

单词 一应
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Everywoman〕a political wife who is Everywoman outside 外表上女性特征一应齐备的政治家之妻英汉大词典〔appoint〕an office appointed with all the latest devices 最新设备一应俱全的办公室英汉大词典〔appurtenance〕all the appurtenances of the darkroom 暗室的一应设备英汉大词典〔complete〕a neat courtyard, complete with trees in pots, a bird-bath and a gas barbecue有盆栽树木、鸟浴盆和燃气烤炉一应俱全的整洁院落外研社新世纪〔convenience〕an apartment with all the modern conveniences. 现代化便利设施一应俱全的公寓柯林斯高阶〔fact〕give sb. every fact — name, age, and the charge lodged 向某人提供一应细节——姓名、年龄、指控的罪名英汉大词典〔faculty〕be in possession (或 command) of all one's faculties (视、听、说、理解等)各种功能一应俱全英汉大词典〔mod cons〕a flat with all mod cons 现代化设备一应俱全的公寓麦克米伦高阶〔physicalize〕physicalize everything one feels 把一应感觉具体地表达出来英汉大词典〔prune〕prune away all ornamentation 除去一应装饰英汉大词典〔rationalize〕rationalize away all miracles 以科学道理摈斥一应奇迹之谈英汉大词典〔razor blade〕an adequate supply of towels, soap, razor blades, toothpaste, etc. 毛巾、肥皂、刮胡刀片、牙膏等一应俱全柯林斯高阶〔recital〕a recital of one's troubles 对自己遇到的一应麻烦的叙述英汉大词典〔relief〕bring out the facts in full relief 使一应事实昭然显露英汉大词典〔repertoire〕an endless repertoire of summer clothes 数不胜数的一应夏季服装英汉大词典〔replete〕a home replete with every modern convenience 现代化设备一应俱全的家庭 英汉大词典〔ride〕ride down all resistance 压倒一应抵制力量英汉大词典〔rig〕football players in full rig 一应行头齐全的橄榄球运动员 英汉大词典〔shrivel〕shrivel all the punk nonsense 杜绝“朋克”的一应胡闹行为英汉大词典〔solely〕be solely to blame 是唯一应受责备的英汉大词典〔soup〕everything from soup to nuts 一应俱全的各种东西英汉大词典〔term〕inclusive terms (付给旅馆等的)一应在内的费用英汉大词典〔tool〕a carpenter's (gardener's) tools 木匠(花匠)的一应工具英汉大词典〔walk〕walk away with all the honours 赢得一应荣誉英汉大词典




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