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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔From that point on〕The temperature will rise to 33 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point the ice will begin to melt.气温将上升到33华氏度,在这个温度冰会开始融化。韦氏高阶〔INCREASE〕By mid-day, the temperature had already risen to 40 degrees. 到中午气温已经上升到40度。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Temperatures soared into the nineties. 温度迅速上升到九十几度。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The cost of the new building has escalated to a worrying level. 新大楼的建筑成本已上升到了让人担忧的地步。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The original estimate of $500 million has now climbed to a staggering $1300 million. 原来的估计是5亿美元,现已上升到令人咋舌的13亿美元。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The number of teachers taking early retirement rose from 7,574 to 12,343 during the same period. 同一时期,提前退休的教师人数从7,574名上升到了12,343名。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Import quotas may rise from the present ceiling of 18.5 million to 20 million. 进口配额可能会从目前1,850万的上限上升到2000万。朗文写作活用〔UNUSUAL〕The level of the sea rose till it was extraordinarily high. 海平面上升到了不寻常的高度。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The road climbs steadily, reaching 6,000 feet after 18 miles. 这条路逐渐变陡,18英里后上升到6,000英尺。朗文写作活用〔balance of trade〕The deficit in Britain's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2,100 million pounds.英国3月份的贸易逆差上升到了21亿英镑以上。外研社新世纪〔boiling point〕He sensed he had reached his boiling point.他感到自己愤怒的情绪已经上升到了极点。韦氏高阶〔bubble〕The figure bubbled up to 21 million.数字迅速上升到2100万。英汉大词典〔catapult〕The publicity catapulted her CD to the top of the charts.广告宣传使她的唱片迅速上升到排行榜首位。韦氏高阶〔climb〕The book climbed steadily to number one on the New York Times bestseller list.这本书稳稳上升到《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的第一位。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕The book has climbed to number 2 on the bestsellers list.这本书已经上升到畅销书排行榜的第2位。韦氏高阶〔climb〕The divorce rate had climbed to almost 30% of all marriages.离婚率已经上升到了婚姻总数的近30%。朗文当代〔climb〕The plane rapidly climbed up above the clouds.飞机很快就上升到云层上方。韦氏高阶〔climb〕The song climbed to number 2 in the US charts.这首歌曲在美国流行唱片排行榜上升到了第二位。朗文当代〔climb〕The team has now climbed to fourth in the league.这支队现已上升到联赛的第四名。牛津高阶〔climb〕Unemployment has climbed from two million to three million.失业人数已经从 200 万上升到了 300 万。牛津搭配〔climb〕We left before the temperature began its daily climb to 30 degrees.我们在气温上升到日常的30度之前就离开了。麦克米伦高阶〔count〕The official government count has now risen to eight million.政府的官方统计数字现已上升到800万。外研社新世纪〔death toll〕The day after the explosion the death toll had risen to 90.爆炸后的第二天死亡人数已上升到了90人。剑桥高阶〔death toll〕The death toll is expected to rise to over 500.预计死亡人数将上升到500以上。外研社新世纪〔dividend〕The dividend should rise to 5 cents.红利应上升到每股 5 分。牛津搭配〔elevation〕The road climbs steadily to an elevation of 1400 feet.公路缓缓上升到海拔 1400 英尺。朗文当代〔flood〕The water has risen to flood level.水位已上升到了洪水警戒线。韦氏高阶〔fourfold〕Profits rose fourfold.利润上升到原来的四倍。朗文当代〔fuel〕Average fuel consumption has gone from 34 to 37mpg.平均油耗已经从每加仑34英里上升到每加仑37英里。外研社新世纪〔giddy〕Further west, the Downs swing inland and rise to the giddy height of 836 ft.