

单词 两性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AC/DC〕Engaging in or practicing bisexuality.两性恋的,对两性都感兴趣的美国传统〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕We have made great strides towards equality between the sexes in legal status and rights. 我们在两性法律地位和权利平等方面已经取得长足进步。朗文写作活用〔Wolffian duct〕The embryonic duct of the mesonephros, which in the male becomes the vas deferens and in both sexes gives rise to the ureter.沃尔夫氏管,中肾管:中肾的胚胎导管,在雄性中变成输精管,在雌雄两性中都发育成输尿管美国传统〔ambisexual〕An ambisexual person or thing.两性人:具有两性特征的人或物体美国传统〔ambisexual〕Sexually attracted to either sex indiscriminately.双性的:受两性性吸引的,对两性都有性欲的美国传统〔amphimixis〕The union of the sperm and egg in sexual reproduction.两性融合,杂交繁育:在有性繁殖中精子和卵子的结合美国传统〔amphiphilic〕Of or relating to a molecule having a polar, water-soluble group attached to a nonpolar, water-insoluble hydrocarbon chain.两性分子的,两亲的:分子的或与其有关的,该分子可溶于水的偶极基附着在不溶于水的烃链上美国传统〔amphoteric〕Having the characteristics of an acid and a base and capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or a base.两性的:具有酸和碱的特征的,既能作为酸又能作为碱进行化学反应的美国传统〔angle〕The yellow press played up the sex angle.黄色报刊大肆渲染两性内容。英汉大词典〔antifeminist〕Characterized by ideas or behavior reflecting a disbelief in the economic, political, and social equality of the sexes.反女权主义的:观点或行为表现出不相信男女两性在经济、政治和社会方面平等的美国传统〔bipotentiality〕The capacity to function either as a male or a female.两性潜能:具有作为雄性和雌性功能的能力美国传统〔bipotentiality〕The condition of having both male and female reproductive organs; hermaphroditism.两性潜能:具有雌性和雄性生殖器官条件;雌雄同体美国传统〔bisexual〕A bisexual organism; a hermaphrodite.两性器官;雌雄同体美国传统〔bisexual〕A bisexual person.两性人美国传统〔bisexual〕Having both male and female reproductive organs; hermaphroditic.具有两性的:同有雄性和雌性生殖器官的;具有两性的美国传统〔bisexual〕Of or relating to both sexes.两性的:两性的或与两性有关的美国传统〔bi〕A bisexual person.两性人美国传统〔bi〕Bisexual.两性的美国传统〔carnal knowledge〕Sexual intercourse.性交:发生两性关系美国传统〔conclude〕Richardson concluded from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off.理查森从他的研究中得出结论,两性之间的平等仍有很长的路要走。朗文当代〔concourse〕All beings are probably produced by a similar mode of generation, depending on the concourse of the two sexes.所有生物很可能都以相似的方式繁育, 都依赖于两性的交合。外研社新世纪〔consistent〕These results were consistent between genders, and regardless of age and parent education level.这些结果在两性之间是一致的,与年龄及父母受教育程度无关。牛津搭配〔culmination〕Marriage is seen as the culmination of a successful relationship.婚姻被认为是成功两性关系的结果。外研社新世纪〔dissociate〕The war between the sexes should not result in their complete dissociation from one another.两性之间的对抗不应造成两者之间彻底的分裂。柯林斯高阶〔dissociation〕The war between the sexes should not result in their complete dissociation from one another.两性之间的对抗不应造成彼此的完全分裂。外研社新世纪〔dominate〕Women are no longer dominated by the men in their relationships.在两性关系中女性不再受制于男性。柯林斯高阶〔epicene〕One that is epicene.具有两性特征的人美国传统〔epicene〕Sexless; neuter.无两性特征的;中性的美国传统〔field〕I also conducted a field study among the boys about their attitude to relationships.我还对男孩子们进行了一项有关两性关系态度的实地调查。柯林斯高阶〔gender bender〕One who dresses or acts in an androgynous manner.两性的特征:一个人穿着或行为具有两性兼有的特征美国传统〔gender bender〕Something, such as a theatrical performance or a book, whose portrayal of gender roles is unexpectedly nontraditional or androgynous.