

单词 一小口
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRINK〕Can I just try a sip, to see if I like it. 我喝一小口吧,这样就知道是否喜欢喝了。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕She took a sip of water during a well-timed pause, and waited for my reply. 她适时地停下来呷了一小口水,等待我的回答。朗文写作活用〔at〕George was just picking at his food.乔治在一小口一小口地吃东西。朗文当代〔at〕Sarah took another sip at her wine.萨拉又啜了一小口酒。朗文当代〔at〕She nibbled at a sandwich(= ate only small bits of it).她一小口一小口地吃三明治。牛津高阶〔cool (sb/sth) down/off〕She waited until her coffee had cooled down before taking a sip.她一直等到咖啡凉下来才抿了一小口。剑桥高阶〔dainty〕She took a dainty little bite of the apple.她文雅地咬了一小口苹果。牛津高阶〔drink〕He drank the medicine up bit by bit.他一小口一小口地把药喝完了。英汉大词典〔gasp〕He gave a small gasp of pain.他疼得倒吸了一小口气。外研社新世纪〔gasp〕She gave a small gasp of pain.她疼得吸了一小口气。柯林斯高阶〔musty〕Most parents had sipped their corked wine, apparently oblivious to the musty off-flavour.大多数家长饮了一小口开过封的酒, 很显然并没觉察到酒有点变味儿了。外研社新世纪〔nibble〕I might manage a nibble of smoked salmon.我或许能吃一小口熏鲑鱼。外研社新世纪〔nibble〕Just take/have a nibble to see if you like the taste.就咬一小口看看你是否喜欢这味道。剑桥高阶〔nibble〕Percy took a nibble at the lettuce leaf and made a face.珀西咬了一小口莴苣叶, 做了个鬼脸。外研社新世纪〔nibble〕She took a nibble of her cookie.她咬了一小口曲奇。朗文当代〔nibble〕We each took a nibble.我们每人咬了一小口。柯林斯高阶〔nibble〕We each took a nibble.我们每人都吃了一小口。外研社新世纪〔nip〕A small amount of liquor.一小口:少量的液体美国传统〔nip〕He takes a nip now and then.他时不时喝上一小口酒。韦氏高阶〔nip〕He's nipping when I came in.我走进去时他正一小口一小口地抿酒呢。21世纪英汉〔nip〕She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.她有偶尔喝一小口干邑的习惯。柯林斯高阶〔noggin〕Let's have a noggin.来!咱们喝上一小口。外研社新世纪〔pause〕He paused for a sip of water before continuing his speech.他停下来喝了一小口水,然后接着发言。麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕I took a sip of the red wine, so rough it made me shudder.我尝了一小口红葡萄酒, 那味道涩得让我直哆嗦。外研社新世纪〔screw〕He took a sip of the medicine and screwed up his face.他喝了一小口药后做了个怪相。牛津高阶〔scrutinize〕I would scrutinize every morsel of food for fat globules.我会仔细检查每一小口食物, 看是否有脂肪球。外研社新世纪〔settle〕He took a sip of tea, and settled the cup back into its saucer.他呷了一小口茶,然后把杯子放回到茶托上去。英汉大词典〔shot〕The pilot took a shot of oxygen.飞行员吸了一小口氧气。韦氏高阶〔sip〕Have/take a sip of water.喝一小口水。韦氏高阶〔sip〕I took a little sip of my drink.我啜了一小口饮料。牛津搭配〔sip〕If the food is too hot, take a sip of water.要是这食物太烫了,喝一小口水。麦克米伦高阶〔sip〕She poured more wine and took a sip .她又倒了些酒,抿了一小口。朗文当代Just take a nibble to see if you like the taste.尝一小口,看你喜不喜欢这味道。剑桥国际She took another sip of her tea. 她又饮了一小口茶。译典通




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