再往西, 唐斯丘陵向内陆延伸, 上升到836英尺的傲人高度。外研社新世纪〔graduate〕From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows.她很快就从拍商业广告上升到拍电视节目。柯林斯高阶〔height〕She rose to undreamed-of heights of power and fame.她的权力和声望上升到她做梦都想不到的高度。牛津搭配〔height〕The balloon reached a height of 20 000 feet.气球上升到 2 万英尺的高度。牛津搭配〔highflying〕Rising to a great height.上升到相当的高度美国传统〔holding〕That would increase Olympia & York's holding to 35%.那样就会使奥林匹亚约克公司的股份上升到35%。柯林斯高阶〔leapfrog〕They leapfrogged from ninth place to second place.他们从第9名一越上升到第2名。麦克米伦高阶〔leapfrog〕They've leapfrogged from third to first place.他们已经从第三位上升到了第一位。剑桥高阶〔level〕Prices have risen to a new level.价格已经上升到一个新高度。韦氏高阶〔lift〕The act or process of rising or raising to a higher position.上升:上升到或上升到较高位置的动作或过程美国传统〔mercury〕With the mercury climbing to 40 degrees, beaches and pools will be crowded this afternoon.随着气温上升到40度,今天下午海滩和游泳池都会人满为患。剑桥高阶〔modestly〕Swiss unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7%.瑞士的失业率上升到了0.7%,这个百分比仍然不算太高。柯林斯高阶〔mount〕The temperature mounted into the 90s.温度上升到90多度。21世纪英汉〔move〕A win will move the team into second place.一场胜利将会让球队的排名上升到第二位。韦氏高阶〔nudge〕The temperatures are nudging up into the eighties.温度正逐步上升到80多度。麦克米伦高阶〔number〕This brings the total number of children to 12.这使孩子们的总数上升到12人。麦克米伦高阶〔number〕Today's case brings the number of successful prosecutions in the region to (=makes the number rise to) thirty-four.今天的案件使本地区成功起诉的案件数上升到 34 起。朗文当代〔plane〕The poet's treatment of the subject lifts it to a mystical plane.诗人对该题材的处理使它上升到了一个玄妙的高度。剑桥高阶〔plus〕The weather improved a little and temperatures rose to plus 5 degrees.天气稍微有些好转,气温上升到零上5度。麦克米伦高阶〔puny〕The party's share of the vote rose from a puny 13 percent in the last election to 21 percent this time.该党的得票率从上次选举中可怜的13%上升到这次的21%。剑桥高阶〔rate〕Australia's unemployment rate rose to 6.5% in February.2 月份,澳大利亚的失业率上升到了 6.5%。朗文当代〔readership〕Its readership has grown to over 15,000 subscribers.它的订阅人数上升到了15,000多人。柯林斯高阶〔reef〕A strip or ridge of rocks, sand, or coral that rises to or near the surface of a body of water.礁,暗礁:上升到水面或接近水面的条状或脊状岩石、泥沙或珊瑚美国传统〔rise to〕The yield of rice will rise to 700 kilograms per mu.水稻的产量将上升到每亩700公斤。21世纪英汉〔rise〕Inflation rose from 2% to 5% last year.去年通货膨胀率从 2% 上升到 5%。牛津搭配〔rise〕Profits rose from £842,000 to £1.82m.利润从84.2万英镑上升到182万英镑。外研社新世纪〔rise〕Smoke was rising up into the air.那时烟正上升到空中。韦氏高阶〔rocket〕The relationship rocketed him to a position near the top of the state hierarchy.这种关系使他的地位迅速上升到接近国家统治集团的最上层。英汉大词典〔scale〕Our company has a scale of salaries that begins at $9,000 a year and goes up to $60,000.我们公司的薪资表由一年九千美元起始,而上升到六万美元。文馨英汉〔second〕They climbed to second place in the League.他们在联赛中的排名上升到了第二位。朗文当代〔share price〕The company's share price has risen to £10 a share.公司的股票价格已经上升到每股10英镑。外研社新世纪〔soar〕The temperature in the south will soar into the hundreds.南方的气温将上升到百度以上。外研社新世纪〔soar〕The temperature in the south will soar into the hundreds.南方的温度会上升到一百多度。柯林斯高阶〔spiral〕Crime has begun to spiral out of control in the capital.首都的犯罪情况开始急剧上升到失控的地步。麦克米伦高阶〔spoil〕Food will spoil if the temperature in your freezer rises above 8?C.如果冰柜的温度上升到 8 摄氏度以上,食物就会变质。朗文当代〔spot〕The team has no chance of a spot in the top five.该队没有机会上升到前5名。