

单词 严寒
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔arctic〕arctic weather.严寒的天气。牛津同义词〔biting〕biting cold 严寒剑桥高阶〔biting〕biting cold 严寒英汉大词典〔bitterly〕bitterly cold 严寒韦氏高阶〔bitterness〕after spending a night in the bitter cold. 在严寒中度过一夜之后柯林斯高阶〔bitter〕bitter cold 严寒牛津高阶〔bitter〕on a bitter cold night在一个严寒的夜晚外研社新世纪〔bitter〕the bitter cold of the Midwestern winters 中西部地区冬季的严寒朗文当代〔brave〕brave frigid temperature 冒着严寒英汉大词典〔burning〕walk in the burning cold 在严寒中行走英汉大词典〔clasp〕the iron clasp of cold 严寒的笼罩英汉大词典〔cold〕bitterly cold weather 严寒的天气牛津高阶〔continuum〕a continuum of temperatures ranging from very cold to very hot 从严寒到酷热的连续的气温变化韦氏高阶〔dare〕dare the dangers of the icy north 敢于冒北方冰雪严寒的危险英汉大词典〔element〕elements The forces that constitute the weather, especially severe or inclement weather: elements 要素,自然力量:形成气候,特别是恶劣或严寒气候的自然力量:美国传统〔extreme〕extremes of cold, wind or rain 严寒、狂风、暴雨牛津高阶〔flareback〕a flareback of winter in May 5月间突然出现的严寒英汉大词典〔freeze〕the big freeze of 1941 1941年的严寒期麦克米伦高阶〔frigid〕a frigid climate 严寒的气候英汉大词典〔frosty〕a beautiful frosty morning 一个美丽而严寒的早晨朗文当代〔frosty〕a frosty morning 严寒的早晨牛津高阶〔frosty〕a frosty morning 严寒的早晨麦克米伦高阶〔frosty〕a frosty night 严寒的夜晚英汉大词典〔frosty〕a frosty night 严寒的夜晚韦氏高阶〔ice〕weather that iced people's breath 呵气成冰的严寒天气英汉大词典〔inclement〕an inclement day 一个严寒的日子英汉大词典〔intemperate〕an intemperate winter 严寒的冬季英汉大词典〔intense〕intense cold 严寒英汉大词典〔intense〕intense cold/heat/hatred 严寒/酷热/痛恨剑桥高阶〔intense〕intense heat/cold/pain 酷热;严寒;剧痛牛津高阶〔midwinter〕the heavy snows and frigid temperatures of midwinter 仲冬的大雪和严寒韦氏高阶〔rigour〕all the rigors of a Canadian winter 加拿大冬天的严寒朗文当代〔rigour〕the rigours of the polar climate 极地气候的严寒英汉大词典〔severity〕the severity of the Japanese winter日本冬天的严寒外研社新世纪〔shake〕chills that shook one's body 使人浑身哆嗦不止的严寒英汉大词典〔stand〕stand up to the severe winters 顶得住严寒的冬天 英汉大词典〔terrible〕a terrible cold night 严寒的一夜英汉大词典〔withstand〕plants that can withstand extremes of temperature 能耐高温(或严寒)的植物麦克米伦高阶〔worst〕the worst frost for a hundred years 百年不遇的严寒英汉大词典〔wrath〕the wrath of winter 冬天的严寒英汉大词典




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