

单词 不予
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔brush〕brushed the matter aside; brushed an old friend off. 把事情搁在一边不予理睬;不理会老朋友美国传统〔compound〕to compound a felony对重罪案私了(不予起诉)21世纪英汉〔correspondence〕no correspondence will be entered into来函将一概不予受理外研社新世纪〔cushion〕cushion the scandalous occurrence 对丑闻不予理会让其自行湮灭英汉大词典〔dignify〕would not dignify the insulting question with a response. 对无礼的问题不予以答复美国传统〔dismissal〕the committee's dismissal of their complaints 委员会对他们的投诉不予理会麦克米伦高阶〔dismissal〕the government's dismissal of the free market economy 政府对自由市场经济的不予考虑英汉大词典〔disregard〕disregard petty annoyances 对一些烦心小事不予理会英汉大词典〔gavel〕gavel down a point of order 对某一议事程序问题击槌宣布不予讨论英汉大词典〔jeer〕jeer off an idea 对一个主意付诸一笑而不予理会英汉大词典〔logically〕a society that dismisses God as a logical impossibility. 一个视上帝为逻辑上不可能存在而对其不予接受的社会柯林斯高阶〔onerous〕persuading a court to disregard onerous terms imposed in a written and signed document说服法庭对签署过的书面文件中那些义务过重的条款不予理会外研社新世纪〔roughshod〕a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition. 对所有反对意见不予理睬的经理美国传统〔run〕run out on sb. at a difficult time 在困难时撇下某人不予支持英汉大词典〔soft-pedal〕soft-pedal the difficulty 对困难不予张扬英汉大词典〔tune〕tuned out the children's screaming. 对于孩子们的尖叫不予理睬美国传统〔undiscussed〕leave the main question still undiscussed 搁置主要问题仍不予讨论英汉大词典〔unheard〕unheard objections. 不予考虑的异议美国传统〔unhelpful〕an unhelpful shop-assistant.不予合作的店员。牛津同义词〔unnamed〕a man who shall go unnamed 不予透露姓名的某男士文馨英汉〔unstressed〕an unstressed syllable in a word. 一个单词中一个不予重读的音节美国传统〔withhold〕withhold one's support 不予支持英汉大词典




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