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕Housing starts rose to an annual rate of 1.8 million units.住房动工数上升到了每年平均180万套。英汉大词典〔temperature〕In summer, the temperature can rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.夏天气温可上升到 120 华氏度。朗文当代〔temperature〕The temperature will rise steadily to a maximum of about 18°C this afternoon.今天下午的气温将逐步上升到18摄氏度左右。麦克米伦高阶〔toll〕The death toll has risen to 83.死亡人数已上升到 83 人。朗文当代〔top〕She rose to the top of her profession within ten years.不到 10 年她就上升到了职业顶峰。牛津搭配〔top〕To go over the top of.上升到顶部;超过顶部美国传统〔to〕The temperature outside rose to 100 degrees.室外温度上升到了100华氏度。韦氏高阶〔to〕Unemployment has risen to almost eight million.失业人数已经上升到了差不多800万。剑桥高阶〔unacceptable〕Inflation has been rising to unacceptable levels.通货膨胀已上升到令人无法接受的水平。外研社新世纪〔upwelling〕A process in which cold, often nutrient-rich waters from the ocean depths rise to the surface.上升流:冷而营养丰富的海水由海洋底部上升到表面的过程美国传统〔up〕The temperature went up to 35°C.气温上升到了 35 摄氏度。牛津高阶〔vote〕The Greens increased their share of the vote from 2.9 to 4.9%.绿党选票从 2.9% 上升到了 4.9%。朗文当代〔way〕We managed to pull ourselves all the way from 12th place to first place.我们设法从第12名一直上升到第一名。剑桥高阶〔zoom〕The temperature zoomed to a hundred and fifteen in the shade.荫凉处的温度飞快上升到115度。英汉大词典Italy's unemployment rate rose to twelve per cent of the labour force in July.意大利七月份的失业率上升到劳动力的百分之十二。剑桥国际Lending by banks and building societies rose to €4.9 billion last year.去年由银行和房屋互助协会发放的贷款上升到 49 亿欧元。牛津商务Literacy in the country has increased, with the literate proportion of the population rising to 52.1% from 43.6% a decade ago.该国文化水平已经得到提高,人口中有文化的比例已从十年前的43.6%上升到52.1% 。剑桥国际My car goes from zero ( esp. Br also nought) to 60 mph in 4 seconds.我的汽车在4秒钟之内时速从0上升到60英里。剑桥国际Oil prices rose to $60 a barrel.石油价格上升到每桶 60 美元。牛津商务Our toothpaste's value share has improved from 48% to 50%.我们牙膏的市场价值份额从 48% 上升到了 50%。牛津商务The country's debt service ratio has jumped to 31%.这个国家的外债清偿率已上升到 31 %。牛津商务The death toll has risen to 200. 死亡人数已上升到两百人。译典通The installed base of PCs in India rose to 5 million units last month.个人电脑在印度的总使用数量上月上升到 500 万台。牛津商务The manufacturing sector index jumped to 4.9 in December.制造业指数 12 月上升到 4.9。牛津商务The number of job-hunters rose to 3.5 million in January.一月份的求职者人数上升到 350 万。牛津商务The number of people unemployed has risen by 67 000 since bottoming in April.自从四月的最低点以来,失业人数已上升到 67 000 人。牛津商务The poet's treatment of the subject lifts it to a mystical plane.诗人对该题材的处理使它上升到了一个玄妙的高度。剑桥国际The share price rose to $1.94 from a finish of $1.81 yesterday.股价从昨天收盘时的 1.81 元上升到了 1.94 元。牛津商务The song went from tenth to second place in the charts.这首歌在排名表上从第十位上升到第二位。剑桥国际The submarine rose sleekly above the waves.潜水艇平稳地上升到水面。剑桥国际Their profits climbed from $12.7 million to $185.7 million.他们的利润从 1 270 万元上升到 1.857 亿元。牛津商务Unemployment has risen to almost eight million.失业人口已经上升到了差不多8百万。剑桥国际Unemployment rose to 10% and then levelled off.失业率上升到10%,然后保持在这一程度。剑桥国际Wheat prices in Chicago have risen to $3.20 a bushel, the highest for a year.芝加哥的小麦价格已上升到3.20美元一蒲式耳,全年中的最高价。剑桥国际With the mercury climbing to 40 degrees, beaches and pools will be crowded this afternoon.随着气温上升到40度,今天下午海滩与游泳池将会挤满人群。剑桥国际




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