

单词 一年来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THANK〕We have decided to pay a special bonus to everyone on the staff to show our appreciation for their hard work during the year. 我们已经决定给每位员工一笔特别奖金,以表达我们对他们这一年来辛勤工作的谢意。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕Total profits from all sources for the year came to about $15 million. 一年来自各处的利润总额大约有1,500万美元。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Finally, I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work this year. 最后,我想感谢全体职员这一年来的努力工作。朗文写作活用〔bad〕She's had a very bad chest for a year on and off.她一年来断断续续地有很严重的呼吸道问题。外研社新世纪〔celebration〕They organized a dinner in celebration of the year's successes.他们安排了一个宴会来庆祝一年来所取得的成就。牛津搭配〔come〕Christmas seems to come earlier every year.圣诞似乎一年比一年来得早。朗文当代〔come〕My birthday seems to come around quicker every year.我的生日似乎一年比一年来得快。牛津高阶〔debate〕Over the year we have had several debates about future policy.一年来,我们就未来的政策进行了几次讨论。剑桥高阶〔drift〕Jenni spent the year drifting around Europe.珍妮这一年来一直在欧洲各地漂泊。朗文当代〔feeler〕It was to be the first informal feeler in almost a year.这将是近一年来的首次非正式试探。外研社新世纪〔go〕She's been going on at me for a year to buy her a new car.一年来她一直纠缠着要我给她买一辆新车。英汉大词典〔interesting〕This is one of the most interesting books I've read all year.这是一年来我读到的最有趣的书之一。韦氏高阶〔judge〕You will be judged by the work you have produced over the year.将依据你一年来的工作业绩对你进行评判。牛津搭配〔landlord〕The house has an absentee landlord, who visits the property once a year.这房子的房主不在这儿住,只是一年来查看一次房产。牛津搭配〔mark〕Matilda's had very good marks in/for English throughout the year.马蒂尔达一年来英语成绩都很好。剑桥高阶〔notwithstanding〕Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year.虽然有些重大的经费问题,这所学校一年来还是很成功。牛津高阶〔pick ... up〕Trade has been slack for the past year,but it is now picking up.一年来生意一直不景气,不过现在好起来了。21世纪英汉〔pregnant〕She's been trying to get pregnant for a year now.这一年来她一直想方设法怀孕。麦克米伦高阶〔recovery〕The company has made a substantial recovery over the past 12 months.过去一年来公司有了实质性的恢复。牛津搭配〔reign〕After a year without defeat,the football team now reigns supreme as the finest in Asia.该足球队一年来所向无敌,现已称雄亚洲。21世纪英汉〔slip〕Productivity in the factory has slipped noticeably in the last year.工厂一年来生产率显著下降。剑桥高阶〔soul-searching〕My year was really spent doing a lot of soul-searching and trying to find out what had gone wrong in my life.这一年来,我真的进行了许多深刻的反思,努力地找出自己的生活中到底哪里出了问题。柯林斯高阶〔stable〕Prices have been stable for a year.一年来物价稳定。文馨英汉〔train〕He has somehow survived a year-long train of defeats.经受了一年来连续不断的失败,他好歹活了下来。英汉大词典〔wrestle〕She h as been wrestling to raise the money all year.她一年来一直在想方设法筹集这笔资金。牛津高阶〔wrest〕For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government.一年来,他一直试图从中央政府手中将控制权夺过来。柯林斯高阶Georgina's had very good marks in/for English throughout the year.乔治娜一年来的英语分数都很好。剑桥国际I had my first cigarette for a year and felt a sudden rush (of dizziness).一年来我第一次抽烟,忽感到一阵头晕。剑桥国际It's been a dog of a year.这是一年来最差的投资。牛津商务The five children killed last night represent a tiny fraction of those killed in the war over the last year.昨晚被害的五个儿童只代表了过去一年来战争中被害儿童的很小一部分。剑桥国际




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