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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bid〕a desperate bid to free herself from a loveless marriage 为摆脱她那段没有爱情的婚姻而作出的不顾一切的努力朗文当代〔bulldoze〕bulldoze one's idea through all opposition 不顾一切反对使自己的意见强行通过英汉大词典〔fling〕to fling caution to the winds不顾一切;鲁莽行事21世纪英汉〔frantic〕a frantic dash/search/struggle 不顾一切的猛冲;疯狂的搜查╱斗争牛津高阶〔hell-bent〕young people who are hell-bent on having a good time 不顾一切要好好享受一番的青年人朗文当代〔press〕press ahead with expansion 不顾一切地继续扩张 英汉大词典〔quench〕a desperate bid to quench the raging flames 为扑灭熊熊大火而不顾一切的努力朗文当代〔save〕a last desperate attempt to save his marriage 他最后一次不顾一切挽救婚姻的努力牛津搭配〔stave off〕a desperate attempt to stave off defeat不顾一切避免失败外研社新世纪〔unrelenting〕an unrelenting opponent 不顾一切的对手朗文当代〔vindictiveness〕a vindictive woman desperate for revenge against the man who loved and left her. 不顾一切企图报复那个对自己始乱终弃的男人的女子柯林斯高阶〔washed up〕a fat, washed-up actress desperate to land another part一个不顾一切想找到角色扮演的肥胖过气女演员外研社新世纪




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