

单词 下笔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕Occasionally he would stop writing, read through what he had written, and then go on. 他偶尔会停下笔,读一读前面写好的东西,然后又继续写下去。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Troops stood at attention under a broiling noon sun. 士兵们在正午的炎炎烈日下笔直地站着。朗文写作活用〔aside〕He set his pen aside and read over what he had written.他放下笔,通读了一遍他写完的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔bawdy〕The Bard was sometimes bawdy.诗人莎翁有时下笔污秽。英汉大词典〔consult〕I don't remember that part of the meeting; I'll have to consult my notes.我记不清会议的那部分内容了,得查一下笔记。韦氏高阶〔decide〕The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship.他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。柯林斯高阶〔fluent〕He was a fluent and rapid prose writer.他是个文笔流畅、下笔成章的散文作家。朗文当代〔haste〕The translations bear the signs of inaccuracy and haste.这些译文中有不够准确、下笔仓促的痕迹。柯林斯高阶〔lay down〕I laid down the pen and shut the book.我放下笔, 合上书。外研社新世纪〔leaf〕I leafed my notes before the final examination.在期末考试前我匆匆地翻了下笔记。21世纪英汉〔look〕She looked through her notes before the exam.她考试前匆匆看了一下笔记。牛津高阶〔nibble〕Don't nibble at your picture if you want to be a painter.如果你想成为一名画家,你就不要缩手缩脚地不敢下笔。21世纪英汉〔note〕I can't come to class today. Would you mind taking notes for me? 今天我不能去上课了。你能帮我记一下笔记吗?韦氏高阶〔soak〕He soaked himself in the subject before daring to write about it.他悉心研究这个题目之后才敢下笔写。英汉大词典〔sort〕It takes me some time to sort out my thoughts before I can start writing.下笔以前,我得花些时间理清思路。英汉大词典




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