

单词 一定量
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boyle's law〕The principle that at a constant temperature the volume of a confined ideal gas varies inversely with its pressure.波义耳定律:在恒定温度下,一定量的气体的体积与其压力成反比的原理美国传统〔TRAVEL〕The job involves a certain amount of travelling. 这个工作需要一定量的出差。朗文写作活用〔allow for〕You have to allow for a certain amount of error.你必须将一定量的误差考虑在内。柯林斯高阶〔certain〕A certain amount of fat in your diet is good for you.饮食中含有一定量的脂肪对你有好处。麦克米伦高阶〔dime bag〕A specified amount of an unlawful drug, packaged and sold for a fixed price, usually about ten dollars.半盎司的大麻:一定量的非法毒品,包好并按固定价出售,通常大约十美元美国传统〔displace〕A ship displaces a certain amount of water.轮船排出一定量的水。21世纪英汉〔duty-free〕A certain amount of liquor can be imported duty-free.可以免税进口一定量的酒。韦氏高阶〔exemption〕One that is exempted, especially an amount of income that is exempted from taxation.免税:被免除的事物,尤指一定量免税的收入美国传统〔firearm〕A weapon, especially a pistol or rifle, capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive charge as a propellant.火器:一种能发射子弹并能用一定量的炸药作推进剂的武器,尤指手枪或步枪美国传统〔grist〕Grain or a quantity of grain for grinding.制粉用谷物:用来制粉的谷物或一定量的谷物美国传统〔hemacytometer〕An instrument for counting the number of blood cells in a measured volume of blood.血细胞计数器:一种仪器,用于计算一定量血液里所含血细胞的数量美国传统〔money order〕An order for the payment of a specified amount of money, usually issued and payable at a bank or post office.汇票:一种要求兑现一定量货币的汇票单据,通常由银行或邮局分发并兑现美国传统〔priming〕The explosive used to ignite a charge.起爆药,引火药,点火药:用来引爆一定量炸药的爆炸物美国传统〔ration〕A fixed portion, especially an amount of food allotted to persons in military service or to civilians in times of scarcity.给量,定量:一个固定的份量,特指在物资缺乏时供给军队股役人员或平民的一定量的粮食美国传统〔salt〕Most foodstuffs contain some salt.食品大多都含有一定量的盐分。牛津搭配〔solubility〕The amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent.溶度:在给出的一定量的溶剂中所含的能被溶解的某种物质的总量美国传统〔vapor density〕The ratio of the weight of a given volume of one gas to the weight of an equal volume of another gas, typically hydrogen, at the same temperature and pressure.蒸汽密度:一定量的一种气体的重量与相等量的另一种气体的重量,通常为氢气,在温度和压力相同时的比率美国传统Farmers have been told they cannot be eligible for government support unless they leave a certain amount of land fallow.农民们获悉,除非他们保留一定量的休耕地,否则没有资格得到政府的资助。剑桥国际




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