

单词 不和谐
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acciaccatura〕A short grace note one half step below a principal note, sounded immediately before or at the same time as the principal note to add sustained dissonance.短倚音:比主音符低半拍的一种短轻的音符,响起来主音符紧随其后或同时发出以增加持续的不和谐音美国传统〔cacophony〕The use of harsh or discordant sounds in literary composition, as for poetic effect.突变音:文艺创作中为获得诗意效果而运用的刺耳的或不和谐的声音美国传统〔caterwaul〕A shrill, discordant sound.尖声:尖厉,不和谐的声音美国传统〔caterwaul〕To make a shrill, discordant sound.发出尖声:发出尖厉的、不和谐的声音美国传统〔discordant〕Disagreeable in sound; harsh or dissonant.声音不和谐的;刺耳的,不调和美国传统〔discordant〕The contemporary dialogue struck a slightly discordant note.对话显得略微有些不和谐。剑桥高阶〔discord〕A note of discord has crept into relations between the two countries.两国关系中悄然出现了不和谐的音符。剑桥高阶〔discord〕I don't want to introduce a note of discord into the evening.我不想给今晚掺入任何一丝不和谐的因素。外研社新世纪〔discord〕Music Inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; dissonance.【音乐】 不协和:同时发出各种声音的不和谐的混合;不协和美国传统〔discord〕The song ends on a discord.这首歌曲以不和谐之音结束。韦氏高阶〔disharmonious〕Lacking in harmony.不协调的,不和谐的美国传统〔disharmonize〕To make disharmonious.使不协调,使不和谐美国传统〔disharmony〕Lack of harmony; discord.不协调;不和谐,不一致美国传统〔disharmony〕She noted the disharmony between John and his wife.她注意到约翰跟他太太之间的不和谐。文馨英汉〔disharmony〕The choir sang in perfect disharmony.唱诗班唱得一点不和谐。英汉大词典〔disparity〕Unlikeness; incongruity.不同;不和谐美国传统〔dissonance〕A harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord.不和谐的声音:刺耳的、不和谐的混合声音;不调和美国传统〔dissonance〕Her comments have created a certain dissonance.她的评论造成了一定的不和谐。外研社新世纪〔dissonance〕Lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; conflict.不和谐,不协调,不一致;冲突美国传统〔dissonancy〕Dissonance.不和谐音,不协调,不协和音美国传统〔dissonant〕Harsh and inharmonious in sound; discordant.不悦耳的:声音刺耳且不和谐的;不和谐的美国传统〔incongruity〕Lack of congruence.不和谐:缺少一致性美国传统〔inconsonant〕Lacking harmony, agreement, or compatibility; discordant.不协调、不一致的或不和谐的;差异的美国传统〔inharmonic〕Not harmonic; discordant.不协调的;不和谐的美国传统〔inharmonious〕Not in harmony; discordant.不和谐的;不协调的美国传统〔jangle〕To cause to make a harsh, discordant sound.引发噪音:引发出刺耳的、不和谐的声音美国传统〔jarring〕The most jarring notes were struck by Putin and Israeli President Moshe Katsav.普京和以色列总统摩西•卡察夫发出了最不和谐的声音。外研社新世纪〔jar〕Harsh or grating sound; discord.刺耳的声音:刺耳的碰撞声或摩擦声;不和谐美国传统〔off-key〕The band sounded slightly off-key.乐队的演奏听起来稍有点不和谐。朗文当代〔preparation〕The anticipation of a dissonant tone by means of its introduction as a consonant tone in the preceding chord.准备调:将不和谐音作为和谐音引入前一和弦以此来调和该不和谐音美国传统〔prepare〕Music To lead up to and soften (a dissonance or its impact) by means of preparation.【音乐】 调(音):通过准备调渐渐引入并柔和(不和谐音及其冲击)美国传统〔resolve〕Music To cause (a tone or chord) to progress from dissonance to consonance.【音乐】 使变和谐:使(音调或和弦)从不和谐向和谐发展美国传统〔stormy petrel〕One who brings discord or appears at the onset of trouble; a rebel.惹麻烦的人:给他人带来不和谐或在麻烦开始时出现者;叛逆者美国传统〔suspension〕The prolongation of one or more tones of a chord into a following chord to create a temporary dissonance.悬留法:把一和弦内的一个或几个音符延长至下一和弦以制造暂时的不和谐音美国传统〔tuneless〕Deficient in melody; not tuneful.不悦耳的;不和谐的美国传统〔zany〕Comical because of incongruity or strangeness; bizarre.荒唐可笑的:因为不和谐和怪异而滑稽可笑的;异乎寻常的美国传统Almost all major purchases result in cognitive dissonance.几乎所有的大额购物都会导致认知不和谐。牛津商务Modern classical music just sounds discordant to me.现代的古典音乐在我听来就是不和谐。剑桥国际The discord of his music was hard on the ear. 他演奏的不和谐音很刺耳。译典通The musical interludes don't really fit in with the rest of the play.穿插的音乐片段与这部剧的其余部分并不和谐。剑桥国际The town's new buildings clash harshly with the medieval harmony of its old churches.镇上的新建筑同中世纪协调的古教堂极不和谐。剑桥国际




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