

单词 不扬
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UGLY〕The waitress was a homely girl from Kansas. 服务员是来自堪萨斯州的一个其貌不扬的女孩。朗文写作活用〔extol〕Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato.现在专家们都在赞美其貌不扬的马铃薯的种种好处。柯林斯高阶〔homely〕The man was homely and overweight.该男子其貌不扬,身材肥胖。柯林斯高阶〔lay〕The rain has laid the dust.雨使尘土不扬。文馨英汉〔oil painting〕I started seeing a guy who was no oil painting but wonderfully bright.我开始同一个其貌不扬但非常聪明的男人交往。外研社新世纪〔order〕Rose trod with care, in order not to spread the dirt.为了不扬起尘土, 罗丝小心翼翼地迈步前行。外研社新世纪〔stereotype〕Feminists are sometimes stereotyped as aggressive and unattractive.女权主义者有时被模式化地看成是咄咄逼人且其貌不扬的。麦克米伦高阶〔unprepossessing〕Despite his unprepossessing appearance, he was very popular with women.尽管他其貌不扬,但很受女性的欢迎。朗文当代A smile often illumines a homely face. 笑容常使其貌不扬的人显得神采奕奕。译典通He's not much to look at, but he has a wonderful personality.他其貌不扬,可为人很好。剑桥国际Mary was a homely girl. 玛丽其貌不扬。译典通




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