

单词 丰收
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Faunus〕A god of nature and fertility.福纳斯:自然和丰收之神美国传统〔GROW〕As a result of several bumper harvests, the country now has a grain surplus. 因为有了多次的大丰收,这个国家的谷物过剩。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Thanks to the lovely weather we had a bumper crop of peaches and nectarines this year. 多亏了好天气,我们今年的桃子和油桃大丰收。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕The heavy frosts had ended hopes of a good harvest that year. 那年严重的霜冻打破了人们丰收的希望。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕The valley was fertile, and a good crop was a near certainty. 这个山谷土地肥沃,丰收几乎是笃定的。朗文写作活用〔Lammas〕A feast formerly celebrated in England, during which bread from the season's first wheat was consecrated at Mass in thanksgiving for the harvest.收获节:一种旧时在英格兰庆祝的节日,用该季节中收获的首批小麦制成的面包在为丰收感恩祈祷的弥撒中作为祭品献祭美国传统〔Proserpina〕The daughter of Ceres who became the goddess of the underworld when Pluto carried her away and made her his wife.普罗塞耳皮娜:丰收女神的女儿,当普洛托把她带走并娶她为妻后成为地狱的女神美国传统〔TRADITION〕The ritual is performed in order to thank the Sun Goddess for the rice harvest. 举行这种仪式的目的是为了稻谷丰收感谢太阳女神。朗文写作活用〔Thanksgiving Day〕The second Monday of October, celebrated in Canada by the giving of thanks to God for harvest and health.感恩节:十月的第二个星斯一,在加拿大庆祝该节,以感谢上帝赐予丰收与健康美国传统〔allotment〕This year on my allotment, I had the best ever crop of onions.今年在我的小块菜地里, 我种的洋葱获得了前所未有的大丰收。外研社新世纪〔assuming〕Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming the weather is favourable.假如风调雨顺,农民将获丰收。英汉大词典〔bounteous〕Together we give thanks for this bounteous harvest.我们一起感谢这大丰收。韦氏高阶〔bumper crop〕We had a bumper crop of tomatoes this year.今年我们获得了西红柿大丰收。韦氏高阶〔bumper〕Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year.据报道今年庄稼大丰收。剑桥高阶〔bumper〕In the state of Iowa, it's been a bumper year for corn.艾奥瓦州今年玉米大丰收。柯林斯高阶〔bumper〕In the state of Iowa, it's been a bumper year for corn.今年是艾奥瓦州玉米大丰收的一年。外研社新世纪〔bumper〕Tourism had a bumper year in 1995.观光业在一九九五年有了一个丰收年。文馨英汉〔calathus〕A vase-shaped basket represented in Greek painting and sculpture.丰收篮,瓶状篮:一如形如花瓶的篮子,在希腊绘画和雕塑艺术中用来表示丰收美国传统〔crop〕Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit.这里每年水果都大丰收。柯林斯高阶〔crop〕Fruit growers are gathering in a bumper crop (=a very large amount of something produced in season) .果农正在采摘丰收的果实。朗文当代〔crop〕Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries.丰收麦克米伦高阶〔crop〕The potatoes cropped well this year.今年马铃薯丰收。牛津高阶〔crop〕We are looking forward to a bumper crop(= a very large one).我们期盼着大丰收。牛津高阶〔crop〕We had a very good crop of apples last year.去年我们的苹果获得了大丰收。牛津搭配〔dim〕Drought dims hopes for a bumper wheat crop.干旱使小麦丰收的希望变得渺茫。英汉大词典〔duplicate〕The record-breaking harvest of 1975 may not be duplicated this year.今年不可能再获得1975年那种创记录的丰收。英汉大词典〔existence〕The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence(= in order to co ntinue to live).农民靠丰收才能活命。牛津高阶〔festival〕Each year, a festival was held to celebrate the harvest.每年都举办一个庆丰收的纪念活动。