

单词 上型
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔laptop〕A microcomputer small enough to use on one's lap.膝上型电脑,便携式电脑:小得足以放在膝盖上使用小型计算机美国传统〔palmtop〕A computer that is small enough to fit in the palm of one's hand.掌上型计算机:小到可置于掌中的计算机美国传统As desktop PC sales have fallen, laptops have taken up the slack.随着枱式个人电脑销售额的下降,膝上型电脑的销售额反之上升。牛津商务Both handhelds are compact and have legible screens.两台掌上型电脑小巧精致,而且有清晰的屏幕。牛津商务He threw away his laptop after three months and replaced it with a new one.他用了三个月之后就扔掉了自己的膝上型电脑并换了一台新的。牛津商务I docked my portable and started work.我将我的膝上型电脑接入扩展坞并开始工作。牛津商务I have a laptop as a standby in case my computer crashes.万一我的计算机崩溃了,我另外还有一台膝上型电脑备用。牛津商务I need to power up my laptop.我得给膝上型电脑充电。牛津商务I need to recharge the batteries in my laptop.我需要给我的膝上型电脑电池充电。牛津商务It was a run-of-the-mill laptop.这是一台普通的膝上型电脑。牛津商务It's one of the best laptops on the market.这是市面上最好的膝上型电脑之一。牛津商务Laptop computers may in the future outsell desktops.膝上型电脑枱的销售量在未来可能超过台式电脑。牛津商务The casings of desktop computers are basically made by the extrusion of aluminums. 桌上型电脑的机壳基本上是用铝挤压成型的方式做成的。译典通This laptop has a weight of just 4 kilos.这台膝上型电脑只有 4 公斤重。牛津商务This laptop weighs under 4 pounds.这台膝上型电脑重量不到 4 磅。牛津商务We pooled our savings and bought a desk-top computer. 我们用积蓄合资买了一台桌上型电脑。译典通You get more bang for your buck with a desktop than with a laptop.买枱式机比买膝上型电脑更合算。牛津商务




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