

单词 一大笔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕She received a handsome reward for finding the wallet. 她拾到钱包,得到了一大笔酬金。朗文写作活用〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕Five percent may not sound like much but it's a lot of money when you add it all up. 百分之五也许听上去不多,但是加在一起就是一大笔钱。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕Catherine will inherit a large sum of money on her father's death. 凯瑟琳在她父亲去世后可继承一大笔钱。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕The management offered a large bonus to those workers who stayed to the end of the contract. 管理层给做满合同期的工人发放一大笔奖金。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Getting good health insurance these days costs an arm and a leg. 如今买好的健康保险要花一大笔钱。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕It costs a fortune to buy a Porsche - some people have all the luck. 买一辆保时捷要一大笔钱呢—有些人真是运气好。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The painting was sold for £20,000 in 1926, which was a lot of money in those days. 1926年时这幅画卖了20,000英镑,这在当时是一大笔钱了。朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕There are heavy fines for drink-driving. 酒后驾车会被处以一大笔罚款。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕He must earn an absolute fortune.他准是赚了一大笔钱。牛津高阶〔among〕The members of the family have, among them, made a fortune.那个家族的成员经共同努力积攒了一大笔财产。英汉大词典〔bequeath〕His father bequeathed him a fortune.他父亲留给他一大笔财产。朗文当代〔boatload〕They made boatloads of money. = They made a boatload of money.他们赚了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔bomb〕Chiefly British A large amount of money.【多用于英国】 一大笔钱美国传统〔bomb〕She paid a bomb for the car.她买车花了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔buck〕This means big bucks for someone.对某些人来说这是一大笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔bundle〕A company can make a bundle by selling unwanted property.公司出售多余资产可以赚一大笔钱。朗文当代〔change〕She was holding some heavy change for him — money from the sale of some property.她替他保管着一大笔款子,是出售某项产业所得的钱。英汉大词典〔client〕The company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance.公司要求客户预付一大笔费用。柯林斯高阶〔colossal〕He has a colossal sum of money.他有一大笔钱。文馨英汉〔compensatory〕She was awarded a large sum in compensatory damages .她得到了一大笔损失赔偿金。朗文当代〔contribution〕His company made a very large contribution to the campaign fund.他的公司为竞选基金捐了一大笔款。麦克米伦高阶〔deplete〕That last holiday seriously depleted my bank account! 上次度假花掉了我银行账户里的一大笔钱!剑桥高阶〔deposit toward〕They deposited a large amount of money toward the purchase of the car.他们预付了一大笔钱作为购买那辆汽车的定金。21世纪英汉〔deposit to〕A large sum of money was deposited to her account.有一大笔钱存入她的账户。21世纪英汉〔deposit〕Our records show that she made a large deposit to her account earlier in the month.我们的记录显示月初时她在自己的账户存了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔dry ... up〕We saved up a large sum of money, and it seemed never to dry up.我们储蓄了一大笔钱,这笔钱似乎取之不尽。21世纪英汉〔earn〕She must earn a fortune(= earn a lot of money).她准是挣了一大笔钱。牛津高阶〔fast-talk〕He fast-talked the old woman out of a large piece of her property.他花言巧语,骗走了那个老太太一大笔财产。韦氏高阶〔fee〕They paid a fortune in legal fees.他们付了一大笔律师费用。