

单词 一队人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CATCH〕You choose sides, and one team hides and the other team tries to catch them. 你来选参加哪一边:一队人躲,另一队人捉。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕There was a line of people in front of me who were all waiting to be served. 我前面排了一队人,都等着有人来服务。朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕A long line of people waited their turn to shake his hand. 长长的一队人等着与他握手。朗文写作活用〔brigade〕Bucket brigades constitute a primitive fire service.为应急而组织起来的一队人构成了最初的消防队。外研社新世纪〔draw away〕One runner drew away from the pack.一名赛跑者超过了一队人。21世纪英汉〔escort〕He felt it wise to send an escort with the group.他觉得派一队人护送那批人比较明智。英汉大词典〔expose〕He was outclassed by a team that cruelly exposed his lack of pace.有一队人超过了他,他缺乏速度这一点暴露无遗。牛津搭配〔heave to〕The captain hove the vessel to and sent off a party in a small boat to investigate.船长停了船, 派一队人坐小船去调查情况。外研社新世纪〔muster〕Can we muster a team for Saturday?我们能在星期六召集一队人吗?牛津同义词〔outfit〕Informal An association of persons, especially a military unit or a business organization.【非正式用语】 一队人:一群人的组织,尤指军事部队或商业组织美国传统〔part〕The crowd was parted right and left to make way for the party.群众向左右分开给那一队人让路。21世纪英汉〔picket line〕A line or procession of people picketing a place of business or otherwise staging a public protest.警戒线,纠察线:对某商业地点设置纠察队或表示公共抗议的一行列人或一队人美国传统〔posse〕The outlaw Jesse James was pursued by a posse.歹徒杰西·詹姆士正被一队人马追赶着。英汉大词典〔raise〕The rebels quickly raised an army.叛乱分子很快就召集了一队人马。朗文当代〔tag〕We tagged along at the end of the queue.我们尾随在一队人后面。牛津同义词〔tail〕The end of a line of persons or things.排尾:一队人或事物的结尾部分美国传统〔watch〕A person or group of people serving, especially at night, to guard or protect.哨兵:尤指在晚上担任警戒或保护职责的个人或一队人美国传统A ragged (= not organized) line of people were waiting at the bus stop.杂乱的一队人正在公共汽车站候车。剑桥国际After a sudden burst of activity the team lapsed back into indolence.这一队人突然活跃了一阵子,又陷入懒散之中。剑桥国际It takes a team of people to put together a campaign.策划一项活动需要一队人马。牛津商务There was a queue of people waiting patiently for the bus to arrive 有一队人耐心地等待公共汽车来。剑桥国际There was such a long queue for the toilets that I couldn't be bothered to go.等候上厕所的有那么长一队人,我干脆不去了。剑桥国际




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