

单词 不吸
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BACK〕The rear carriage of the train is reserved for non-smokers. 火车后面的车厢是专门留给不吸烟的乘客的。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕He neither drinks nor takes drugs. 他既不喝酒又不吸毒。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Researchers found that smokers were more likely to get depressed than non-smokers. 研究人员发现吸烟者比起不吸烟的人更容易情绪沮丧。朗文写作活用〔bug light〕An outdoor electric light that gives off a usually yellow illumination designed not to attract insects.驱虫灯:为不吸引昆虫而通常发黄光的户外电灯美国传统〔cap〕The report caps a ten-year study of lung cancer among nonsmokers.这个报告圆满完成了对不吸烟人群患肺癌者的长达十年的研究。韦氏高阶〔cataract〕In one study, light smokers were found to be more than twice as likely to get cataracts as non-smokers.一项研究发现, 偶尔吸烟者患白内障的可能性是不吸烟者的两倍以上。外研社新世纪〔clichéd〕The movie's characters are clichéd and uninteresting.这部影片里的人物都很老套,不吸引人。韦氏高阶〔conclusively〕A new study proved conclusively that smokers die younger than non-smokers.一项新的研究确切证明了吸烟者比不吸烟者死得早。外研社新世纪〔conclusively〕A new study proved conclusively that smokers die younger than non-smokers.一项新的研究确证了吸烟者比不吸烟者死得早。柯林斯高阶〔cruel〕For a non-smoker, healthy and active, it was a cruel blow.这对于一个从不吸烟、身体健康而又充满活力的人来说是一个残酷的打击。外研社新世纪〔differentiation〕You don't make any differentiation between a girl who smokes and a girl who doesn't smoke.吸烟和不吸烟的女孩, 你都一视同仁。外研社新世纪〔discourage〕Smoking is actively discouraged in the university.该大学积极倡导不吸烟。牛津搭配〔do drugs〕I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.我不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吸毒。韦氏高阶〔do〕He doesn't drink or do drugs, but he smokes.他不喝酒也不吸毒,但他抽烟。麦克米伦高阶〔do〕He doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs.他不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吸毒。牛津高阶〔do〕I don't do drugs.我不吸毒。剑桥高阶〔do〕I don't do drugs.我不吸毒。外研社新世纪〔drug〕He does not smoke or take drugs.他既不抽烟也不吸毒。牛津高阶〔drug〕I don't do drugs and I've never done drugs in my life.我不吸毒, 我的一生中也从未沾染毒品。外研社新世纪〔drug〕I don't do drugs(= use them).我不吸毒。牛津高阶〔drug〕I don't drink, and I don't do drugs .我不喝酒,也不吸毒。朗文当代〔drug〕She never drugs.她从不吸毒。21世纪英汉〔filthy〕I've never smoked - it's a filthy habit.我从不吸烟,那是一个极坏的习惯。剑桥高阶〔graceless〕Her writing can be graceless and awkward at times.有时候她的文章不吸引人而且冗赘。韦氏高阶〔grimness〕The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.这座城市最初可能并不吸引人,但是它有一种生机和活力。柯林斯高阶〔hammer〕Events like the hammer and the discus are not traditional crowd-pullers in the West.链球和铁饼这样的比赛项目在西方历来都不吸引观众。外研社新世纪〔ill-shapen〕Unattractive, deformed, or distorted in shape; misshapen.难看的:不吸引人的,畸型的,形状怪异的;奇形怪状的美国传统〔indigestion〕Inability to digest or difficulty in digesting something, especially food.不消化,不吸收:对某事物,尤指食物,不能消化吸收或消化吸收有困难美国传统〔je ne sais quoi〕Although he's not conventionally attractive, he has a certain je ne sais quoi that makes him popular with the ladies.尽管从传统意义上讲他并不吸引人,但他身上有种说不清的气质让他很受女士们青睐。剑桥高阶〔knowledge〕Did Leanne take drugs?—Not to our knowledge.利安娜吸毒吗?——据我所知, 不吸。外研社新世纪〔last〕Can you last a whole day without cigarettes? 一整天不吸烟你受得了吗?韦氏高阶〔learn〕Even after all his health problems, he's still eating and drinking too much. Some people never learn.即使已经出现各种健康问题,他仍在暴饮暴食。有些人就是从不吸取教训。韦氏高阶〔midlist〕The portion of a publisher's list of new or current titles made up of books expected to have less popular appeal than the frontlist.次畅销书目:出版商所出版的新书中预期较可能畅销书不受欢迎或不吸引人的部分美国传统〔moderately〕I don't smoke and I drink only moderately.我不吸烟,酒量也一般。柯林斯高阶〔non-smoker〕Nobody will be allowed to smoke in an office if there are non-smokers present.如果有不吸烟的人在场, 任何人不得在办公室里吸烟。