韦氏高阶〔foison〕Archaic A plentiful harvest; abundance.【古语】 丰收;充足美国传统〔good〕We've had a good crop of apples.我们的苹果大丰收。朗文当代〔harvest〕There will be a bumper(=very large) harvest this year.今年会有大丰收。麦克米伦高阶〔harvest〕We had enormous harvests of corn this year.今年我们的玉米获得了大丰收。韦氏高阶〔harvest〕We've had a bumper harvest of apples this year.今年我们的苹果获得了大丰收。牛津搭配〔horn〕A horn of plenty; a cornucopia.象征丰收之羊角;装饰羊角美国传统〔idea〕The idea behind the ceremony is to keep the gods happy to ensure a good crop.这种仪式的本意是博取众神的欢心,以确保庄稼丰收。牛津搭配〔make up for sth〕This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.今年的丰收将弥补去年的歉收。剑桥高阶〔point〕Indications point toward a bumper crop.各种迹象表明丰收在望。英汉大词典〔prospect〕A rich harvest is in prospect.丰收在望。英汉大词典〔record〕The long hot summer has led to a record harvest this year.这个夏天漫长而又炎热,使得今年成为一个创纪录的丰收年。剑桥高阶〔revive〕The good harvest helped revive the economic fortunes of the country.这次大丰收为该国重振经济发挥了作用。牛津搭配〔rule〕Prices of grain and cotton ruled low owing to a bumper harvest this year.由于今年的丰收,粮棉价格普遍偏低。21世纪英汉〔sacrifice〕They made sacrifices to ensure a good harvest.他们举行献祭以保丰收。朗文当代〔successful〕This year's harvest was one of the most successful since the record crop of 1985.今年的收成是自1985年创纪录的大丰收以来最好的一年。剑桥高阶〔supper〕There was always a harvest supper for the farm workers.为农场工人准备庆丰收晚餐是一个惯例。牛津搭配〔that〕We are glad (that) we have reaped another bumper harvest.我们都感到高兴,因为又获得了丰收。英汉大词典〔turnaround〕They are expecting a turnaround from the disastrous harvest last year.他们正期望在去年的特大歉收之后取得丰收。英汉大词典〔vintage〕Many predict 1991 will rival the great vintage of 1965.许多人预测1991年的酿酒葡萄收成可以与1965年的大丰收相媲美。外研社新世纪〔vintage〕The harvesting of a grape crop.葡萄的丰收:葡萄产量的丰收美国传统〔vintage〕This wine is from one of the two best vintages of the decade in this region.这种酒是该地区10年来两个葡萄丰收旺年之一所产的佳酿。外研社新世纪〔vintage〕This wine is from one of the two best vintages of the decade in this region.这种酒是该地区这10年来两个葡萄丰收旺年之一所产的佳酿。柯林斯高阶〔win〕Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages.能带来粮食丰收的好天气应该可以让该国的缺粮状况得到缓解。柯林斯高阶〔yield〕The apple/peach trees yielded an abundant harvest.苹果/桃子大丰收。韦氏高阶Because of the spring rains, the farmers had a bounteous crop. 因为下了春雨,农夫获得了丰收。译典通Dropping ears of rice promise another good harvest. 沉甸甸的稻穗预示著又一次丰收。译典通Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year.据报道今年庄稼大丰收。剑桥国际He predicted a good harvest. 他预言丰收。译典通Mexican farmworkers migrate into the US each year to find work at harvest time.墨西哥农场工人每年大批外出去美国为了能在丰收季节找到工作。剑桥国际Rodine Limited now trades as Harvest Software.罗丁有限公司现在以“丰收软件公司”之名经营。牛津商务This augurs well for the harvest. 这是丰收的好兆头。译典通This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.今年的丰收将弥补去年的歉收。剑桥国际This year's harvest was one of the most successful since the record crop of 1985.今年是自1985年创纪录的大丰收以来收成最好的年份之一。剑桥国际We are looking forward to a bumper (= very large) crop.我们期待着大丰收。牛津商务We have had three successive years of good harvest. 我们已连续三年丰收。译典通We've got a bumper (=very good) potato crop this year.今年我们的土豆获得大丰收。剑桥国际




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