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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRITICIZE〕Jackson declined to criticize his opponent, choosing instead to focus on his own message. 杰克逊拒绝批评他的对手,反而专注于自己的信息。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕I concentrated on my career, feeling that a family would be a hindrance. 我专注于自己的事业,感到家庭会是个障碍。朗文写作活用〔act〕Take a few seconds to clear your head and focus on the act of driving.用几秒钟理清思路, 专注于开车的动作。外研社新世纪〔career〕She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer.她现在正专注于服装设计工作。外研社新世纪〔chaff〕In this way you eliminate the chaff and concentrate on the key areas.这样你可以排除无意义的东西, 专注于关键领域。外研社新世纪〔commit〕I refuse to commit to a relationship.我不想专注于一段感情。外研社新世纪〔concentrate〕We concentrated on the task before us.我们专注于眼前的任务美国传统〔consume〕Work on the project has consumed his attention for many months. = Work on the project has consumed him.数月来,他一直专注于这项工程。韦氏高阶〔distract〕He was distracted from his studies.他不再专注于学业了。韦氏高阶〔engrossed〕Tony didn't notice because he was too engrossed in his work.托尼因为太专注于自己的工作而毫未察觉。柯林斯高阶〔engrossed〕Tony didn't notice because he was too engrossed in his work.托尼因为太专注于自己的工作而没有察觉。外研社新世纪〔entertain〕I am amazed that such a crazy idea could be seriously entertained.有人居然会专注于如此古怪的想法,我感到大为惊讶。牛津搭配〔entirely〕Her time was devoted entirely to education.她的时间都专注于教育。文馨英汉〔fixated〕He never used to be so fixated on losing weight.他以前从来没有那么专注于减肥。朗文当代〔immerse〕She was far too immersed in her studies.她太专注于学业了。朗文当代〔intent〕He was so intent on his gardening magazine, he didn't notice me come in.他正专注于他的园艺杂志,一点儿没注意到我进来了。麦克米伦高阶〔intent〕Intent upon her work, she didn't notice the cold.她专注于工作,忘记了寒冷。朗文当代〔issue〕We really need to focus on this one issue and not get sidetracked.我们确实需要专注于这一个问题,不能离题。牛津搭配〔laugh〕This movie is too intent upon getting cheap laughs.这部电影太专注于博取廉价的笑声了。牛津搭配〔lost〕He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape.他专注于欣赏这幅风景画。外研社新世纪〔misplaced〕A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues.主次不分的一个显著迹象是人们专注于健康而非环境问题。外研社新世纪〔narcissism〕Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。柯林斯高阶〔nascent〕The actress is now focusing on her nascent singing career.这位女演员正专注于她刚起步的歌唱事业。韦氏高阶〔otherworldly〕Devoted to the world of the mind; concerned with intellectual or imaginative things.思想世界的:专注于思想世界的;对智慧的或有想象力的事物有兴趣的美国传统〔picture〕We were so caught up with the details, we lost sight of the big picture (=the situation considered as a whole).我们过分专注于细节,以致忽视了全局。朗文当代〔pissant〕A stickler for petty details.吹毛求疵者,一丝不苟的人:专注于极细小的细节的人美国传统〔preoccupied〕He's too preoccupied to notice when I'm not feeling well.他太专注于自己的事, 没有注意到我身体不舒服。外研社新世纪〔preoccupied〕His wife becomes more and more preoccupied with children.他的妻子越来越专注于孩子们了。英汉大词典〔preoccupied〕She is too preoccupied with family problems to focus on her work.她太过专注于家庭问题,不能集中精力工作。韦氏高阶〔removed〕He found it hard to concentrate on conversation so far removed from his present preoccupations.他发现很难专注于谈话,因为谈话内容和自己目前的当务之急毫不相干。柯林斯高阶〔restatement〕Mr Prescott concentrated on offering a classic restatement of Labour values.普雷斯科特先生专注于对工党价值观进行经典的阐释。柯林斯高阶〔robustly〕We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。柯林斯高阶〔self-absorbed〕He is too self-absorbed to care about others.他太专注于自己的事而不会关心别人。文馨英汉〔single-minded〕She is very single-minded about her career.她一心专注于自己的事业。牛津高阶〔span〕Young children have a limited attention span and can't concentrate on one activity for very long.小孩子的注意力持续时间十分有限, 不能长时间地专注于一个活动。外研社新世纪〔span〕Young children have a limited attention span and can't concentrate on one activity for very long.小孩子的注意力持续时间十分有限,不能长时间地专注于一个活动。柯林斯高阶〔this-worldly〕He is more this-worldly than other-worldly.他专注于今生今世,而不考虑来世。英汉大词典Advertisers seem to be concerned with manipulating our attitudes.广告商好像都专注于操纵人们的态度。牛津商务Focus on your career, but not to the exclusion of everything else.专注于事业,但不意味着其他一切都不管了。牛津商务He admits to moments of self-doubt, and wonders if he is focussing on the most important issues.他承认有自我怀疑的时候,很想知道是否专注于最重要的事情。剑桥国际She has delegated order-taking to an outside fulfillment house so that she can focus on design and marketing.她将接受订单的工作委托给了外面的订单履行中心,从而可以专注于设计和营销工作。牛津商务The company has concentrated on building a strong consumer brand.公司专注于建立一个强大的消费品牌。牛津商务




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