

单词 严密
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accommodation〕secure accommodation for young offenders 严密看管的少年犯囚室朗文当代〔blacked-out〕blacked-out windows 严密遮蔽的窗户英汉大词典〔breakout〕a mass breakout from a top security prison 从防守高度严密的监狱的集体越狱牛津高阶〔close〕a close prisoner 被严密监禁的囚犯文馨英汉〔cold〕cold logic. 逻辑严密美国传统〔commitment〕a novel of plot and structure and commitment 一部情节动人、结构严密、主旨明确的小说英汉大词典〔exactitude〕the precision and exactitude of current genetic mapping当前遗传制图的精确性和严密性外研社新世纪〔exact〕an exact figure; an exact science. 精确的数字;一门严密的学科美国传统〔guard〕a prisoner under close guard. 受严密监视的犯人美国传统〔guard〕be under heavy guard 在严密的警卫下英汉大词典〔guard〕tightly guarded privacy 受到严密保护的隐私牛津搭配〔hard〕the hard sciences. 严密的科学美国传统〔hospital〕a top-security psychiatric hospital 保安措施非常严密的精神病院朗文当代〔knit〕a closely knitted argument严密的论点21世纪英汉〔lax〕in a lax way of speaking 用不严密的话说英汉大词典〔manage〕an exchange rate system that will be tightly managed by the central bank 受中央银行严密控制的汇率系统牛津搭配〔merciless〕the merciless efficiency of a modern police state现代极权国家严密无情的效率体系外研社新世纪〔nicety〕the nicety of his argument 他那论点的精确严密牛津高阶〔organized〕organized religion(= traditional religion followed by large numbers of people who obey a fixed set of rules) 组织严密的传统宗教信仰牛津高阶〔outlook〕a careful outlook to prevent forest fires 为防止森林火灾的严密守望英汉大词典〔regimented〕a regimented school/society/lifestyle 死板的学校/严密管制的社会/兵营式的生活方式剑桥高阶〔regiment〕lead a regimented life 过受到严密控制的兵营式生活英汉大词典〔rigid〕rigid reasoning 严密的推理英汉大词典〔rigorous〕a rigorous system of blood analysis严密的血液分析系统外研社新世纪〔rigour〕the logical rigour of mathematics 数学的严密逻辑性英汉大词典〔scrutiny〕pass the scrutiny of the guards 通过警卫的严密检查英汉大词典〔seamless〕a seamless service 严密周到的服务英汉大词典〔sharp〕keep a sharp lookout 严密监视英汉大词典〔squeeze〕put a squeeze on the city by strict inspection of entering transport 严密检查进城运输车辆对该市实行经济封锁英汉大词典〔stringency〕thanks to the stringency of the security多亏了严密的安全措施外研社新世纪〔stringency〕the stringency of a debater's argument 辩论者论点的严密性英汉大词典〔stringent〕a stringent argument 严密的论据英汉大词典〔subject〕to subject something to close examination.使某事受严密检查。牛津同义词〔tightknit〕a tightknit community 组织严密的社会英汉大词典〔tight〕tight controls.严密的控制。牛津同义词〔tight〕tight security 严密的安全措施剑桥高阶〔watch〕keep sb. under close watch 置某人于严密监视下 英汉大词典〔watertight〕a watertight alibi; a watertight contract. 无懈可击的借口;严密的合同美国传统〔watertight〕a watertight plan 严密的计划英汉大词典〔well-knit〕a well-knit group 组织严密的团体英汉大词典




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