

单词 专横
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Hattie was struggling to break free from her domineering father. 哈蒂拼命想摆脱她那专横的父亲。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕He's arrogant and domineering and never listens to anyone. 他傲慢专横,从不听别人的意见。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕My mother has a very domineering personality. 我母亲个性极其专横。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Lewis was a tyrannical boss who frightened and humiliated his employees. 刘易斯是个专横的老板,他威吓、羞辱员工。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕Victor is inclined to be somewhat domineering. 维克托总是有点专横。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕His attitude has become increasingly dictatorial. 他的态度变得越来越专横了。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕She found Molly to be bossy and interfering. 她发现莫莉态度专横,喜欢干涉别人。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The Ministry of Trade was yesterday accused of being dictatorial in its plans for a new motorway in Kent. 昨天贸易部被指责在给肯特郡修建新高速公路的计划中霸道专横。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The manager can be very overbearing at times, and it's difficult to argue with him. 有时经理非常专横,很难与他争论。朗文写作活用〔arrogance〕The state or quality of being arrogant; overbearing pride.傲慢:处于傲慢的状态或品质;专横的傲慢美国传统〔arrogant〕Making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride.傲慢的:超越专横的傲慢对不正当的重要性或考虑提出或愿意提出要求美国传统〔assuming〕Presumptuous; arrogant.专横的;傲慢的美国传统〔autocratic〕He is an autocratic person.他是个专横的人。文馨英汉〔autocratic〕His autocratic manner made him unpopular.他的专横态度使他不得人心。英汉大词典〔autocratic〕The company's employees disliked the new chairman's autocratic style.公司员工不喜欢这位新董事长的专横作风。韦氏高阶〔ball〕Great presumptuousness.放肆:非常专横,傲慢美国传统〔battle-ax〕Informal A woman held to be antagonistic or overbearing.【非正式用语】 悍妇:专横的,霸道的妇人美国传统〔big screen〕She returns to the big screen to play Candy's overbearing mother, Rose.她又重返大银幕,扮演坎迪专横的母亲罗丝。柯林斯高阶〔big screen〕She returns to the big screen to play Candy's overbearing mother, Rose.她重返大银幕, 扮演坎迪专横的母亲罗丝。外研社新世纪〔bitchy〕Malicious, spiteful, or overbearing.恶毒的、恶意的或专横的美国传统〔bitch〕A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.泼妇:被认为坏脾气或专横的女人美国传统〔bossiness〕She remembers being a rather bossy little girl.她记得自己曾是一个颇为专横的小姑娘。柯林斯高阶〔bossy〕His advice may be good, but he's much too bossy.他的建议或许很好,但他态度过于专横。韦氏高阶〔bossy〕She's very bossy.她非常专横。外研社新世纪〔bossy〕We resented her bossy manner.我们不喜欢她专横的态度。牛津同义词〔bow-wow〕Commanding, especially in an arrogant manner; overbearing.武断的:命令的,尤指态度傲慢的;专横的美国传统〔brutality〕Her experience of men was of domination and brutality.她所结识的男人都专横和粗暴。外研社新世纪〔bulldozer〕An overbearing person; a bully.专横的人;暴徒美国传统〔bully〕A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.恶棍,暴徒:一个凶暴成性或专横的家伙,尤其是对那些比自己弱小的人美国传统〔bully〕To make (one's way) aggressively.横行霸道:专横地自行其事美国传统〔despotic〕He's despotic to [toward] his servants.他对仆人专横。文馨英汉〔dictatorial〕Her father is very dictatorial.她父亲非常专横。