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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔air〕People's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air.人们吸烟的烟雾似乎在空中久久不散。外研社新世纪〔camp〕The reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night.新闻记者守候在他家门口,日夜不散。英汉大词典〔cling〕The smell of smoke still clung to her clothes.烟味仍附着在她的衣服上不散。牛津高阶〔ghost〕The ghost of anti-Semitism still haunts Europe.反犹主义在欧洲仍然阴魂不散。牛津高阶〔ghost〕The ghost of poverty still haunts the lives of our parents and others who lived through the Depression.贫困依然阴魂不散,影响着我们的父母及其他人的生活,他们都经历过经济大萧条。朗文当代〔ghost〕The ghost of the old dictator still lingers on.那个老独裁者在人们的记忆中阴魂不散。剑桥高阶〔leave behind〕A misty rain in the morning had left behind a coolness that would stay for hours.早上,蒙蒙细雨带来一股清凉之意,数小时不散。柯林斯高阶〔linger〕The heat lingered long after the sun had gone down.太阳下山了,热气却久久不散。韦氏高阶〔mist〕Early morning mist still clung to the hollows.晨雾仍在山谷中萦绕不散。牛津搭配〔nostril〕The smell of decay lingered in her nostrils.腐烂的气味在她鼻子里久久不散。牛津搭配〔proverbial〕He turned up just like the proverbial bad penny.他就像常言说的阴魂不散的人一样出现了。麦克米伦高阶〔putrefaction〕The lingering stench of putrefaction hung in the air.腐败产生的恶臭在空气中久久不散。外研社新世纪〔repeater〕Onions give one the repeaters.洋葱在嘴里留下的葱味不散。英汉大词典




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