

单词 不露面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔captive〕The politician seemed a captive of hidden interests.那个政客看来是不露面的利益集团的工具。英汉大词典〔cop-out〕Not turning up was just a cop-out.不露面只不过是在逃避而已。牛津高阶〔course〕In the normal course of things we would not treat her disappearance as suspicious.在一般情况下,她不露面,我们也不会觉得有什么可疑之处。牛津高阶〔efface〕Shriley did her best to efface herself at parties.雪莉参加聚会时竭力不露面。21世纪英汉〔holed up〕If he had another well-stocked hideaway like this, he could stay holed up for months.如果他还有另一个储备如此充足的藏身之所,那他可以躲起来几个月不露面。柯林斯高阶〔lie〕He decided to lie low for a while after the report came out.报道出来以后他决定暂时不露面。朗文当代〔low〕He was lying low with her for a few days.他和她在一起好几天不露面了。外研社新世纪〔scarce〕To stay away; be absent or elusive.躲开:不露面;不出现或避开美国传统〔show〕There was always a chance he wouldn't show.他经常不露面。外研社新世纪〔sight〕She had to keep out of sight when her husband was holding a meeting.她在丈夫举行会议时只得避不露面。英汉大词典She's one of those film stars who pop up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.她是那些无处不露面的影星之一,在电视上,在杂志上,在百老汇。剑桥国际




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