剑桥高阶〔dictatorial〕I don't like his dictatorial tone.我不喜欢他那种专横的语气。麦克米伦高阶〔dictatorial〕Professor Clement's dictatorial attitude 克莱门特教授专横的态度朗文当代〔dictatorial〕The hostess indicated where the guests were to sit in her usual dictatorial manner.女主人用她平时的专横傲慢的态度指示宾客坐的地方。美国传统〔dominate〕He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting.每次开会他都专横跋扈,不让他人讲话。剑桥高阶〔domineering〕His psychological development was hindered by a domineering mother.他的心理发展因专横的母亲而受到挫折。英汉大词典〔domineering〕Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper.米克既固执又专横,脾气还很坏。柯林斯高阶〔domineering〕Tending to domineer; overbearing.专横的:盛气凌人的;专横的美国传统〔domineer〕A mother who domineers over her family is likely to lose her children's love.对子女专横的母亲很可能失去孩子们的爱。英汉大词典〔domineer〕He tried to domineer over everyone.他想对任何人都专横跋扈。21世纪英汉〔emasculate〕He plays the role of a meek husband who has been emasculated by his domineering wife.他是个温顺的丈夫,被他那专横的妻子弄得连男子气概都没有了。韦氏高阶〔father〕He had a domineering mother and a cold, distant father.他有一位专横跋扈的母亲和一位冷漠无情的父亲。牛津搭配〔high muckamuck〕An important, often overbearing person.大人物:重要的,通常为专横傲慢的人美国传统〔high-handedness〕He wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed.他不想让自己显得太专横霸道。柯林斯高阶〔high-handed〕He wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed.他不想让自己显得那么霸道和专横。外研社新世纪〔high-handed〕She resented his high-handed manner.她憎恶他专横的态度。朗文当代〔highhanded〕Arrogant; overbearing.专横的;专制的美国传统〔hold/put your hands up〕I know I'm bossy and I hold my hands up to that.我承认我有点专横。剑桥高阶〔imperiously〕From across the desk she gave him a witheringly imperious look.她从桌子对面扫了他一眼,目光咄咄逼人,凌利而专横。柯林斯高阶〔imperious〕Her attitude is imperious at times.她的态度有时很专横。外研社新世纪〔is rumored to be〕The new boss is rumored to be a bit of a tyrant.有传言说新老板有点专横。韦氏高阶〔lordly〕Pretentiously arrogant and overbearing.狂妄地傲慢和专横美国传统〔manner〕Sophie resented his highhanded manner.索菲讨厌他那种专横的态度。朗文当代〔masterful〕Given to playing the master; imperious or domineering.专横的,跋扈的:好摆主人架子的;傲慢的或专横的美国传统〔masterful〕His eyes were dark and masterful.他的眼睛黑沉沉的,给人以一种专横慑人的感觉。英汉大词典〔masterful〕His manner was masterful and abrupt.他的举止专横唐突。韦氏高阶〔officiously〕Lance Corporal Williams officiously ordered them out.一等兵威廉斯专横地命令他们出去。外研社新世纪〔oppressive〕He suffered from an oppressively dominant mother.他那武断专横的母亲令他苦不堪言。牛津高阶〔overbearing〕Milligan had a pompous, overbearing father.米利根有个自负、专横的父亲。剑桥高阶〔overbearing〕My husband can be quite overbearing with our son.我丈夫有时对儿子很专横。外研社新世纪〔overbearing〕My husband can be quite overbearing with our son.我丈夫有时对儿子很专横。柯林斯高阶〔rebuke〕She often rebuked David for his authoritarian attitude.她经常斥责戴维专横的态度。外研社新世纪〔reviled〕He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.他和他专横残暴的父母一样为人惧怕和憎恨。柯林斯高阶〔schoolmarmish〕Stop being so schoolmarmish and bossy.不要那么古板专横。剑桥高阶〔small town〕The guy in charge was the typical smalltown tyrant.管事者专横霸道,典型的小地方人。柯林斯高阶〔stranglehold〕He finally broke free from the stranglehold of his domineering parents.他最终摆脱了专横父母的压制。