

单词 一角
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-topped〕the top corner of his newspaper. 他报纸顶端的一角柯林斯高阶〔alcove〕a breakfast alcove 专供进早餐用的一角英汉大词典〔anamorphic〕an anamorphic painting (只有从某一角度或通过特制器械观察方不失真的)变形画英汉大词典〔angle〕to angle a spotlight把聚光灯放置成一角度21世纪英汉〔audition〕audition for a role 试演某一角色英汉大词典〔audition〕give sb. an audition for a part 让某人试演某一角色英汉大词典〔fence〕to fence off a corner of one's yard把某人的庭院一角拦开来21世纪英汉〔flat〕a flat fare of ten cents a ride 每次乘车一角钱的固定车费英汉大词典〔interpretation〕an actor's interpretation of the role of Hamlet 演员对哈姆雷特这一角色的演绎韦氏高阶〔nook〕a shady nook in the garden 花园里阴凉的一角牛津高阶〔performance〕her fine performance as Ophelia 她出演奥菲莉亚一角的精彩表演牛津搭配〔performance〕his performance as Hamlet他出演哈姆雷特一角外研社新世纪〔personage〕assume the personage of Caesar 扮演恺撒这一角色英汉大词典〔portray〕portray a character in a play 在剧中扮演一角色英汉大词典〔prominence〕a performance which gives a special prominence to the part of Hamlet's mother 特别突出哈姆雷特的母亲这一角色的表演牛津搭配〔quick-change〕a quick-change actor 换装迅速(以出演另一角色)的演员英汉大词典〔saturation〕canvass a district to saturation 在选区游说拉票遍至每一角落英汉大词典〔screen〕to screen off the corner of the stage with the setting用布景隔开舞台的一角21世纪英汉〔snick〕snicked off a corner of the material. 轻轻切开材料的一角美国传统〔wedge〕a lemon wedge 一角柠檬韦氏高阶〔wedge〕a wedge of cake 一角蛋糕牛津高阶〔wedge〕a wedge of cheese 一角奶酪朗文当代〔wedge〕to wedge something into a corner of the drawer在抽屉的一角塞入东西21世纪英汉〔wedge〕wedge a bag into a corner of the suitcase 把一只包塞进手提箱的一角英汉大词典the role of small companies as generators of jobs 小公司创造就业的这一角色牛津商务




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