

单词 不道德的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕Critics complain that the lyrics of the song encourage anti-social and immoral behavior. 评论家们批评说这首歌的歌词煽动了反社会与不道德的行为。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕I think keeping animals locked up in cages is criminal. 我认为把动物关在笼子里是不道德的行为。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕I was taught that abortion is wrong, even though it's not illegal. 人们教导我,堕胎虽然算不上犯法,但是不道德的。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕In many such stories, women are portrayed as untrustworthy and immoral. 在许多这一类的故事里,女人都被描绘成不可信任和不道德的人。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕Many people think that testing cosmetics on animals is immoral. 许多人认为用动物测试化妆品是不道德的。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕To spend £23 billion on nuclear weapons is immoral, and a terrible waste of money. 花费230亿英镑来购买核武器是不道德的,而且钱也浪费得惊人。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPROVE〕A lot of people now think that killing animals for food is wrong. 现在有很多人认为把动物杀了吃是不道德的。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕It would not be ethical for me, as a doctor, to talk to you about my patients. 我作为医生和你讲病人的事是不道德的。朗文写作活用〔abort〕Do you think it's wrong to use aborted foetuses for medical research? 你是否认为用流产的婴儿做医学研究是不道德的?剑桥高阶〔amoral〕Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.非道德范畴的:不承认道德差异或判断的;既非道德的也非不道德的美国传统〔amoral〕Science as such is completely amoral.因此,科学是完全谈不上道德或不道德的。文馨英汉〔bad〕He led a bad life.他过著不道德的生活。文馨英汉〔baggage〕A wanton or immoral woman.坏女人,婊子,娼妇:放肆的或不道德的妇女美国传统〔belief〕It is my (firm) belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.我(坚定)相信使用核武器是不道德的。剑桥高阶〔cad〕An unprincipled, ungentlemanly man.卑贱的人:不道德的,无教养的人美国传统〔club〕Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong.为了获得海豹皮而用棍棒打死幼海豹是不道德的。柯林斯高阶〔conscience money〕Money paid in compensation or atonement, as for a dishonest or morally objectionable act.忏悔金:作为补偿或偿还的钱物,例如因不诚实或不道德的行为引起的美国传统〔deceive〕Gullible shoppers are easily duped by unscrupulous advertisers.不坚定的消费者很容易被不道德的广告商蒙骗。美国传统〔dirty tricks〕Unethical behavior in politics, especially acts undertaken to destroy the credibility or reputation of an opponent.政客伎俩:政治中不道德的行为,尤指从事损害对手的信用度或名誉的行为美国传统〔dirt〕Unethical behavior or practice; corruption.堕落:不道德的行为;腐化美国传统〔dishonorable〕Lacking integrity; unprincipled.不正直的,不道德的美国传统〔ensure〕Unethical campaign tactics are often used to ensure victory in an election.选举中经常使用不道德的竞选手段, 以确保获得胜利。外研社新世纪〔ethical〕I don't think it's ethical for you to accept a job you know you can't do.我觉得接受一份自知无法胜任的工作是不道德的。朗文当代〔evil〕They condemned slavery as evil.他们谴责奴隶制是不道德的。朗文当代〔forbidden fruit〕An indulgence or a pleasure that is illegal or is believed to be immoral.禁果:非法的或认为不道德的放纵或肉体享乐美国传统〔godless〕Wicked, impious, or immoral.邪恶的:邪恶的,不虔诚的或不道德的美国传统〔hatchet man〕A man hired or assigned to carry out a disagreeable task or an unscrupulous order.心腹执事,亲信:被雇佣或分配去执行一项讨厌的任务或不道德的命令的人美国传统〔immorality〕An immoral act or practice.不道德的行为或事例美国传统〔immorality〕The quality or condition of being immoral.道德败坏:不道德的状态或性质美国传统〔immoral〕As a charity, I feel it is immoral to turn people away when they need help.我认为慈善机构拒绝需要帮助的人是不道德的。外研社新世纪〔immoral〕Contrary to established moral principles.不道德的:和既定的道德准则相违背的美国传统〔immoral〕Deliberately making people suffer is immoral.故意使人吃苦头是不道德的。朗文当代〔immoral〕Don't condemn her: there was nothing immoral about what she did.不要谴责她。她没有做什么不道德的事。韦氏高阶〔immoral〕He believes it's immoral to kill animals for food.他认为为食物而杀生是不道德的。麦克米伦高阶〔immoral〕He considered colonialism immoral.他认为殖民主义是不道德的。文馨英汉〔immoral〕He considered colonialism immoral.他认为殖民主义是不道德的。英汉大词典〔immoral〕It was immoral of her to tell lies like that.她那样撒谎是不道德的。韦氏高阶〔immoral〕It's an immoral tax, because the poor will pay relatively more.这是不道德的税收,因为穷人相对要付出更多。剑桥高阶〔immoral〕It's immoral to be rich while people are starving and homeless.当人们在挨饿、无家可归时你却很富有,这是不道德的。朗文当代〔immoral〕It's immoral to steal.偷盗是不道德的。牛津高阶〔impure〕Immoral or obscene.不道德的或猥亵的美国传统〔impurity〕A state of immorality; sin.不道德的状态;罪恶美国传统〔insinuate〕I just don't think it's right to bring a good man down by rumour and insinuation.我只是认为通过散播谣言与影射中伤的方式毁掉一个好人是不道德的。柯林斯高阶〔kill〕Many people believe that killing animals for sport is morally wrong.