韦氏高阶〔fool with〕What are you doing fooling with such a staggering sum of money?你拿着这么一大笔钱瞎折腾什么呢?外研社新世纪〔fortune〕She made her/a fortune in real estate.她搞房地产赚了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔for〕She sold the house for a lot of money.她这栋房子卖了一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔good money〕I paid good money for it.这可是我花了一大笔钱买下的。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.有小道消息说他在股票交易中赔了一大笔钱。牛津高阶〔grant〕The school has received a large capital grant to improve its buildings.学校收到一大笔拨款用以改造校舍。牛津搭配〔haemorrhage〕His money was haemorrhaged in that economic crisis.在那次经济危机中,他损失了一大笔钱。21世纪英汉〔hash〕The Government made a total hash of things and squandered a small fortune.政府把事情搞砸了,还白白浪费了一大笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔heck〕It cost a heck of a lot of money.这花了一大笔钱。朗文当代〔hit〕To become highly and unexpectedly successful, especially to win a great deal of money.大发横财:大的和意外的成功,尤指赢了一大笔钱美国传统〔hole〕Buying a car made a large hole in his savings.购置汽车用掉了他一大笔存款。英汉大词典〔hole〕Holidays can make a big hole in your savings.假期会花去你一大笔存款。朗文当代〔hypothetically〕Suppose, hypothetically, that you were offered a large sum of money in exchange for revealing company secrets. Would you accept the offer? 设想,假如有人给你一大笔钱让你泄露公司的秘密,你会接受吗?韦氏高阶〔income〕He has a large private income on top of what he earns as a teacher.他除了当教师的工资外还有一大笔私人收入。牛津搭配〔killing〕They have made a killing on the deal.他们在这次交易中赚了一大笔钱。外研社新世纪〔kiss away〕He soon kissed away a large fortune.他行为荒淫,很快便挥霍掉了一大笔财富。21世纪英汉〔lay〕I had to lay out a fortune on a new car.我只好花一大笔钱买了辆新车。牛津高阶〔lay〕They had already laid out a substantial sum for the wedding.为这个婚礼他们已花费了一大笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕He left his wife a very large legacy.=He left a very large legacy to his wife.他身后为妻子留下了一大笔遗产。文馨英汉〔make a hole in sth〕The trip made a big hole in our savings but I'm glad we went.这次度假花掉了我们一大笔积蓄,但是我对这次旅行很满意。剑桥高阶〔mint〕She made a mint on the stock exchange last year.她去年做股票赚了一大笔钱。朗文当代〔money〕He made good money when he worked.他工作时赚了一大笔钱。外研社新世纪〔obscene〕He earns an obscene amount of money.他捞了一大笔昧心钱。牛津高阶〔packet〕That house must have cost a packet! 那座房子一定花了一大笔钱!剑桥高阶〔packet〕The furniture wasn't expensive but we spent a packet on shipping charges.家具不贵,却花了我们一大笔运费。韦氏高阶〔position〕We are in a position where we may lose a large sum of money.我们目前的处境使我们可能损失一大笔钱。英汉大词典〔pot〕He's hoping to make pots of money from the deal.他希望能从那笔交易中赚一大笔钱。朗文当代〔pot〕She earned a pot of money on that job.她靠那份工作赚了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔realistic〕Let's be realistic (about this) - I just can't afford to pay that much money.(在这一点上)我们还是现实一点吧——我根本就付不起那么一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔realize〕He realized a large profit on the house.他将房屋卖掉,赚了一大笔钱。英汉大词典〔run〕He ran a large tab at the club.他在俱乐部里积欠了一大笔账款。英汉大词典〔run〕My son ran up a huge phone bill.我儿子欠了一大笔电话费。麦克米伦高阶〔save up〕People often put money aside in order to save up enough to make one major expenditure.人们往往为了支付一大笔开销而存钱。外研社新世纪〔scalp〕He earned a lot by scalping.他在倒卖股票的生意中赚了一大笔。21世纪英汉〔scoop〕He got a scoop with these shares he bought.他买进这些股票,从而赚了一大笔钱。