

单词 一年
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔allow〕allow sb. £2000 a year 允许一年给某人2000英镑英汉大词典〔annual〕an annual event.一年一度的大事。牛津同义词〔annual〕an annual reunion 一年一度的团聚英汉大词典〔anywhere〕anywhere from a few weeks to a year 几星期至一年不等英汉大词典〔bang out〕factories that banged out the same product year after year. 年复一年滥造同样产品的工厂柯林斯高阶〔banner〕a banner year in sales 销路特旺的一年英汉大词典〔bearing〕three bearings in a year 一年三熟英汉大词典〔better〕better than a year 一年多英汉大词典〔carry〕an appliance carrying a full-year guarantee. 有一年保证期的器具美国传统〔continent〕travel on the Continent for a year 在欧洲大陆旅行一年英汉大词典〔cooling-off period〕a one-year cooling-off period before couples were granted a divorce夫妻被准许离异前为期一年的冷静期外研社新世纪〔deferment〕a one-year deferment on taking up his studies他的研究课题为期一年的延期外研社新世纪〔ensue〕the ensuing year 下一年英汉大词典〔equivalent〕a new car that costs the equivalent of a whole year's salary 一辆价格相当于一年工资收入的新车英汉大词典〔first〕students in their first year at college 大学一年级学生牛津高阶〔freshman〕during my freshman year 在我一年级期间牛津高阶〔freshman〕in my freshman year; a freshman senator. 我是新生那年;任期未满一年的议员美国传统〔graduate〕a year of graduate work 一年研究生课业英汉大词典〔growth〕a disappointing year of little growth in Britain and America 英美经济增长无几令人沮丧的一年牛津高阶〔jamboree〕the television industry's annual jamboree电视行业一年一度的狂欢外研社新世纪〔passing〕the passing of the old year 旧的一年的流逝剑桥高阶〔passing〕with every passing year 一年又一年韦氏高阶〔pollen〕the few weeks a year that corn pollen is shed 一年中玉米散落花粉的几周牛津搭配〔prize-giving〕the annual school prize-giving 学校一年一度的颁奖仪式朗文当代〔projection〕the company's projection of 11 million visitors for the first year公司对头一年1,100万游客的预测外研社新世纪〔race〕the annual boat race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities 牛津大学和剑桥大学一年一度的划艇比赛朗文当代〔remedial〕a young teacher who teaches a remedial class for first-graders 教一年级补习班的青年教师 英汉大词典〔second〕every second year. 每隔一年美国传统〔self-finance〕self-finance next year's development programme 为下一年度的发展规划自筹资金英汉大词典〔servable〕to serve a year in the Air Force在空军服役一年21世纪英汉〔short〕the shortest day of the year 一年中最短的一天韦氏高阶〔student〕first-year/final-year student 一年级/毕业班学生麦克米伦高阶〔uncertainty〕a year of economic uncertainty 经济不稳定的一年英汉大词典〔watershed〕a watershed year for Japan 对日本而言具有转折意义的一年牛津搭配〔year-long〕a year-long study of the problem 对该问题持续一年的研究朗文当代〔year-round〕an island with year-round sunshine 一年四季阳光灿烂的岛牛津高阶〔year〕the year that Kennedy died 肯尼迪遇害那一年朗文当代a biannual meeting 一年两次的会议牛津商务a year-long investigation/study 持续一年的调查/研究牛津商务the 25–35 age bracket (= people aged between 25 and 35) 25–35 岁这一年龄组别牛津商务




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