

单词 中非
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRY〕Central Africa is suffering one of the worst droughts of the century. 中非正遭遇到本世纪最严重的旱灾。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕His photographs, stark and sometimes shocking, are very much in vogue with young intellectuals. 他拍的照片质朴无华,有时令人震惊,在青年知识分子中非常风行。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕Marshall's skills and her outgoing personality made her very effective in her public relations jobs. 马歇尔的交际技巧加上她外向的性格使她在公共关系工作中非常得心应手。朗文写作活用〔Hel〕The Norse underworld of the dead not killed in battle.冥界:北欧神话中非战死者幽灵所去之处美国传统〔IMPORTANT〕Politicians who are prominent in public life may be at risk from terrorism. 在公共生活中非常著名的政治家可能受到恐怖主义的威胁。朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕Lowe was the real father of modern computing and a very important figure in IBM's ranks. 洛是真正的现代电脑之父,也是国际商业机器公司中非常重要的人物。朗文写作活用〔Levite〕A member of the tribe of Levi but not descended from Aaron, chosen to assist the Temple priests.利未人:利未部落中非亚伦后裔,被选中去帮助祭司管理圣堂美国传统〔PROFIT〕Workers in uneconomic areas of the economy fought hard to keep their factories and mines open. 经济结构中非赢利部门的工作人员努力让他们的工厂和矿井继续运营。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕This tiny black fly is the biggest cause of blindness in Central Africa. 这种黑色的小苍蝇是中非许多人失明的罪魁祸首。朗文写作活用〔across〕There is a danger of the conflict spreading across the whole of Central Africa.冲突有扩大至整个中非的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔bandit〕To be highly successful in a given enterprise.在某一行业中非常成功美国传统〔casework〕Mitochondrial DNA analysis has proved invaluable in casework.已经证明线粒体DNA分析在个案研究中非常有用。外研社新世纪〔communicative〕We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages.我们在语言教学中非常强调交际教学法。柯林斯高阶〔confabulate〕Psychology To replace fact with fantasy unconsciously in memory.【心理学】 虚构:用记忆中非意识的幻想来取代事实美国传统〔conspicuous〕Her red hat was very conspicuous in the crowd.她戴的红帽子在人群中非常显眼。英汉大词典〔dead air〕An unintended interruption in a broadcast during which there is no sound.停播期间:在广播中非故意的中断,这时没有声音发出美国传统〔discharge〕The factory was charged with the illegal discharge of pollution into a stream.工厂被指控向河中非法排放污染物。韦氏高阶〔discography〕This album is one of the highlights of his huge discography.这张唱片是他众多作品集中非常精彩的一张。剑桥高阶〔episode〕Unfortunately it was a rather sordid episode of my life.不幸的是,这是我人生中非常不光彩的一段经历。柯林斯高阶〔episode〕Unfortunately it was a rather sordid episode of my life.很不幸, 那是我人生中非常不光彩的一段经历。外研社新世纪〔feature in〕Does a new job feature in your future plan?新工作在你的未来计划中非常重要吗?21世纪英汉〔fifth estate〕A class or group in society other than the nobility, the clergy, the middle class, and the press.第五等级:社会中非贵族、牧师、中等阶级和新闻界的阶层或集团美国传统〔freemasonry〕He was very active in Freemasonry.他是共济会中非常活跃的分子。柯林斯高阶〔get through〕It was a very difficult time in our marriage, but we got through it.那是我们婚姻中非常困难的一段时期,但我们挺过来了。韦氏高阶〔go for the jugular〕He will very quickly go for the jugular in the debate.他会在辩论中非常迅速地击中对手要害。韦氏高阶〔insistence〕He spoke with great insistence of the need for reform.他在谈话中非常坚持改革的必要性。韦氏高阶〔insistently〕He spoke very insistently of the need for reform.他在谈话中非常坚持改革的必要性。韦氏高阶〔jitters〕I had a case of the jitters during my first two speeches.我在最开始的两个演讲中非常紧张。外研社新世纪〔kitten〕She was having kittens because it was very late and her daughter wasn't home yet.她心中非常焦急不安,因为时间已很晚了而她女儿还没回家。英汉大词典〔manipulate〕Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.她在整个职业生涯中非常成功地控制了媒体。剑桥高阶〔mark〕Sara's natural flair for languages marked her off from the other students.萨拉的语言天赋使得她在学生中非常突出。朗文当代〔numerology〕The number eighty-eight is very lucky in Chinese numerology.88是中国数字占卜学中非常幸运的数字。柯林斯高阶〔offstage〕Offstage, the actress is very down-to-earth.这个女演员在现实生活中非常平易近人韦氏高阶〔passive〕He's very passive in the relationship.他在这一关系中非常被动。剑桥高阶〔prince〕A male member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a son of the monarch.王子,亲王:王室中非君主的男性成员,尤指君主的儿子美国传统〔proportion〕The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.劳动力中非熟练工人的人数正在减少。牛津搭配〔report〕Tonight we report on the situation in central Africa.今晚我们报道中非局势。牛津搭配〔respected〕She is a well respected member of the international community.她在国际社会中非常受人敬重。柯林斯高阶〔reticular formation〕A diffuse network of nerve fibers and cells in parts of the brainstem, important in regulating consciousness or wakefulness.网状结构:脑干部分的神经纤维和细胞的散布网状物,在调节意识和警醒中非常重要美国传统〔segment〕The decision was very popular among certain segments of the population.这个决定在部分人口中非常受欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔senior airman〕Abbr. SrAA noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above airman first class and below staff sergeant.缩写 SrA空军下士:美国空军中非授衔军阶,在一等兵之上,上士之下美国传统〔sideman〕A member of a jazz band who is not the leader or a featured soloist.伴奏队员:爵士乐队中非乐团指挥或主要独奏者的一名成员美国传统〔siphon〕He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from the United Nations.他从联合国的救济金中非法挪走了一小笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔special〕John is a very special person in my life.约翰是我生活中非常重要的人。麦克米伦高阶〔state〕The drought is worst in the central African states.中非国家旱情最重。剑桥高阶〔strength〕I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer.她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的工作机会, 我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。外研社新世纪〔strength〕I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer.她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的提议,我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。柯林斯高阶〔tour〕We went on a 10-day tour of central Africa.我们到中非游玩了10天。麦克米伦高阶Christmas is such a joyful time of year (= one that contains or causes great happiness).圣诞节是一年中非常使人快乐的时刻。剑桥国际Less than 4% of our products are now made out-of-house.目前我们的产品中非本公司生产的不到 4%。牛津商务Opposition is valuable (= important) in a democracy.对立面在一个民主体制中非常可贵。剑桥国际She had that windswept look so fashionable among young people these days.她留着那种在当今年轻人中非常流行的风飘式发型。剑桥国际Staff at the bank have been lining their pockets with money from investors’accounts.银行职员一直在从投资者的帐户中非法获取金钱。剑桥国际They had illegally profited from their access to privileged information.他们从自己获得的特许保密的信息中非法获利。牛津商务This was a very troubled and turbulent period of my life and I regarded Mira very much as a fountain of calm.这是我生活中非常动荡不安的时期,我总把米拉当成是宁静的源泉。剑桥国际




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