜管乐器韦氏高阶〔brass〕a brass plate(= a sign outside a building giving the name and profession of the person who works there) 黄铜门牌(刻有姓名和职业)牛津高阶〔brass〕a brass section 铜管乐器组英汉大词典〔brass〕a brass sky 黄中带红的天空英汉大词典〔brass〕a candlestick made of brass 黄铜铸的烛台韦氏高阶〔brass〕a piece of music for woodwind and brass 适合木管乐器和铜管乐器演奏的乐曲麦克米伦高阶〔brass〕a refusal by Congress to brass up 国会拒绝付款的决定英汉大词典〔brass〕an old brass bedstead 老式黄铜床架朗文当代〔brass〕candlesticks made of solid brass 纯黄铜制成的烛台牛津搭配〔brass〕curtain rails made of brass 黄铜窗帘挂杆麦克米伦高阶〔brass〕doors with brass hinges 有黄铜铰链的门麦克米伦高阶〔brass〕music for piano, strings and brass 钢琴、弦乐器和铜管乐器的合奏乐曲牛津高阶〔brass〕polishing the brass and the silver 擦亮黄铜器和银器韦氏高阶〔brass〕solid brass fittings/door handles 纯黄铜装置╱门把手牛津高阶〔brass〕the brass section of the orchestra 管弦乐队的铜管乐器组牛津搭配〔brass〕to brass up one's share of the cost付清自己应付的那份费用21世纪英汉〔brass〕to clean/polish the brass 擦净╱擦亮黄铜器牛津高阶〔brass〕utensils in brass 黄铜器皿英汉大词典〔button〕a coat with brass buttons.带铜纽扣的外套柯林斯高阶〔care〕not care a bit (或a brass button, a damn, a farthing, a fig, a pin, a rap, a straw) 满不在乎英汉大词典〔clasp〕a black handbag with a brass clasp 带黄铜扣子的黑色手提包麦克米伦高阶〔cup〕the brass cups of the small chandelier.枝形小吊灯的黄铜灯托儿柯林斯高阶〔cup〕the brass cups of the small chandelier枝形小吊灯的黄铜灯座外研社新世纪〔door〕brass door handles 铜质门把手朗文当代〔double〕double the tenor in brass 用铜管乐器重复次中音部英汉大词典〔electroplate with〕a ring of brass electroplated with gold镀金铜戒指21世纪英汉〔electroplate〕electroplated brass 电镀黄铜剑桥高阶〔fender〕a brass fender.铜制壁炉围栏柯林斯高阶〔fender〕a brass fender铜制壁炉围栏外研社新世纪〔fittingly〕brass light fittings.黄铜灯具配件柯林斯高阶〔fitting〕a pine cupboard with brass fittings 黄铜镶配的松木橱柜牛津高阶〔fuse〕fuse zinc and copper to make brass 把锌与铜熔制为黄铜英汉大词典〔fusion〕the fusion of copper and zinc to produce brass 铜与锌熔合成黄铜牛津高阶〔holder〕candles in brass holders 插在黄铜架上的蜡烛麦克米伦高阶〔knob〕a brass door knob 黄铜门把手朗文当代〔knob〕a brass door knob 铜质的门把手剑桥高阶〔knuckle〕knuckles Brass knuckles. knuckles 指节铜套美国传统〔machine〕machined brass zinc alloy gears.机器加工成型的铜锌合金齿轮柯林斯高阶〔merry〕the merry sounds of a seven-piece brass band.由7名乐手组成的铜管乐队演奏的悦耳乐声柯林斯高阶〔overlay〕the brass fire surround with its decorative overlay 围有装饰覆盖物的铜质取暖装置朗文当代〔placard〕a brass placard 小铜牌英汉大词典〔rubbing〕a brass rubbing.黄铜纪念牌拓片柯林斯高阶〔scale〕weigh sth. on a big brass scales 在一台大铜秤上称某物重量英汉大词典〔section〕the brass section 铜管乐器组韦氏高阶〔section〕the brass section 铜管乐器组麦克米伦高阶〔section〕the brass section of a band 乐队中的铜管乐器组英汉大词典〔section〕the brass section of an orchestra 管弦乐队的铜管乐器组牛津高阶〔section〕the brass section铜管乐器组外研社新世纪〔shell〕a heap of spent brass shells from a machine gun 一堆废旧的机关枪铜弹壳牛津搭配〔sounding〕sounding brass 声音洪亮的铜管乐器英汉大词典〔top brass〕a press conference attended by top brass from Sony Records有索尼唱片公司高层领导参加的记者招待会外研社新世纪〔wash〕wash brass with gold 在黄铜上镀金英汉大词典




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