

单词 不留意
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔inobservance〕Lack of heed or attention; disregard.不留心,玩忽:不留意,不注意;不在意美国传统〔observer〕A casual observer would have guessed his age at 70.要是不留意看,可能会猜他的年龄是 70 岁。朗文当代〔sneak up on〕This kind of problem can sneak up on you if you're not attentive.如果你不留意,这类问题就会悄然出现。韦氏高阶〔womenfolk〕Men never notice anything in a house run by their womenfolk.男人们从不留意女人们打理的家。柯林斯高阶I had to keep a lookout for the house so that we did not drive past it.我不得不留意该房屋,以免我们开过头。剑桥国际I have to watch my weight (= be careful not to become too heavy) now I'm not doing so much sport.我不得不留意自己的体重,因为现在我运动得并不多。剑桥国际I was not inattentive to inanimate nature, nor unmindful of the past. 对无生命的自然我并非不关心,对过去我也并非不留意。译典通




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