

单词 一宗
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HORRIBLE〕a particularly nasty murder case 一宗特别可怕的凶杀案朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕to start to follow a particular religion 开始信奉某一宗教朗文写作活用〔accident〕a fatal accident on the freeway 高速公路上的一宗致命交通事故朗文当代〔assault〕a case of robbery and assault 一宗抢劫袭击案朗文当代〔bury〕bury a treasure 埋藏一宗财宝英汉大词典〔celebrated〕a celebrated legal case 一宗备受关注的官司朗文当代〔clear〕clear an estate 使一宗产业不再承担债务英汉大词典〔commodity〕if anybody has a commodity and wants to sell it 如某人有一宗货物想脱手英汉大词典〔expectant〕an expectant fortune 期待继承的一宗财产英汉大词典〔foreclose〕foreclose sb. of a property 阻拦某人享用一宗房地产英汉大词典〔impartible〕an impartible inheritance 一宗无法分割的遗产英汉大词典〔impartible〕an impartible inheritance. 一宗无法分割的遗产美国传统〔implication〕the implication of the former Chief of Staff in a major scandal 前任参谋长卷入一宗重大的丑闻朗文当代〔mix〕a lawyer mixing into a case like this 卷入这样一宗案件的律师英汉大词典〔passenger〕a crash involving a passenger train 涉及客运列车的一宗撞车事故朗文当代〔pile-up〕a motorway pile-up 一宗高速公路连环撞车事故朗文当代〔plot〕an assassination plot 一宗暗杀阴谋朗文当代〔presumptive〕a presumptive title to an estate 对一宗财产的假定所有权英汉大词典〔probe〕a probe into a smuggling racket.对一宗走私勾当的查究。牛津同义词〔raw〕a raw account of the breakdown of a marriage 一宗婚姻破裂经过的坦诚叙述英汉大词典〔recoup〕an attempt to recoup one's fortune 重筹一宗财富的努力英汉大词典〔rehear〕rehear a case 再审一宗案件英汉大词典〔settlement〕a libel settlement. 一宗诽谤案的庭外和解柯林斯高阶〔shady〕a shady businessman/deal 行为可疑的商人;一宗有问题的交易牛津高阶〔sniff〕to sniff out a scandal察觉到一宗丑闻21世纪英汉〔steward〕steward a property 管理一宗房地产英汉大词典〔suspect〕a suspect in a burglary case 一宗入室偷盗案的疑犯朗文当代〔trial〕a murder trial 一宗谋杀案的审判朗文当代〔triple〕a triple murder investigation 对一宗三重谋杀案的调查朗文当代〔wring〕wring a better deal from sb. 强行从某人处谋得一宗较好的生意英汉大词典〔write〕write up an asset 提高一宗资产的账面价值英汉大词典a case of trolley rage in the supermarket 超市里的一宗手推车泄愤事件牛津商务a class action lawsuit brought by consumers 消费者提起的一宗集体诉讼牛津商务




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