

单词 不一致
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕The Prime Minister has been criticized for being out of step with the British people. 首相因为与英国人民的思想不一致而受到批评。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕The two sides are still at odds over a pay increase for airline pilots. 在航空公司驾驶员的加薪问题上,双方意见仍然不一致。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕Charging these very high fines is hardly consistent with your policy of "user-friendly banking'. 收取这些高额的罚金,与你们“银行业务方便用户”的政策很不一致。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Steve wasn't walking in step with the rest of the class. 史蒂夫跟班里其他同学的脚步不一致。朗文写作活用〔accord with sth〕His version of events does not accord with witnesses' statements.他对事件的说法和目击者们的陈述不一致。剑桥高阶〔acquittal〕The first trial ended in a hung jury, the second in acquittal.第一次审判因为陪审团意见不一致而未能作出裁定,第二次审判以宣判无罪告终。剑桥高阶〔agree〕My father and I don't agree about/on very much.在很多问题上,父亲和我意见都不一致。剑桥高阶〔agree〕The two statements just don't agree.这两种说法就是不一致。外研社新世纪〔agree〕This bill doesn't agree with my calculations.这个账单和我的计算结果不一致。外研社新世纪〔agree〕We both added the figures up, but our answers didn’t agree.我们都加了这些数字, 可是彼此的答案不一致。牛津同义词〔agree〕We haven't agreed about where to go.我们对于去哪里意见还不一致。外研社新世纪〔ambiguity〕There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech.她的发言有几处前后不一致和含混不清。牛津高阶〔among〕European farm ministers disagree among themselves.欧洲各国的农业部长之间意见不一致。柯林斯高阶〔apparent〕It should be apparent to any reader that there are several inconsistencies.有几处不一致的地方对读者来说是显而易见的。麦克米伦高阶〔assort〕His actions do not assort with his promises.他的行动和他的诺言不一致。英汉大词典〔at variance〕His current statements are completely at variance with his earlier position.他现在的说法和之前的立场完全不一致。韦氏高阶〔casting vote〕When the captains could not agree it was the referee's casting vote which meant the match went ahead.正当两队队长意见不一致的时候, 裁判决定比赛继续进行。外研社新世纪〔character〕This room is not really in character with the rest of the house.这个房间与房子里其他房间的风格并不一致。韦氏高阶〔chime〕His opinion doesn't chime with mine.他的观点与我的不一致。韦氏高阶〔clash with〕His opinion clashed with mine.他的意见与我的意见不一致。21世纪英汉〔coincide〕The interests of the US and those of the islanders may not coincide.美国的利益和那些岛民的利益可能并不一致。朗文当代〔compatible〕The theory does not seem compatible with his other ideas.这个理论似乎与他的其他想法不一致。牛津搭配〔congruent〕Their goals are not congruent with the goals of the team.他们的目标和全队的目标不一致。韦氏高阶〔consistent〕The evidence is not consistent.证据前后不一致。朗文当代〔consistent〕The two statements are not consistent.这两份声明不一致。英汉大词典〔consort〕This idea does not consort with some of the views of Jane Austen that are commonly held.这个想法和人们对简·奥斯丁的一般看法不一致。外研社新世纪〔contradiction〕Now you say you both left at ten—that's a contradiction of your last statement.你现在说你们俩是十点钟离开的,这可和你上次的说法不一致。牛津高阶〔contradictory〕The evidence is completely contradictory.证据完全不一致。牛津搭配〔contradict〕Her account of the accident contradicts that of the other driver.她对事故的陈述和另一位司机的说法不一致。麦克米伦高阶〔correspondence〕There is a lack of correspondence between his promises and his actions.他的诺言和行动不一致。英汉大词典〔credibility gap〕A discrepancy or disparity, especially between words and actions.差异:偏差或不一致,尤指言行的不相符美国传统〔differ about〕They differ over everything.