

单词 一国
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The situation is complex and it is not easy to determine exactly who is the aggressor in this case. 局势很复杂,很难判定这事到底是哪一国先挑起来的。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕The UN was not authorized to intervene in a country's internal affairs. 联合国无权干涉一国内政。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕There is a common prejudice in this country that Italians display their passions more readily than the English. 这一国家的人普遍持有一种偏见,说意大利人比英格兰人更爱表达激情。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕Any interference in one country's domestic affairs by another country contravenes the UN charter. 一国对另一国内政的干涉违反联合国宪章。朗文写作活用〔People's Republic〕A political organization founded and controlled by a national Communist party.人民共和国:由一国的共产党创建并领导的政治组织美国传统〔adjustment〕The process of adjustment to life in another country can be very difficult.适应另一国家的生活可能会非常困难。牛津搭配〔agency〕An administrative division of a government or international body.机构:一国政府内或国际机构管辖下的行政部门美国传统〔airpower〕The tactical and strategic strength of a country's air force.空中力量:一国的空军战术和战略实力美国传统〔ambassador〕A diplomatic official heading his or her country's permanent mission to certain international organizations, such as the United Nations.使节团,代表团:带领他或她自己国家的长期驻外使团到某一国际组织(如联合国)的外交官员美国传统〔apostle〕A leader of the first Christian mission to a country or region.始祖:在一国或一地区的第一批传教士的领袖美国传统〔arbitrate in〕The United Nations will try to arbitrate in the international dispute.联合国将就这一国际争端进行仲裁。21世纪英汉〔army〕Often Army The entire military land forces of a country. 常作 Army 陆军军队:一国的全部地面武装力量美国传统〔asylum〕Protection and immunity from extradition granted by a government to a political refugee from another country.庇护:一国政府对他国政治难民提供的保护和豁免美国传统〔attorney general〕The chief law officer and legal counsel of the government of a state or nation.检查总长:一州或一国中政府的主要法官及法律顾问美国传统〔balance of power〕Distribution of power in which no single nation is able to dominate or interfere with others.权力均衡:任何一国不能统治或干涉其他国家的权力分配美国传统〔bank〕I bank at the First National.我在第一国民银行有账户。21世纪英汉〔bank〕The company banks at (或 with) the First National.这家公司与第一国家银行有往来。英汉大词典〔brainpower〕Scientists are, by definition, the creme de la creme of a country's brainpower.科学家必定是一国人才中的精英。外研社新世纪〔build around sth〕The independence movement sought to unify the country with a national identity built around a common language.独立运动谋求以建立在共同语言基础上的民族认同感来统一国家。剑桥高阶〔capital flight〕Large-scale removal of individual and corporate investment capital and income from a country.撤资:从一国家大规模撤走的个人和企业的投资和收入美国传统〔capitol〕A building or complex of buildings in which a state legislature meets.国会大厦:一国的立法机构开会的建筑或建筑群美国传统〔cession〕A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty.(领土的)割让:割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土美国传统〔civil war〕A war between factions or regions of the same country.内战:同一国家的派系或地区间的战争美国传统〔colonialism〕A policy by which a nation maintains or extends its control over foreign dependencies.殖民主义:一国家主张保持或扩张对其附属国控制的政策美国传统〔comity of nations〕Courteous recognition accorded by one nation to the laws and institutions of another.国际礼让:一个国家对另一国家的法律和制度给予有礼貌的承认美国传统〔costume〕A style of dress characteristic of a particular country, period, or people, often worn in a play or at a masquerade.服装:有某一国家、时期或民众的特点的衣着样式,通常在戏剧或化妆舞会上穿美国传统〔countertrade〕International barter in which one country agrees to import commodities from another country to which it exports commodities.互惠贸易:国际间的物物交换,一国家同意从另一国家进口商品,同时向它出口商品美国传统〔defect〕The scientist defected to another country.那名科学家叛逃到另一国家了。21世纪英汉〔depreciate〕A depreciation of a currency's value makes imports more expensive and exports cheaper.一国货币的贬值会使其进口更贵,出口更便宜。柯林斯高阶〔dirty tricks〕Covert intelligence operations designed to disrupt the economy or upset the political situation in another country.间谍工作:秘密的情报行动,旨在干扰另一国的经济或造成其政治混乱美国传统〔dubious〕The assumption that growth in one country benefits the whole world is highly dubious .一国的经济增长会对全世界有益的假设是很值得怀疑的。朗文当代〔dud〕A product that is a dud in one country can be a winner in another.