

单词 一成
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔appendage〕appurtenance belongs naturally as a subsidiary attribute, part, or member to that with which it is associated: appurtenance 则表示作为一附属物自然地成为其相连对象的一部分或一成员: 美国传统〔brassbound〕a brassbound tradition 一成不变的传统英汉大词典〔changeless〕a changeless desert landscape 一成不变的沙漠景观朗文当代〔constrain〕a life that had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends. 习惯于被束缚在一成不变的几个活动和朋友中的生活美国传统〔conventionality〕the conventionality of modern life 现代生活一成不变的常规英汉大词典〔domesticity〕a small rebellion against routine and cosy domesticity. 对一成不变而又舒适的家庭生活的一次小小的反抗柯林斯高阶〔fixed〕fixed ideas about right and wrong 对是非一成不变的看法韦氏高阶〔fixed〕people who have fixed ideas about things. 对事物看法一成不变的人柯林斯高阶〔inalterable〕the inalterable routine of a physician. 内科医生的一成不变的诊治程序美国传统〔inflexible〕the inflexible approach of some UK business hotels英国某些商业酒店一成不变的经营方法外研社新世纪〔monotonous〕with monotonous regularity 以一成不变的规律性英汉大词典〔monotony〕the monotony of daily routine. 一成不变的例行日常公事美国传统〔rigid〕be very rigid in one's ideas on marriage 持一成不变的婚姻观 英汉大词典〔ring〕ring up another success 记下又一成就 英汉大词典〔steady〕the steady tick of the clock; 钟表一成不变的滴答声;美国传统〔sticky〕sticky prices 一成不变的价格英汉大词典〔stultifying〕the stultifying effects of work that never varies 一成不变的工作造成的使人呆滞的后果牛津高阶〔unchanging〕unchanging weather patterns; unchanging friendliness. 一成不变的气候模式;不变的友谊美国传统




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