

单词 作出预测
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔augur〕To make predictions from signs or omens.作预测:从迹象或预兆中作出预测美国传统〔futurology〕The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.未来学:一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科美国传统〔prediction〕He was unwilling to make a prediction for the coming year.他不愿意对来年作出预测。外研社新世纪〔projection〕He declined to make projections about the next quarter's earnings.他拒绝对下一季度的盈利作出预测。牛津搭配It takes a brave man / woman to predict (= There is a risk involved in guessing) how interest rates will go at the moment.只有勇敢的人才能对目前利率变化作出预测。剑桥国际




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