

单词 下皮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THIN〕The poor dog was practically skin and bone. 这条可怜的狗瘦得几乎只剩下皮包骨。朗文写作活用〔graft〕Skin was removed from her leg and grafted on/onto her face.从她的腿上取下皮肤移植到了她的脸上。剑桥高阶〔hypodermis〕Anatomy A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells.【解剖学】 下皮,真皮:含有不同数量的脂肪细胞的皮下松散组织层美国传统〔polish〕He gave his shoes (glasses) a quick polish.他很快擦了一下皮鞋(眼镜)。英汉大词典〔subcortex〕The portion of the brain immediately below the cerebral cortex.下皮层,皮层下部:紧邻在脑皮层下方的大脑部分美国传统I'd eaten so much that I had to undo my belt by a couple of holes.我吃得太多了, 我必须松一下皮带。剑桥国际




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