他们对每件事情的看法都不一致。21世纪英汉〔difference〕A cause of a disagreement or controversy.意见分歧的原因:不一致或有争议的原因美国传统〔difference〕A disagreement or controversy.意见分歧:不一致或有争议美国传统〔differ〕Baker also differed with members of Congress over this issue.在这个问题上,贝克也与国会议员们看法不一致。麦克米伦高阶〔differ〕Their versions of the accident differed radically.他们对事故的叙述极不一致。英汉大词典〔disagreement〕There is disagreement between these two estimates.这两种估计不一致。朗文当代〔disagree〕Your story disagrees with his in every detail.你的报道在每个细节上和他的都不一致。英汉大词典〔discordance〕Genetics The presence of a given genetic trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins.【遗传学】 不和,不一致:在一对同卵双胞胎中,某一特定基因特征只表现两者中的一个身上美国传统〔discord〕Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension.不调和:由于不一致而造成了不和、争论;争议美国传统〔discrepancy〕The committee is reportedly unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers.据说委员会对数字不一致很不满。剑桥高阶〔discrepancy〕There were some discrepancies in the statement he gave to police.他给警方的陈述有些不一致之处。麦克米伦高阶〔diverge〕When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there's trouble.合伙人目标不一致时就会有麻烦。外研社新世纪〔eye〕I don't see eye to eye with my father on many things.在很多事情上,我和父亲的看法都不一致。麦克米伦高阶〔eye〕They don't see eye to eye with each other.他们看问题不一致。外研社新世纪〔hang〕Her story just doesn't hang together.她的说法前后根本不一致。朗文当代〔harmonize〕Barbara and her mother like to go to concerts together, though their tastes don't harmonize.尽管巴巴拉和她母亲品味不一致, 她们还是喜欢一起去听音乐会。外研社新世纪〔harmony〕The governor's statement is totally out of harmony with the mayor's earlier comments.州长的声明与市长早先讲的完全不一致。韦氏高阶〔hold〕Their case doesn't hold together when you look at the evidence.你看一下证据就知道他们的论点前后不一致。牛津高阶〔imparity〕Inequality; disparity.不均等;不一致美国传统〔in sympathy with〕He's not in sympathy with the other members of the group. = He's out of sympathy with the other members.他与团队其他成员的意见不一致。韦氏高阶〔incompatibility〕Incompatibility between the mother's and the baby's blood groups may cause jaundice.母亲和婴儿的血型不一致有可能导致黄疸。外研社新世纪〔incompatibility〕We can explain the apparent incompatibility of these results.我们能够解释这些结果表面上的不一致。牛津搭配〔inconcinnity〕Lack of congruity or harmony; unsuitability.不一致性:缺少一致性或协调性的;不合适美国传统〔inconformity〕Lack of conformity; disagreement.不一致,不符合:缺少一致性;不同意美国传统〔inconsistency〕The amendment will remove the inconsistency between the two laws.修正案将消除两部法律之间的不一致之处。牛津搭配〔inconsistency〕The state or quality of being inconsistent.前后不一致,矛盾:不一致的情形或品质美国传统〔inconsistency〕There was a great inconsistency between what he said and what he did.他的言行很不一致。英汉大词典〔inconsistency〕There were some inconsistencies in his story.他的说法里前后有些不一致。麦克米伦高阶〔inconsistent〕His statement was inconsistent with other accounts of the events.关于这些事件他的说法与其他人不一致。牛津搭配〔inconsistent〕The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them.法庭上的证词与他当初告诉他们的不一致。柯林斯高阶〔inconsistent〕The report is inconsistent with the financial statements.这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。牛津高阶〔inconsonant〕Lacking harmony, agreement, or compatibility; discordant.不协调、不一致的或不和谐的;差异的美国传统〔jibe〕The numbers don't jibe.数字不一致。柯林斯高阶〔joint〕Not harmonious; inconsistent.不协调的;不一致的美国传统〔keeping〕Her comments revealed a nervousness that seemed out of keeping with her calm appearance.