两性特征的性格:某种事物,象一剧院演出或一本书,其中的性别角色的表演出乎意料地打破传统或兼有两性特征美国传统〔gender gap〕A disproportionate difference, as in attitudes and voting preferences, between the sexes.性别歧视:一种不合理的区别,如在态度和投票优先权中,介于两性之间美国传统〔go-round〕The first go-round with sex made the young girl suicidal.第一次两性关系上的不幸使这年轻姑娘痛不欲生。英汉大词典〔gynodioecious〕Having bisexual flowers on some plants and only female flowers on other plants of the same species.雌花两性花异株的:在同一种植物中,某些植株长有雌性和雄性两种花,而有些只有雌性花美国传统〔harmoniously〕To live together harmoniously as men and women is an achievement.两性能和睦相处就是一种成就。外研社新世纪〔hermaphrodite〕Cal is a hermaphrodite, born with both male and female sex organs.卡尔是阴阳人, 天生就有男女两性的性器官。外研社新世纪〔hermaphrodite〕One having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes.两性体:具有生殖器官和第二性征的许多特点的个体美国传统〔hermaphroditism〕The condition of being a hermaphrodite.雌雄同体:为两性体的状态美国传统〔heterogamous〕Botany Bearing male and female flowers.【植物学】 具两性花的:有雄性和雌性花的美国传统〔intersexual〕Existing or occurring between the sexes.两性间的:存在或发生于两性之间的美国传统〔irresponsibility〕Many people have an irresponsible attitude towards marriage and relationships.很多人对婚姻与两性关系持一种不负责任的态度。柯林斯高阶〔monoecious〕Botany Having unisexual reproductive organs or flowers, with the organs or flowers of both sexes borne on a single plant, as in corn and pines.【植物学】 雌雄同株的:有雌雄异花的繁殖器官和花朵,并且其两性的器官或花朵长在同一株植物上的,如玉米和松树美国传统〔monoicous〕Having archegonia and antheridia on the same plant; bisexual.雌雄同株的:在同一株植物上有颈卵器和精子囊的;两性的美国传统〔moralist〕He was a very stern moralist, who saw through the sexual hypocrisy of the Victorian aristocracy.他是个非常严格的道德家, 看穿了维多利亚时期贵族阶级在两性问题上的道貌岸然。外研社新世纪〔nudism〕The belief in or practice of going nude, especially in secluded, sexually mixed groups for reasons of health.裸体主义:信仰或实行裸体,尤指在隐蔽的两性混杂的群体中为了健康的原因美国传统〔politics〕Her art examines sexual politics (=how power is shared between men and women) .她的艺术作品审视了两性之间的权力之争。朗文当代〔prudish〕She was sexually not so much chaste as prudish.在两性关系方面她并不贞洁,只不过是表面正经而已。英汉大词典〔pseudohermaphrodite〕One that possesses the internal reproductive organs of one sex while exhibiting some of the external physical characteristics of the opposite sex.假两性体:内部有一个性别的生殖器官,而显出另一性别的外部身体特征的东西美国传统〔safety valve〕Being able to express emotion is a healthy safety valve for the relationship.对于两性关系而言,能够把情感表达出来是一种健康的排解方法。朗文当代〔sexual orientation〕The direction of one's sexual interest toward members of the same, opposite, or both sexes.性意向:一个人针对同性、异性或两性的性兴趣倾向美国传统〔sexual〕Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.性的:(有关、包含)性、性欲、两性或性器官、性功能的或其有这样特征的美国传统〔sex〕Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification.两性之一:这种分类中雌或雄两性中任一个美国传统〔twist〕The battle of the sexes also took a new twist.两性之争也出现了新的变数。柯林斯高阶〔unisex〕Elimination or absence of sexual distinctions, especially in dress.中性服装:消除或没有两性差别,尤指衣着上美国传统〔unnatural〕It is unnatural to keep the sexes apart.将男女两性分开是不正常的。外研社新世纪〔zwitterion〕A molecule carrying both a positive and a negative charge. 两性离子:带有正负电荷的分子美国传统American youth in the sixties were rather open about sex. 六十年代的美国青年对两性关系相当开放。译典通Improved child-care facilities would benefit both sexes, not just women.改善后的儿童保育设施对两性都有益,而不仅仅是妇女。剑桥国际




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