

单词 一大堆
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DECAY〕a pile of rotten apples 一大堆烂苹果朗文写作活用〔Everest〕an Everest of dirty dishes一大堆脏碟子外研社新世纪〔attack〕made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork. 乐观地着手一大堆的案头工作美国传统〔bagful〕a bagful of issues 一大堆问题英汉大词典〔bag〕a bag of troubles 一大堆困难 英汉大词典〔basketful〕a whole basketful of allegories 一大堆寓言英汉大词典〔bewildering〕a bewildering number of choices 一大堆让人眼花缭乱的选择韦氏高阶〔bewildering〕a bewildering number of options 一大堆令人困惑的选择英汉大词典〔bumf〕a lot of public relations bumf about the company's new products 一大堆有关这家公司新产品的公关材料韦氏高阶〔bundle〕a large bundle of mistakes 一大堆错误英汉大词典〔cache〕a huge cache of illegal guns and home-made explosives 窝藏的一大堆非法枪支和自制炸药麦克米伦高阶〔crockery〕a stack of dirty crockery 一大堆脏碗碟朗文当代〔crowd〕a crowd of books on the desk 桌上的一大堆书英汉大词典〔fistful〕a fistful of tired, outworn slogans 一大堆陈腐不堪的口号英汉大词典〔heap〕a big heap of books 一大堆书 英汉大词典〔heap〕a big heap of books 一大堆书文馨英汉〔hogwash〕a load of hogwash 一大堆废话英汉大词典〔igneous〕a large body of igneous material一大堆火成岩石料外研社新世纪〔incalculable〕a mass of incalculable figures. 一大堆无法计算的数字美国传统〔indeterminable〕a host of delicate and indeterminable questions 一大堆微妙而难以解决的问题英汉大词典〔indigestible〕an indigestible mass of facts 一大堆难以理解的事实英汉大词典〔ironing〕a large pile of ironing 一大堆待熨烫[刚烫好]的衣服(等)文馨英汉〔maze〕a maze of rules and regulations 一大堆纷繁复杂的规章制度韦氏高阶〔mountain〕a mountain of laundry. 一大堆要洗的衣服美国传统〔mountain〕a mountain of timber (papers) 一大堆木材(文件) 英汉大词典〔official〕a list of my official duties 一大堆我要处理的公务麦克米伦高阶〔pile〕a pile of dirty clothes 一大堆脏衣服剑桥高阶〔pile〕a pile of trouble 一大堆麻烦事英汉大词典〔plethora〕a plethora of suggestions 一大堆建议朗文当代〔putrescent〕a putrescent mass of fish 一大堆正在腐坏的鱼英汉大词典〔rattle〕rattled off a list of complaints. 说出一大堆抱怨的话美国传统〔ready-made〕a raft of ready-made excuses. 一大堆预备好了的借口美国传统〔sail in〕to sail into the large stack of file动手处理一大堆文件21世纪英汉〔shoal〕a shoal of troubles 一大堆困难英汉大词典〔slew〕a whole slew of difficulties 一大堆困难文馨英汉〔throng〕a throng of confused notions 一大堆纷乱的想法英汉大词典〔unused〕a mass of hitherto unused material 一大堆迄今没有用过的材料牛津搭配〔welter〕a welter of details 一大堆杂乱的细节文馨英汉〔welter〕a welter of information 一大堆杂乱的信息牛津高阶〔wodge〕a wodge of cash 一大堆现金韦氏高阶




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