

单词 一张
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔STICK OUT〕a heart-shaped face, slightly prominent teeth and small eyes 一张瓜子脸,牙齿微微突出,眼睛很小朗文写作活用〔accept〕accept a bill of exchange 承兑一张汇票英汉大词典〔accommodable〕a table to accommodate four diners一张能坐四人的餐桌21世纪英汉〔affix〕affix a label to a package 在包裹上贴一张标签英汉大词典〔alluring〕an alluring advertisement 一张引人瞩目的广告英汉大词典〔banknote〕a £20 banknote 一张20英镑的钞票剑桥高阶〔beech〕a gate-leg table, in a beech finish, at £129一张水青冈木饰面的折叠桌, 售价为129英镑外研社新世纪〔cant〕cant over a net 掀翻一张网英汉大词典〔coupling〕a coupling of Mozart's Prague Symphony and Schubert's Unfinished Symphony(= for example, on the same CD) 编排在一起的莫扎特的《布拉格交响曲》与舒伯特的《未完成交响曲》(如在同一张光盘上)牛津高阶〔craggy〕a craggy face. 一张有皱纹的脸美国传统〔enclose〕enclose a check with the order. 随命令附上一张支票美国传统〔flop〕flopped the steak onto a platter. 把一块牛排重重地扔到一张大浅盘里美国传统〔fold〕a suitcase that folds out to become a display table; folded the ironing board down from the wall. 能打开成一张展览桌的公文包;从墙上拆下来的熨板美国传统〔gem〕a gold mask inset with emeralds and other gems. 一张镶有翡翠和其他宝石的金面具柯林斯高阶〔granddaughter〕a drawing of my granddaughter Amelia. 我孙女阿梅莉亚的一张素描柯林斯高阶〔haphazard〕take a card haphazard from the deck 从一副牌中随意抽出一张英汉大词典〔keepsake〕give sb. one's picture as a keepsake 送某人一张照片留念英汉大词典〔large-scale〕a large-scale map of the county该郡的一张大比例尺地图外研社新世纪〔like〕made a list of his likes and dislikes. 把他喜好和讨厌的东西列了一张表美国传统〔matching〕a pine table with four matching chairs 一张松木桌子和四把配套的椅子牛津高阶〔measure〕using a ruler to measure a piece of paper 用尺子量一张纸的尺寸韦氏高阶〔note〕a ten-pound note 一张十英镑的纸币朗文当代〔of〕a photo of Elizabeth 一张伊丽莎白的相片朗文当代〔outsize〕an outsize desk 一张特大号桌子牛津高阶〔overnight〕to overnight someone a cheque给某人连夜快递一张支票21世纪英汉〔pass〕pass one's eye over a list of names 扫视一张名单英汉大词典〔press〕press a piece of paper under (或with) a stone 用石块把一张纸压住英汉大词典〔recipe〕a recipe card一张食谱卡外研社新世纪〔recognize〕recognize a face. 认出一张面孔美国传统〔rendering〕do a pencil rendering of one's concept of an object 根据对一件物体所得概念画一张铅笔草图英汉大词典〔sheet〕a sheet of paper 一张纸英汉大词典〔side〕a photograph with me in the centre and Joe and Ken on each side of me一张我夹在中间、两边是乔和肯的照片外研社新世纪〔stamp〕a second-class stamp 一张二类邮件的邮票朗文当代〔stick on〕to stick a star's picture on贴上一张明星照21世纪英汉〔tear ... down〕to tear down a poster撕下一张招贴画21世纪英汉〔tippy〕a tippy racing shell; a tippy card table. 一艘摇摇晃晃的赛艇;一张不稳的牌桌美国传统〔token〕a £20 book/gift/record token 一张价值20英镑的书券/礼券/唱片券剑桥高阶〔white〕a face white with terror 一张惊恐失色的脸英汉大词典〔zero-coupon〕a zero-coupon bond; a zero-coupon certificate of deposit. 一张无收益的债券;一张无收益的银行存单美国传统to plot a graph of price against earnings 绘制一张价格与收入对照的曲线图牛津商务




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