外研社新世纪〔non-smoker〕Nobody will be allowed to smoke in an office if there are non-smokers present.如果有不吸烟的人在场,任何人不得在办公室吸烟。柯林斯高阶〔non-smoking〕She's a non-smoking, non-drinking fitness fanatic.她是一个不吸烟、不喝酒、热爱健美的人。牛津高阶〔non-smoking〕Smokers are often unpopular with their non-smoking colleagues.不吸烟的人常常不欢迎吸烟的同事。麦克米伦高阶〔non-smoking〕The fertility of women who smoke is half that of non-smoking women.吸烟女士的生育能力是不吸烟女士的一半。柯林斯高阶〔non-〕Children of smokers are more likely to start smoking than are children of non-smokers.吸烟者的子女比不吸烟者的子女更有可能会抽烟。柯林斯高阶〔omnivore〕One that takes in everything available, as with the mind.无所不吸收的人:对于所能获得的东西一概吸收的人,如用心智吸收美国传统〔or〕He never smokes or drinks.他从不吸烟,也不喝酒。英汉大词典〔pair up〕Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as room-mates.吸烟者和不吸烟者被安排住在一起。外研社新世纪〔pair up〕Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates.吸烟者和不吸烟者被配对儿成为室友。柯林斯高阶〔passive smoking〕The involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke by a person, especially a nonsmoker, who occupies an area with smokers or a smoker.被动吸烟,吸二手烟:尤指不吸烟者与一群吸烟者或一个吸烟者同处一块区域时的被动吸烟美国传统〔pregnant〕My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.我母亲怀孕后就不吸烟了。剑桥高阶〔shake〕If I don't smoke, I get the shakes .我要是不吸烟就会浑身哆嗦。朗文当代〔significantly〕People who smoke have a significantly greater risk of developing lung cancer than people who don't.吸烟的人患肺癌的风险比不吸烟的人要大得多。韦氏高阶〔smoke〕I don't smoke and I don't drink much.我不吸烟,酒也喝得不多。朗文当代〔smoking〕The campaign aims to reduce teen smoking.此项活动的目的是让更多的青少年不吸烟。牛津搭配〔statistical〕Statistical evidence indicates smokers are more likely to get lung cancer than nonsmokers.统计证据表明,吸烟者比不吸烟者更容易患肺癌。韦氏高阶〔straight-edged〕Being straight-edged, I don't drink or take drugs.我生活很健康, 不喝酒也不吸毒。外研社新世纪〔straight〕I wish I had some dope. I haven't been straight this long in years.我真希望有些麻醉剂。几年来我还不曾这么长时间不吸毒。英汉大词典〔take〕Waxed paper will not take ink.蜡纸不吸墨水。21世纪英汉〔unappealing〕Not appealing to the senses, as in appearance, taste, or aroma.不吸引人的:形象,味道或气味不吸引人的美国传统〔unclog〕Not smoking can actually unclog arteries.不吸烟居然有助于使动脉通畅。外研社新世纪〔unprepossessing〕He was externally very unprepossessing.他的外表很不吸引人。英汉大词典〔used to〕He didn't use to smoke.他以前不吸烟。韦氏高阶〔use〕You'll find that most people that don't use heroin don't like people that do.你会发现绝大多数不吸海洛因的人都不喜欢吸食者。外研社新世纪〔wasted〕The cigars are a bit wasted on me since I don't smoke.雪茄给我算是浪费了, 因为我不吸烟。外研社新世纪〔well〕He doesn't smoke or drink, and he eats well.他不吸烟不喝酒,并且饮食得当。韦氏高阶I'd run out of cigarettes and was reduced to smoking the butts left in the ashtrays.我没有香烟,不得不吸烟灰缸里的烟头。剑桥国际I'm not physically/sexually attracted to/by him.他在肉体上/性魅力上不吸引我。剑桥国际Many doctors believe that cigarette smoking is the most preventable cause of heart attacks.很多医生相信最能防止心脏病突发的办法就是不吸烟。剑桥国际Mr Singh has taken a Sikh vow to lead a pure life, and not to drink, smoke or eat meat.辛格先生发了锡克教的誓言,过纯洁的生活,不吸烟,不喝酒,不吃肉。剑桥国际My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.我母亲怀孕后不吸烟了。剑桥国际Non-smokers are less likely to contract lung cancer than smokers.不吸烟者感染肺癌的可能性要比吸烟者小。剑桥国际Non-smoking vegetarian wanted to share house with two female students.不吸烟的素食者想和两名女生共住这座房子。剑桥国际She always wears such cheap, graceless (= unattractive) clothes.她总是穿着这样廉价而不吸引人的衣服。剑桥国际She thinks straight people are much less interesting than druggies.她认为不吸毒的人远不及吸毒者有意思。剑桥国际Smoking is such an anti-social behaviour when you're in a room full of non-smokers.在一个满是不吸烟者的房间里,抽烟就是一种有损公德的行为。剑桥国际The school playing / football / hockey / rugby field was a windy, uninviting place.学校运动/足球/曲棍球/橄榄球场是个风大而且不吸引人的地方。剑桥国际




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