她的评论显露出一种紧张情绪,这似乎与她镇定的外表不一致。韦氏高阶〔match up〕Their accounts of what happened that evening don't match up.他们对那晚所发生的事情说法不一致。剑桥高阶〔match〕His deeds don't match his words.他的言行不一致。英汉大词典〔match〕Their actions do not match their words.他们言行不一致。朗文当代〔opinion〕Difficulties arise where there's a difference of opinion.意见不一致时就比较难办了。外研社新世纪〔out of sync〕She was out of sync with the other dancers.她与其他舞者步调不一致。韦氏高阶〔out of sync〕Some of the soldiers were marching out of sync.有些士兵行进时与其他士兵步伐不一致。韦氏高阶〔part〕There was one issue where I parted company with the committee.有一件事情我的看法与委员会的不一致。麦克米伦高阶〔serodiscordant〕Being a couple in which one partner has tested positive for HIV and the other has not.血清不一致的:一方检测结果为人体免疫缺乏(艾滋病)病毒阳性反应者而另一方为阴性者的性伴侣的美国传统〔step〕He isn't in step with ordinary voters.他和一般选民的观点不一致。朗文当代〔step〕They jogged in silence a while, out of step.他们一言不发地慢跑了一会儿, 步伐也不一致。外研社新世纪〔step〕Tokyo didn't want to be left out of step with weekend levels overseas.东京不想与海外周末休假标准不一致。外研社新世纪〔study〕Study the report carefully in the event that there may be discrepancies and anomalies.如果可能出现不一致或反常之处, 要仔细检查报告。外研社新世纪〔stultify〕To cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous.使显得愚蠢:使显得愚蠢、不一致或可笑美国传统〔trip〕To cause to stumble or fall.使犯错误:使失误,诱导某人犯错误或抓住某人的前后不一致美国传统〔unequal〕Not even or consistent; variable.不均匀的或不一致的;变化的美国传统〔verb〕The subject doesn't agree with the verb.主语和动词不一致。牛津搭配〔weak〕The judge decided the evidence was inherently weak and inconsistent.法官判定证据本质上无说服力而且前后不一致。牛津搭配〔word〕If it's your word against the police officer's, the jury are going to believe him.如果你的话与那名警察的话不一致,陪审团就会相信警察。牛津搭配An analysis of seven years' work revealed errors and inconsistencies.对为期7年的工作所作的分析揭示了错误和不一致的地方。剑桥国际Ann and I never seem to agree.安与我的意见好像从不一致。剑桥国际His account of the affair does not agree with yours. 对这件事他的说法和你的说法不一致。译典通His version of events does not accord (=agree) with witnesses’statements.他对事件的说法与目击者的陈述不一致。剑桥国际His views on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。译典通My sister didn't see eye to eye with me (= agree with me) about the arrangements.对于这些安排,我姐姐和我意见不一致。剑桥国际Statements about the robbery given by the two suspects are inconsistent.两名疑犯对这一起抢劫案所说的话很不一致。剑桥国际The specifications of the computer do not tally with the details in the brochure.这台电脑的规格与手册中的说明不一致。牛津商务The television report on the weather is always out of whack with the weather we actually get. 电视台的天气预报总与实际的天气情况不一致。译典通Their acts are incongruous with their principles. 他们的行为与信奉的原则不一致。译典通Their opinion on the matter conflicts with ours. 他们对这一问题的看法与我们不一致。译典通There is no consensus among the experts on some foods. Advice changes depending on who you listen to.专家们对某些食物的看法并不一致。各有各的说法要看你听谁的。剑桥国际There was a great inconsistency between what he said and what he did. 他的言行极不一致。译典通These findings are inconsistent with those of previous studies.这些研究结果与以前的研究结果不一致。剑桥国际Unfortunately, if he doesn't agree with you, he tends to tear into you (= attack you with words).令人遗憾的是,如果他与你意见不一致的话,就可能对你进行口头攻击。剑桥国际What the witness said in court was not consistent with the statement he made to the police.证人在法庭上说的和他对警察的陈述不一致。剑桥国际




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