

单词 aggregate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aggregable〕The population aggregates a billion people.人口总数达10亿。21世纪英汉〔aggregate score〕Man Utd won the first leg 1-0 and Liverpool won the second 3-1, so the aggregate score was 3-2 to Liverpool.第一场曼联队以1比0赢了利物浦队,第二场利物浦队以3比1获胜,所以两队的总比分为3比2,利物浦队胜出。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕A wife's income is no longer aggregated with that of her husband.妻子的收入不再与丈夫的合并。朗文当代〔aggregate〕AC Milan won 3-2 on aggregate.AC 米兰队以总比分3比2获胜。外研社新世纪〔aggregate〕Arsenal lost the second game, but got through to the final on aggregate (= adding together the goals in both matches).阿森纳队虽然输了第二场比赛,但是凭借进球总数进入了决赛。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕Different economies, with different currencies, should not be aggregated to produce uniform policies.不同的经济有着不同的货币,不应该视为一体以制定出统一的政策。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕Dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to 25 million dollars.年度红利总计达到2 500万美元。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12.英格兰队已经连续3次打败威尔士队,总比分为83比12。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income.只有在消费总额超过总收入的7%时才可免税。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕In the aggregate (=as a group or in total), women outlive men by 7 or more years.总体来看,女性比男性多活 7 年以上。朗文当代〔aggregate〕Liverpool won 11–2 on aggregate.利物浦队以11-2的总分胜出。麦克米伦高阶〔aggregate〕Manchester United won 2-1 on aggregate.曼联队以 2 比 1 的总比分获胜。朗文当代〔aggregate〕Our team won the same number of matches, but their team scored more goals so they won on aggregate.我们队赢得的场次与他们同样多,但他们队得分更多,所以他们胜在总分上。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕Sheila's earnings from all sources aggregated £100,000.希拉的所有收入总计为 10 万英镑。朗文当代〔aggregate〕Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals.雪花是冰晶松散的凝聚体。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕The aggregate of all the salaries in the department is well over four hundred thousand a month.这个部门的月薪总额远远超过40万。英汉大词典〔aggregate〕The Web site aggregates content from many other sites.这个网站聚集了许多其他网站的内容。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕The audiences aggregated a million people.观众总数达100万人。英汉大词典〔aggregate〕The charity received gifts, which in aggregate did not exceed £40,000.慈善机构接收了总计不超过4万英镑的礼物。麦克米伦高阶〔aggregate〕The experience only becomes important when considered in the aggregate.经验只有在通盘考虑的情况下才变得重要。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕The highest aggregate came in the third round where Leeds and Middlesbrough drew 4-4.第三局时出现了最高比分,利兹队和米德尔斯伯勒队打成4比4平。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.国民生产总值的增长率将取决于总需求的增长率。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕The scores were aggregated with the first round totals to decide the winner.此次得分与第一轮所得总分合计决出优胜者。牛津高阶〔aggregate〕The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £5.2 million.这7家公司的总营业额为520万英镑。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕The smaller minorities got an aggregate of 1,327 votes.较小的少数党总共获得 1327 张选票。朗文当代〔aggregate〕The team with the highest aggregate score wins.总分最高的球队获胜。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕The university receives more than half its aggregate income from government sources.这所大学全部收入的一半以上来自政府。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕They purchased an aggregate of 3,000 shares in the company.他们总共买了这家公司的3000股股票。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕They won 4–2 on aggregate.他们以总分 4:2 获胜。牛津高阶〔aggregate〕They won the two games by an aggregate of 40 points.他们赢了两场比赛,总分40分。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕United won 5-3 on aggregate.联队以总比分5比3胜出。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕Volumes of aggregates, cement, and concrete used in the UK will rise this year.