

单词 一声枪响
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕There was a sudden crack of gunfire, and the crowd scattered. 突然一声枪响,人群四散而逃。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕I heard a shot, followed by a thud as his body hit the floor. 我听到一声枪响,紧接着是啪的一声他倒地的声音。朗文写作活用〔bolt〕There was a gunshot and the horse bolted.一声枪响,马窜了出去。麦克米伦高阶〔cower〕A gun went off and people cowered behind walls and under tables.一声枪响,人们缩到墙后或桌子底下躲起来。牛津高阶〔gunshot〕I then heard what sounded like a gunshot in the hall.当时,我听到门厅里像是传出一声枪响。剑桥高阶〔gunshot〕She says she heard a gunshot at about midnight.她说她大约在半夜时分听到了一声枪响。朗文当代〔hear〕Distantly he heard the report of another gun.他远远地听到了又一声枪响。牛津搭配〔ring out〕A shot rang out in the night.深夜里突然一声枪响。21世纪英汉〔ring〕A shot rang out in the distance.远处传来一声枪响。文馨英汉〔scarcely〕I had scarcely stepped out of the house (或 Scarcely had I stepped out of the house) when I heard a shot within.我刚走出屋子就听到里面一声枪响。英汉大词典〔shot〕I heard a pistol shot.我听到一声枪响。牛津搭配〔shot〕I heard a shot.我听见一声枪响。外研社新世纪〔shot〕Was that a shot I heard? 我听到的是一声枪响吗?英汉大词典〔single〕We heard a single shot.我们就听到了一声枪响。外研社新世纪〔sound〕He ran out of the house at the first sound of a gun.在第一声枪响时他就奔出屋子。英汉大词典〔spread〕She heard a shot, then saw a dark-red stain spreading across his shirt.她听到一声枪响,然后看到暗红色的血迹染透了他的衬衫。麦克米伦高阶〔start up〕A group of zebras started up by a shot.一声枪响把一群斑马惊得四散奔逃。21世纪英汉〔strike〕We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响, 子弹啪的一声打在岩石上, 火星飞溅。外研社新世纪〔wake〕A shot woke the valley.一声枪响打破了山谷的寂静。文馨英汉




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