

单词 东正教
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕Of a Uniat church that maintains the worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.希腊东正教的:保持了东正教堂或其内部宗教仪式风格的希腊东正教的美国传统〔Byzantine〕Of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.东正教的:东正教的或其内部宗教仪式的美国传统〔Divine Liturgy〕The Eastern Orthodox Eucharistic rite.东正教圣餐仪式美国传统〔Eastern Church〕The Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教美国传统〔Greek Catholic〕A member of the Eastern Orthodox Church.希腊正教会教徒:东正教的一员美国传统〔Greek Church〕The Eastern Orthodox Church.希腊正教会:东正教会美国传统〔Greek Orthodox Church〕The state church of Greece, an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox Church.希腊正教会:希腊国教,为东正教教会的一个独立分支美国传统〔INDEPENDENT〕The Orthodox Church is composed of 23 self-governing churches. 东正教会由23个自治的分会组成。朗文写作活用〔Nativity〕The Nativity was celebrated from the eighth century in the Orthodox Church on 8 September.自8世纪起, 东正教于9月8日庆祝主降生节。外研社新世纪〔Orthodox Church〕The Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教(会)美国传统〔Orthodox〕Eastern Orthodox Christians东正教基督徒外研社新世纪〔archpriest〕Eastern Orthodox Church The highest rank a married priest can hold.【东正教】 大祭司:结婚后的牧师所能持有的最高官阶美国传统〔bema〕Eastern Orthodox Church The area of a church in which the altar is located; the sanctuary.【东正教】 圣坛:教堂里圣坛所在的地方;圣殿美国传统〔chrism〕A sacramental anointing, especially upon confirmation into the Eastern Orthodox Church.抹圣油礼:在圣礼上涂油,尤其是东正教的坚信礼上美国传统〔deacon〕A cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches.执事:英国圣公会、东正教和罗马天主教的教堂中仅次于牧师级别的神职人员美国传统〔despot〕An Eastern Orthodox bishop or patriarch.东正教教皇或教士美国传统〔eastern〕Of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教的:东正教会的及有关的美国传统〔ecumenical patriarch〕The patriarch of Constantinople, the highest ecclesiastical official of the Eastern Orthodox Church.世界基督教主教:君士坦丁堡最高主教,是东正教的最高神职人员美国传统〔eparchy〕A diocese of an Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教主管教区美国传统〔exarch〕A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.督主教:东正教中职务低于宗主教的主教美国传统〔holy of holies〕Eastern Orthodox Church The bema or sanctuary in a church.【东正教】 教堂里的祭坛或庇护所美国传统〔iconostasis〕The screen decorated with icons that divides the sanctuary from the nave of an Eastern Orthodox church.圣像屏帏:东正教教堂中把圣殿与广场隔开的饰有圣像的屏风美国传统〔icon〕A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditional to the Eastern Church.圣像:基督教神圣或受崇拜的人物的画像,这是东正教的传统美国传统〔metropolitan〕Eastern Orthodox Church A bishop who is head of an ecclesiastical province and ranks next below the patriarch.【东正教】 教长:作为基督教省首脑的教主,位居教皇之下美国传统〔orthodoxy〕The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教堂的信仰和实践美国传统〔orthodox〕I attend an Eastern Orthodox church.我参加了一次东正教礼拜。韦氏高阶〔orthodox〕My grandmother is Russian Orthodox.我的祖母是俄罗斯东正教徒。韦氏高阶〔orthodox〕Of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church.关于或有东正教教堂或仪式的美国传统〔orthodox〕Orthodox A member of an Eastern Orthodox church. Orthodox 东正教教堂的一员美国传统〔patriarch〕Eastern Orthodox Church Any one of the bishops of the sees of Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, Moscow, and Jerusalem who has authority over other bishops.【东正教】 (东正教中)总主教,教长:君士坦丁堡、安提阿克、亚历山大、莫斯科和耶路撒冷的东正教的精神领袖,对其他主教具有管辖权美国传统〔pope〕Eastern Orthodox Church The patriarch of Alexandria.【东正教】 亚历山大的总教主美国传统〔preoccupation〕Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church.卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表明他对东正教的执着。柯林斯高阶〔religion〕These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.这些人大多是俄罗斯东正教信徒。牛津搭配〔sanctify〕The rule of the Czar was sanctified by the Russian Orthodox Church.沙皇的统治是经俄国东正教会认可的。朗文当代〔yarmulke〕A skullcap worn by Jewish men and boys, especially those adhering to Orthodox or Conservative Judaism.亚莫克便帽:犹太男子或男孩戴的一种无边便帽,尤指那些信奉东正教或保守犹太教的人美国传统




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