今年英国骨料、水泥和混凝土的使用量都将上升。剑桥高阶〔aggregate〕We should never aggregate votes to predict results under another system.我们绝对不可将选票相加来预测另一种制度下的选举结果。柯林斯高阶〔aggregate〕We spent an aggregate of 30 million dollars in advertising during the last three years.过去三年我们的广告费用总计为3000万美元。韦氏高阶〔amount〕The total of two or more quantities; the aggregate.合计,总额:两个或两个以上数量的总和;合计美国传统〔go out〕Newcastle went out of the competition, losing 2-1 on aggregate.纽卡斯尔队以1比2的总比分被淘汰出局。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕The cell and the molecule are not aggregates but integrates.细胞和分子不是聚集体,而是集成体。英汉大词典〔lump〕A collection or totality; an aggregate.聚合,堆:汇合或整体;聚合美国传统〔military-industrial complex〕The aggregate of a nation's armed forces and the industries that supply their equipment, materials, and armaments.军队军工厂混和型基地:一个国家的军队及供给设备、原物料及军备的混和型基地美国传统〔ore〕A mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably mined or extracted.矿石:一种矿物或多种矿物的集合物,从中可采探或提取出在经济上有价值的成分,尤指金属美国传统〔plasmon〕The aggregate of cytoplasmic or extranuclear genetic material in an organism.胞质团:有机体中细胞质或核外基因物质的集聚物美国传统〔raspberry〕The aggregate fruit of any of these plants, consisting of many small, fleshy, usually red drupelets.悬钩子果实,树莓:悬钩子植物的聚生状果实,包括许多肉多,通常红色的小核果美国传统〔rock〕A naturally formed aggregate of mineral matter constituting a significant part of the earth's crust.聚合体:构成地壳重要组成部分的天然矿物的聚合体美国传统〔scaler〕An electronic circuit that records the aggregate of a specific number of signals that occur too rapidly to be recorded individually.计数器:一种总括记录成堆信号的电路,记录那些因传送太快以致不能单个记录下来的信号美国传统〔scatter〕These verbs are compared as they mean to cause a mass or an aggregate to separate and go in different directions.当这些动词的意思为使人群或人的集合群朝不同方向分离并走开时,它们之间可作比较。美国传统〔shallot〕A type of onion with long, pointed, pear-shaped, aggregated bulbs.青葱,叶葱:一种长有长而尖的、梨形的并聚集成团状球茎的洋葱美国传统〔shipping〕The body of ships belonging to one port, industry, or country, often referred to in aggregate tonnage.船舶总量:属于一个港口、行业或国家的一批船只,经常用总吨位指称美国传统〔sludge〕To agglutinate or aggregate into a semisolid mass; form a sludge. Used of blood cells.使凝集成淤血:凝结或聚集成半固态;形成一团淤血。用于血液细胞美国传统〔slug〕A slimy mass of aggregated amoeboid cells from which the sporophore of a cellular slime mold develops.粘稠变形细胞:一团粘稠的凝集的变形细胞,从其中可以发育出一种粉滑的细胞霉菌的孢囊柱美国传统〔strawberry〕The aggregate fruit of this plant.草莓:这种植物的聚合果美国传统〔summation〕A sum or an aggregate.合计或总计美国传统〔title〕The aggregate evidence that gives rise to a legal right of possession or control.所有权凭证:产生占有或控制某物的法律权力的全部证据美国传统〔totality〕An aggregate amount; a sum.总数:加起来得到的数字;合计美国传统〔zoarium〕The aggregate of zooids that make up a colonial or compound organism.苔藓虫类菌落:形成集群或复合有机体的簇集游动孢子美国传统〔zooglea〕An aggregate of bacteria forming a jellylike mass with cell walls swollen by the absorption of water or other fluid.菌胶闭:细菌的聚生,通过吸收水或其它液体而鼓胀,形成带有细胞壁的胶状块美国传统Arsenal won only two of the three games, but got through to the final on aggregate (=adding together all their goals).阿森纳队只赢了3场比赛中的两场,但凭进球总数进入了决赛。剑桥国际Businesses are, in the aggregate, deeper in debt than ever before.总的来说,企业的债务负担比以往任何时候都要沉重。牛津商务I have aggregated (=added together) all the figures, and the grand total is 5 million.我已经加起了所有数字,总计是500万。剑桥国际She has now purchased an aggregate of 16% of the company's shares.她总共购买了这公司 16% 的股票。牛津商务Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals.雪花是冰晶的松散凝结。剑桥国际The aggregate cost of the equipment was about $1 million.设备的总成本大约为 100 万元。牛津商务The aggregate number of unemployed is fifty thousand this year. 今年失业人数总共达五万人。译典通The audiences aggregated a million people. 观众总数达一百万人。译典通They purchased an aggregate of 3000 shares in the company.他们总计购买了这家公司的3000股股票。剑桥国际This website aggregates hundreds of thousands of sales and promotions.这家网站汇聚数以千万计推销和推广项目。牛津商务




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