在一国滞销的产品在另一国可能会畅销。外研社新世纪〔dynast〕A ruler, especially a hereditary one.君主:一国君主,尤指世袭的美国传统〔either〕The police have the authority to pursue suspects into either country.警方可获得授权进入两国中任何一国追捕嫌疑犯。外研社新世纪〔enclave〕A country or part of a country lying wholly within the boundaries of another.被他国属地包围的领土,飞地:领土全部或局部完全位于另一国家国境内的某国领土,被围于他国领域中的领土美国传统〔enrich〕Commerce enriches a nation.商业使一国富足。21世纪英汉〔express〕The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers expressed as a percentage of a country's labour force.失业率是以失业人数占一国劳动力的百分数来表达的。外研社新世纪〔fifth column〕A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims.第五纵队:工作在一国家内部的一个秘密的旨在颠覆政府的组织,援助入侵敌人的军事和政治美国传统〔first generation〕Persons who have left one country and settled in another.第一代:离开一个国家到另一国定居的人美国传统〔first-generation〕Of or relating to a person who has left one country and settled in another.第一代的:离开一国到另一国定居的人的或与其相关的美国传统〔foreign bill〕A draft for a sum of money to be paid in another country.外国汇票:要求在另一国家支付一定数量货币的一种汇票美国传统〔foreign exchange〕Negotiable bills drawn in one country to be paid in another country.外汇:从一国开出要求另一国付款的可转让汇票美国传统〔general election〕An election involving all or most constituencies of a state or nation in the choice of candidates.大选:一种一州或一国所有或大部分选民都参加的对候选人的选择美国传统〔generalissimo〕The commander in chief of all the armed forces in certain countries.大元帅:某一国内所有武装部队的最高统帅美国传统〔gross domestic product〕The total market value of all the goods and services produced within the borders of a nation during a specified period.国内生产毛额:在某一段特定其间内在某一国境内所生产的所有商品及服务的总市场价值美国传统〔gross national product〕The total market value of all the goods and services produced by a nation during a specified period.国民生产总值:一段特定时期内一国生产的货物和服务的市场总值美国传统〔guest worker〕A foreigner who is permitted to work in a country on a temporary basis, as for farm labor.外籍劳工:被允许暂时在另一国家从事农业等劳动的外国人美国传统〔hegemony〕The predominant influence of one state over others.统治权:一国对于他国之支配权力美国传统〔high commissioner〕A chief representative of the government of one country who is assigned to an ambassadorial post in another country.一国政府派驻另一国的大使级代表美国传统〔home front〕The civilian population or the civilian activities of a country at war.大后方:一国战时的平民人口或平民活动美国传统〔inland〕In, toward, or into the interior of a country or region.国内地:在,向或进入一国或一地区内部美国传统〔inland〕Of, relating to, or located in the interior part of a country or region.内地的,内陆的:某一国家或地区内部的,与此有关的,或处于其内部的美国传统〔inland〕The interior of a country or region.国内:一国或一地区的内部美国传统〔irredenta〕A region that is culturally or historically related to one nation but is subject to a foreign government.同文同种外国属地,应属一国却为外国统治地:在历史或文化方面与同一国相关联但由外国政府统治的地区美国传统〔king〕He became king at a young age.他年纪轻轻就成为一国之君。韦氏高阶〔lese majesty〕An offense or a crime committed against the ruler or supreme power of a state.冒犯君主罪,大逆不道罪:因反对一国统治者或最高权威而犯的罪行或过错美国传统〔mare nostrum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is under the jurisdiction of one nation or that is shared by two or more nations.共有海:一个由一国管辖或由两个或两个以上国家统辖的可航行水域,比如海洋美国传统〔marine〕The mercantile or naval ships or shipping fleet of a country.所有船舶:一国商业或海军的船只或舰队美国传统〔merchant marine〕A nation's commercial ships.商船队:一国拥有的商业船只美国传统〔merchant marine〕The personnel of a nation's commercial ships.船队成员:一国商船队的全体船员美国传统〔mint〕A place where the coins of a country are manufactured by authority of the government.铸币厂:在政府的授权之下铸造一国所使用的硬币的地方美国传统〔name〕He was king in all but name.除了在名义上,他在其他各方面都是一国之主。麦克米伦高阶〔narcokleptocracy〕A group of people within a country engaged with drug dealers in large-scale narcotics traffic, theft, corruption, and violence.贩毒集团:一国家从事大范围毒品交易、盗窃、贪污和暴力活动的团体美国传统〔one〕It's the one country where our products can be easily marketed.那是我们的产品可以轻易销售的惟一国家。 英汉大词典〔outback〕The remote, rural part of a country, especially of Australia or New Zealand.内地:一国之内僻远的农村地区,尤指澳大利亚和新西兰的地区美国传统〔outpost〕A usually small military base established in another country.国外前哨基地:驻扎在另一国家的通常很小的军事基地美国传统〔patron saint〕A saint who is regarded as the intercessor and advocate in heaven of a nation, place, craft, activity, class, or person.