韦氏高阶〔tribune〕An officer of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians to protect their rights from arbitrary acts of the patrician magistrates.保民官:古代罗马平民选举产生的保护他们的权利免受贵族地方行政官专横行为侵害的官员美国传统〔turn〕She turned me off with her bossy manner.她态度专横很讨我嫌。牛津同义词〔typecast〕Administrators are fearful of being typecast in the role of autocrats.行政官员们很怕被人不加区别地一概看作专横独断的角色。英汉大词典〔tyrannical〕Everyone was afraid of their overbearing and tyrannical boss.人人都惧怕他们跋扈专横的老板。韦氏高阶〔tyrannical〕In the end she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her mother.最后她离家出走,为的只是逃脱母亲专横的管制。剑桥高阶〔tyrannical〕The conductor tends to be tyrannical at concert rehearsals.那指挥在排演音乐会时态度往往变得很专横。英汉大词典〔tyrannize〕He tyrannizes over his employees.他对待员工专横跋扈。韦氏高阶〔tyrannize〕The children were tyrannized by their father.孩子们受到父亲的专横管制。朗文当代〔tyrannize〕The same is true for fathers who tyrannize their families.对于专横对待家人的父亲而言, 也同样如此。外研社新世纪〔tyranny〕Gorky was often the victim of his grandfather's tyranny.高尔基经常是他祖父专横管制的受害者。朗文当代〔tyranny〕I'm the sole victim of Mother's tyranny.母亲只对我一人专横无礼。外研社新世纪〔tyranny〕People will remember the tyrannies of his reign.人民不会忘记他统治时期的种种残暴专横。英汉大词典〔tyrant〕An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.压迫的,残酷的,专横的人美国传统〔tyrant〕He claimed his father was a tyrant.他声称他父亲是个专横的人。外研社新世纪〔wear the trousers〕Blake may seem bossy, but it's Lisa that really wears the trousers in that relationship.布赖恩可能看起来比较专横,但我告诉你,他们两个中真正说了算的是莉萨。剑桥高阶〔without〕She's strong without being bossy.她强硬但不专横。剑桥高阶Dictators are arbitrary rulers. 独裁者即独断专横的统治者。译典通He is a priggish, domineering man.他是一个自命不凡、专横跋扈的人。剑桥国际Her arbitrariness made her many enemies. 她独断专横,因而树敌甚多。译典通Her father is very dictatorial.她父亲很专横。剑桥国际Her grandfather was a tyrant who insisted on absolute silence at the dinner table. 她祖父是个专横的人,坚持吃饭时绝对禁止讲话。译典通His bossy attitude aggravates me. 他专横的态度使我恼火。译典通His manner is extremely authoritarian.他的态度极为专横。剑桥国际In the end she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her mother.最后她离家出走,只是为了躲避其母亲专横的管制。剑桥国际Milligan's childhood was marked by an overbearing mother and a distant father.米利根童年的特点就是有一个专横的母亲和一个疏远的父亲。剑桥国际She became so morose and despotic, that her rule became intolerable. 她变得如此孤僻和专横,以致她的统治让人无法忍受。译典通She is usually described as a tough woman who is courageous and astute, as well as bossy and self-willed.她常被形容为是个强硬的女人,勇敢、敏锐,并且专横、固执。剑桥国际She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.她专横地挥了挥手,把他们打发走。剑桥国际She was regarded as rude, haughty, bossy and hectoring.人们认为她傲慢无礼、专横跋扈。剑桥国际She's a good person to work for, forceful without being bossy.她是一个很好的上司,强有力但不专横。剑桥国际Stop being so schoolmarmish and bossy.不要那么挑剔专横。剑桥国际Such high-handedness will only make her unpopular with her employees--she should try dealing with their problems more sympathetically.如此专横的态度只会令雇员们厌恶她----她在处理他们的问题时应当更富有同情心。剑桥国际The report criticizes their high-handed treatment of customers who have difficulty paying their bills.这份报告批评他们专横地对待支付帐单有困难的顾客。剑桥国际




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