许多人认为以捕杀动物为乐是不道德的。麦克米伦高阶〔knave〕An unprincipled, crafty fellow.恶棍:不道德的狡猾的人美国传统〔malpractice〕Improper or unethical conduct by the holder of a professional or official position.渎职:专业人员或官员不良的或不道德的行为美国传统〔moral〕Their behavior was not moral.他们的行为是不道德的。韦氏高阶〔naughty〕Archaic Wicked; immoral.【古语】 邪恶的;不道德的美国传统〔opposing〕I have a friend who has the opposing view and felt that the war was immoral.我有一位朋友的看法截然不同,他认为这场战争是不道德的。柯林斯高阶〔ouster〕Law The act of forcing one out of possession or occupancy of material property to which one is entitled; illegal or wrongful dispossession.【法律】 剥夺:强迫有权占有或所有物质财富者放弃其占有或所有的行为;非法或不道德的剥夺美国传统〔pain〕It's wrong to inflict pain on any animal.伤害任何动物都是不道德的。牛津搭配〔perform〕It would probably be unethical to perform such experiments on humans.在人身上做这样的实验可能是不道德的。外研社新世纪〔premarital〕I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral.我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。柯林斯高阶〔reason〕He married her for all the wrong reasons.他出于不道德的动机娶了她。牛津搭配〔reform〕To cause (a person) to give up harmful or immoral practices; persuade to adopt a better way of life.使改过自新:使(某人)放弃对人有害的不道德的行为;劝导人采取更好的生活方式美国传统〔regard〕Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。牛津高阶〔root out〕Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out.必须杜绝任何不道德的事发生。柯林斯高阶〔rope〕An unscrupulous salesperson roped us into buying worthless property.一个不道德的推销员骗我们买毫无价值的房地产美国传统〔running〕Her role in Death and the Maiden, which put her in the running for the Laurence Olivier Award.她在电影《不道德的审判》中的演出使她很有希望获得劳伦斯·奥利弗奖柯林斯高阶〔scandalously〕They would be sacked for criminal or scandalous behaviour.若有犯罪或不道德的行为,他们就会被解雇。柯林斯高阶〔sinfulness〕He reminded us that smoking was sinful.他提醒我们吸烟是不道德的。柯林斯高阶〔sinful〕Dancing was believed to be sinful.跳舞曾被认为是不道德的。朗文当代〔sinful〕He reminded us that smoking was sinful.他提醒我们, 抽烟是不道德的。外研社新世纪〔sinful〕It is sinful to lie.说谎是不道德的。牛津高阶〔sport with〕It's unkind to sport with others' feelings.玩弄别人的感情是不道德的。21世纪英汉〔take〕What (或 Who(m)) do you take me for? 你把我看作什么人了? (系修辞问句,常在对方把自己看作傻瓜或不道德的人等时用)英汉大词典〔too〕Taking bribes is immoral. It's bad policy too! 受贿是不道德的,也是不明智的!麦克米伦高阶〔unconscionable〕To make people feel shame or guilt for being ill is unconscionable.让人们因为生病而感到羞耻和负疚是不道德的。剑桥高阶〔unethical〕It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.宣传推广如此危险的产品完全是不道德的。外研社新世纪〔unhallowed〕Not conforming to accepted ethical standards; immoral.不道德的,不合法的:不遵照可接受的宗教标准的;不道德的美国传统〔use〕Liz has always used people for her own ends.不诚实的;不道德的麦克米伦高阶〔vice〕An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit.不道德行为,恶习:邪恶的、堕落的或者不道德的行为或者习惯美国传统〔vicious〕Given to vice, immorality, or depravity.品行不良的:邪恶的、不道德的或者堕落的美国传统〔vicious〕Having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved.邪恶的:具有邪恶的本质的;恶毒的、不道德的或者堕落的美国传统〔waste〕Waste of food is wicked.浪费粮食是不道德的。 英汉大词典〔whore〕A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.不道德的人:为个人利益而妥协原则的人美国传统〔wicked〕It's wicked to tell lies.说谎话是不道德的。外研社新世纪〔worse〕People have done worse things.人们做过更不道德的事。韦氏高阶〔wrong〕Contrary to conscience, morality, or law; immoral or wicked.不道德的,不正当的:不合道德、良知或法律规则的;不道德的或邪恶的美国传统〔wrong〕Cruelty to animals is wrong.虐畜是不道德的。牛津同义词〔wrong〕He was wrong to steal.他偷窃是不道德的。牛津同义词〔wrong〕It is wrong to tell lies.说谎是不道德的。牛津高阶〔wrong〕It's wrong to tell lies.说谎是不道德的。英汉大词典〔wrong〕Something contrary to ethics or morality.不道德的事:有悖常理或道德的事美国传统〔wrong〕Stealing is wrong.偷窃是不道德的。韦氏高阶〔wrong〕They believe that making money out of prisons is morally wrong.他们认为利用监狱赚钱是不道德的。麦克米伦高阶It is immoral to treat animals as if they had no intrinsic value.对待动物好像它们没有本身的价值是不道德的。剑桥国际It is my (firm) belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.我(坚决)相信使用核武器是不道德的。剑桥国际It's an immoral tax because the poor will pay relatively more.这是不道德的税收,因为穷人相对地要付出更多。剑桥国际It's not kind to laugh at people with lisps.嘲笑口齿不清的人是不道德的。剑桥国际Of course it's immoral to cheat someone out of their money.骗人钱财当然是不道德的。剑桥国际Opinion polls showed that the public felt the decision was fundamentally wrong and immoral.民意测验表明,公众认为这个决定在根本上是错误的,不道德的。剑桥国际Robbing that old man was certainly a dirty deed.抢劫那位老人当然是不道德的行为。剑桥国际The company seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/ activities.公司看来曾卷入不道德的业务/活动。剑桥国际




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