守护神,保护者:作为天堂中一国家、地方、行业、活动、阶级或个人的调解者和拥护者的圣徒美国传统〔penetration〕The extent of influence that one culture or nation has on another.渗透:一种文化或一个国家对另一文化或另一国家所产生的影响的强度美国传统〔people〕A body of persons living in the same country under one national government; a nationality.同胞:住在同一国家、受同一政府管辖的一些人;民族美国传统〔port of entry〕A place where travelers or goods may enter or leave a country under official supervision.进口港,入境港:旅客或货物在官方监督下方能进入或离开某一国家的地方美国传统〔primate〕A bishop of highest rank in a province or country.首席主教,大主教:一省或一国内职位最高的主教美国传统〔rate of exchange〕The ratio at which the unit of currency of one country is or may be exchanged for the unit of currency of another country.汇率:某一国家的货币单位换成或可能换成另一国的比例美国传统〔regionalism〕A policy whereby the interests of a nation in world affairs are defined in terms of particular countries or regions.区域政策:在世界事务中一国的利益以特定的几个国家或地区的定义来确定的政策美国传统〔requisition〕Law A formal request of one government to another demanding the return of a criminal or fugitive.【法律】 引渡犯人的要求:一国政府向另一国政府提出的交回罪犯或逃亡者的正式要求美国传统〔reserve〕The part of a country's armed forces not on active duty but subject to call in an emergency.后备部队:一国的不处于积极任务中但在紧急情况发生时随叫随到的分武装力量美国传统〔revaluate〕To increase the exchange value of (a nation's currency).币值的重新调整:增加(一国货币)的兑换值美国传统〔revalue〕To revise the value of (a nation's currency).重调(货币)的币值:调整(一国货币)的币价美国传统〔sanction〕A coercive measure adopted usually by several nations acting together against a nation violating international law.国际制裁:通常指几国对一国违反国际法行为的合力制裁措施美国传统〔satellite〕A nation dominated politically and economically by another nation.附属国:一个在政治经济上为另一国所控制的国家美国传统〔sphere of influence〕A territorial area over which political or economic influence is wielded by one nation.势力范围:一国的政治或经济势力占据主要地位的一个领土区域美国传统〔stateless〕Not having any recognized citizenship in a state or nation.无国籍的:在一国内无任何合法国籍的美国传统〔strategy〕The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war.战略学:在和平或战争时期尽可能有效地利用一国的全部力量去实施核准的计划的一门科学与艺术美国传统〔superpower〕A powerful and influential nation, especially a nuclear power that dominates its allies or client states in an international power bloc.超级大国:极有力量和影响力的国家,尤指在一国际权力集团中控制着其盟国或附属国的核大国美国传统〔tariff〕A list or system of duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.关税表:一国政府向进口或出口的商品所征收的税的表格或制度美国传统〔tariff〕Duties or a duty imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.关税:一国政府向进口或出口的商品所征收的一项或若干税种美国传统〔territory〕A political subdivision of a country.行政区域:一国的行政区划美国传统〔tetrarch〕A governor of one of four divisions of a country or province, especially in the ancient Roman Empire.小领主,小君主:尤指古罗马帝国一国或一省四个分区之一的统治者美国传统〔three-mile limit〕The outer limit of the area extending three miles out to sea from the coast of a country, sometimes considered to constitute the country's territorial waters.三英里界:从一国家海岸向外延伸三英里的外界区域,有时被认为是构成该国家的专有水域美国传统〔top-priority〕Education must be a top-priority programme in every government.教育必须是每一国政府最优先考虑的项目。英汉大词典〔unconstitutional〕Not in accord with the principles set forth in the constitution of a nation or state.违宪的:违反一国宪法原则的美国传统〔upcountry〕In, to, or toward the upcountry.位于趋向,或朝向一国的内地或高地地美国传统〔upcountry〕Of, located in, or coming from the upcountry.属于座落在或来自一国的内地或高地的美国传统〔walk-in〕One, such as a spy, who initiates defection from one's own country to another, usually hostile country, without having been encouraged to do so.叛逃者:从自己的国家叛逃到另一国家(通常是敌国)且没有被鼓励这样做的人,如间谍美国传统A country can't invade its neighbour just because it covets its wealth and resources.一国不能因垂涎邻国的财富和资源而侵犯该国。剑桥国际An efficient transport system is vital to the smooth running of a country's economy.高效的交通运输系统对顺利运行一国经济有着至关重要的作用。剑桥国际Any European central bank should be directly answerable (=they should have to explain their actions) to the European Parliament.欧洲任何一国的中央银行都应直接向欧洲议会汇报。剑桥国际GNP is one of the statistics used for judging the state of a country's economy.国民生产总值是评估一国经济状况的指数之一。剑桥国际The government is usually the largest economic agent in a country.政府通常是一国最大的经济主体。牛津商务This national fund pays for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.这一国家基金提供失业和疾病等方面的福利救济。剑桥国际




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