

单词 burlesque
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bump〕A forward thrust of the pelvis, as in a burlesque striptease.骨盆前突:脱衣舞中骨盆前突美国传统〔burlesque〕Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy.我们的喜剧是对莎士比亚一齣悲剧的讽刺性模仿。牛津同义词〔burlesque〕Several important 20th-century performers got their start in burlesque.几位20世纪重要的表演家都是从滑稽歌舞杂剧开始他们的演艺事业的。韦氏高阶〔burlesque〕The antics of the defense attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice.辩护律师们滑稽的动作将审判变成了对正义的滑稽的模仿美国传统〔burlesque〕The book is a burlesque of Victorian society.这本书是描写维多利亚社会风貌的幽默讽刺作品。韦氏高阶〔burlesque〕The book read like a black comic burlesque.这本书读起来像部荒诞可笑的讽刺作品。柯林斯高阶〔burlesque〕The music halls burlesqued him.歌舞杂耍戏院编排了对他进行滑稽模仿的节目。外研社新世纪〔burlesque〕To use the methods or techniques of burlesque.讽刺,嘲弄:运用滑稽可笑的方法或技巧美国传统〔doggerel〕Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous or burlesque nature.打油诗:多属幽默滑稽之作粗劣或无章法的诗美国传统〔extravaganza〕Music A light orchestral composition marked by freedom and diversity of form, often with burlesque elements.【音乐】 狂曲:一种轻管弦乐谱,以自由和形式的多样为标志,常含有滑稽或讽刺的因素美国传统〔low comedy〕Comedy characterized by slapstick, burlesque, and horseplay.低级喜剧:以动作打闹,杂耍,胡闹为特色的喜剧美国传统〔mock-heroic〕A satirical imitation or burlesque of the heroic manner or style.嘲弄地模仿英雄风格的作品:对英雄行为或风格的讽刺的模仿或戏谑美国传统〔olio〕Vaudeville or musical entertainment presented between the acts of a burlesque or minstrel show.音乐节目,综艺节目,杂耍:在滑稽剧或滑稽说唱团演出的幕间表演的杂耍和音乐娱乐节目美国传统〔second banana〕One who serves as the straight man opposite the leading comedian in a burlesque.(喜剧的)配角:在滑稽戏中充当喜剧主角演员助手的人美国传统〔striptease〕A performance, as in a burlesque act, in which a person slowly removes clothing, usually to musical accompaniment.脱衣舞:一种表演,如在滑稽歌舞表演中,表演者通常随音乐节奏缓慢地脱去衣物美国传统〔takeoff〕Informal An amusing imitative caricature or burlesque.【非正式用语】 一个滑稽的模仿性漫画或嘲弄美国传统〔top banana〕The main comic in a burlesque show.闹剧中的主要喜剧演员美国传统By taking bribes the judge made a burlesque of his high office. 那位法官受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位。译典通Her latest play features satire and burlesque.她最近的剧作充满讽刺与嘲弄。剑桥国际The novel is a burlesque of a Dickens work.这部小说是对狄更斯作品的一个讽刺。剑桥国际




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