

单词 不衰
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LONG〕art, writing, ideas etc that last for a long time 经久不衰的艺术作品、著作、思想等朗文写作活用〔aflame〕keep aflame the spirit of adventure 使冒险精神保持旺盛不衰英汉大词典〔bounce〕a man of unfailing bounce 活力从不衰退的汉子英汉大词典〔charm〕a classic children's tale that has lost none of its charm 一个经久不衰的经典童话麦克米伦高阶〔continuing〕continuing fame 历久不衰的名望英汉大词典〔enduring〕the enduring appeal of Shakespeare's plays 莎士比亚戏剧经久不衰的感染力朗文当代〔enduring〕the enduring appeal of cartoons 卡通片经久不衰的魅力剑桥高阶〔ennoble〕the enduring fundamental principles of life that ennoble mankind. 使人类彰显高尚的经久不衰的人生基本准则柯林斯高阶〔evergreen〕that evergreen TV series "Friends" 那部经久不衰的电视连续剧《老友记》剑桥高阶〔evergreen〕the evergreen hope of discovering sth. 对发现某事物所抱的永不衰息的希望英汉大词典〔evergreen〕this evergreen classic这个经久不衰的经典著作外研社新世纪〔fascination〕the public's enduring fascination with the Royal Family 公众对王室的经久不衰的兴趣牛津高阶〔long-lived〕the band's long-lived appeal 这个乐队经久不衰的吸引力朗文当代〔long-running〕a long-running musical 久演不衰的音乐剧剑桥高阶〔raw〕keep one's courage raw 保持勇气旺盛不衰 英汉大词典〔undiminished〕zeal undiminished through the years 长年不衰的热情 英汉大词典〔unflagging〕his unflagging energy 他旺盛不衰的精力朗文当代〔unflagging〕unflagging zeal 经久不衰的热情 英汉大词典




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