

单词 一局
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔billiards〕a game of billiards 一局枱球赛牛津高阶〔carry〕carry a game 胜一局英汉大词典〔cricket〕a game of cricket 一局板球比赛麦克米伦高阶〔declaration〕following the Indians' overnight first innings declaration at 512 for 6继印度队夜场赛第一局以6回合512分提前判定结束后外研社新世纪〔exhausted〕exhausted after a hard game.苦战一局之后感到筋疲力尽。牛津同义词〔game〕a game of tennis一局网球赛外研社新世纪〔game〕lose the first game 输了第一局英汉大词典〔guard〕a threat to the country's jealously guarded unity. 对该国珍惜维护的统一局面的威胁柯林斯高阶〔hand〕a hand of poker. 一局牌美国传统〔roll〕roll a 275 game 滚一局得275分 英汉大词典〔round〕play a round of bridge 打一局桥牌 英汉大词典〔runless〕a runless game of cricket 一局未得分的板球比赛英汉大词典〔shell〕shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning. 在第一局投手就让对手打出了八次安打美国传统〔snooker〕a game of snooker. 一局斯诺克比赛柯林斯高阶〔take〕take the first set 6-3 以6比3赢(网球赛)第一局英汉大词典〔whist〕long [short] whist 以十分[五分]为一局的牌戏文馨英汉〔win〕a 6-2 win over (或against) sb. 以6比2赢某人一局英汉大词典




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