

单词 严格遵守
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔RULE/REGULATION〕people who follow some strict religious code 严格遵守宗教准则的人朗文写作活用〔abidance〕strict abidance by the rules严格遵守规则外研社新世纪〔adherence〕a strict adherence to the rule of law 对法规的严格遵守麦克米伦高阶〔adherence〕strict adherence to Judaic law 严格遵守犹太教教规朗文当代〔adherence〕strict adherence to the constitution. 严格遵守宪法柯林斯高阶〔adherence〕strict adherence to the constitution对宪法的严格遵守外研社新世纪〔adherence〕strict adherence to the rules 严格遵守规章制度牛津高阶〔compliance〕procedures that must be followed to ensure full compliance with the law 为确保严格遵守法律所必须遵行的程序牛津高阶〔letter〕employees who stick to the letter of the law in their contracts 严格遵守合同字面意义的雇员朗文当代〔observance〕a strict observance of the Sabbath 对安息日的严格遵守牛津高阶〔observance〕strict observance of the law 对法律的严格遵守麦克米伦高阶〔observance〕strict observance of the law/ban/rule 严格遵守法律/禁令/规定韦氏高阶〔observance〕the strict observance of Islam 对伊斯兰教的严格遵守朗文当代〔observant〕strictly observant Jews严格遵守教义的犹太人外研社新世纪〔observation〕observation of the Sabbath对安息日的严格遵守外研社新世纪〔observe〕to observe the rules strictly严格遵守规章制度21世纪英汉〔propriety〕strict in observing the proprieties 严格遵守礼节朗文当代strict adherence to the rules 严格遵守这些守则牛津商务




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