英汉大词典〔scrub〕He paid our neighbours a handsome price for their little scrub bull.他用一大笔钱买了我们邻居的那头矮小公牛。外研社新世纪〔serious〕It's time you made some serious money.是你挣一大笔钱的时候了。麦克米伦高阶〔serious〕You can earn serious money doing that.干那个,你能挣一大笔钱。牛津高阶〔should〕We realized that we should have to pay a large sum to the lawyers.我们意识到我们得支付给律师们一大笔费用。麦克米伦高阶〔such〕This is something where you can earn such a lot of money that there is not any risk that you will lose it.这可以让你挣一大笔钱,而且没有任何赔钱的风险。柯林斯高阶〔sum〕He owes me a large sum of money .他欠我一大笔钱。朗文当代〔sum〕He sold the house for a tidy (= large) sum.他把房子卖了一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔tidy〕We sold the house for a tidy sum and moved south.我们把那座房子卖了一大笔钱,然后移居到了南方。朗文当代〔tremendous〕This plan could save us a tremendous amount of money.这个计划能给我们节省一大笔钱。朗文当代〔unspecified〕She owes a large but unspecified amount of money.她欠了一大笔钱,但具体数目不知道。麦克米伦高阶〔walloping〕They had to pay a walloping great fine.他们不得不缴一大笔罚款。牛津高阶〔yield〕This figure could yield a return high enough to provide a healthy pension.这个数目能产生很高的回报,足以提供一大笔养老金。麦克米伦高阶Alan received a lump sum (payment) (= a payment in one large amount on one occasion) from his employer when he was made redundant.当艾伦被遣散时,他从老板处得到了一大笔一次付讫的钱。剑桥国际Any painting by Van Gogh is worth a fortune.凡·高的任何一幅画都值一大笔钱。剑桥国际Buying that suit must have set you back.买那套西装肯定花了你一大笔钱。剑桥国际He drew a large cheque on his company's account.他用支票从公司账户中取了一大笔钱。牛津商务He ran up an enormous phone bill by ringing up chatlines all the time.他总是打电话给闲聊热线,积起了一大笔电话费。剑桥国际He received a large fortune when his uncle died. 他在叔父去世时得到了一大笔财产。译典通He received a large inheritance. 他继承了一大笔遗产。译典通He was the sole heir of the large estate. 他是这一大笔遗产的唯一继承人。译典通I had to pay a hefty fine because my tax disc had run out.我得交一大笔罚金,因为我的圆形纳税证过期了。剑桥国际I paid the earth for this leather bag.这个皮包花了我一大笔钱。剑桥国际I would question the wisdom of borrowing such a large sum of money. 我怀疑借这么一大笔钱是否明智。译典通I'm not buying the factory because I'm an altruist.I expect it to be making me a lot of money in a few years’time.我购买这家工厂,不是因为我是一个利他主义者,而是因为我指望它能在几年后给我挣一大笔钱。剑桥国际If his books sell in the States he'll make a mint.如果他的书在美国卖的话,他会赚一大笔钱。剑桥国际Mr. Brown cleared a huge profit. 布朗先生净赚了一大笔利润。译典通She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.她通过她的小说已经积聚了一大笔财富。剑桥国际She made a fortune from investing in property.她投资房地产赚了一大笔钱。牛津商务She's been making a killing since she established her chain of health-food shops two years ago.自从两年前开了健康食品连锁店以来,她轻而易举地赚了一大笔钱。剑桥国际So, he's suddenly got a load of money from somewhere--very interesting! 那么,他突然从某个地方搞到一大笔钱,真有趣!剑桥国际The final-salary pension plan still has a healthy surplus.最终薪金退休金计划仍有一大笔盈余。牛津商务They made a pile of dough on the deal.他们从这笔交易中赚了一大笔钱。牛津商务They made themselves a fortune selling sports clothes. They made a fortune for themselves selling sports clothes.他们卖运动服赚了一大笔钱。剑桥国际This dress cost a (small) fortune / an absolute fortune (=a lot of money).这衣服花了一(小)笔钱/一大笔钱。剑桥国际We both shared the same ambition, viz, to make a lot of money and to retire at 40.我们俩具有相同的志气,即赚一大笔钱,然后在40岁退休。剑桥国际We cleaned up at the roulette table last night.昨晚我们在轮盘赌中赢了一大笔钱。剑桥国际




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