

单词 不愉快
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕Margot's outburst created an unpleasant atmosphere and most of the guests left early. 玛戈突然大发雷霆使气氛变得很不愉快,多数客人都提早离去了。朗文写作活用〔DIVORCE〕Finally, after years of unhappy marriage, Eva divorced Stanley. 经过了多年不愉快的婚姻,伊娃最后与斯坦利离婚了。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕The spy trial has reopened old wounds in the immigrant community. 审判间谍一事在移民社区又引起了不愉快的回忆。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕All the staff seemed to look miserable and the atmosphere was not at all pleasant. 员工看上去都是愁眉苦脸的,气氛很不愉快。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕Looking at that photo always bring back unhappy memories. 看到那张照片总是让人回想起不愉快的往事。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕There is no doubt that unhappiness contributes to ill health. 不愉快的心情无疑会使身体不健康。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕If you stay put, you'll be even more miserable in a year's time. 如果你待在原处,一年以后甚至会更不愉快。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Two children, a successful marriage, and the passage of time had helped Maisie to forget her unhappy childhood. 两个子女、一段成功的婚姻,加上时间的流逝帮助梅茜淡忘了自己那不愉快的童年。朗文写作活用〔account〕By his own account he had an unhappy childhood.据他自己说,他童年不愉快。牛津高阶〔annoy〕It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you.有人连谢谢都忘记说时我确实感到不愉快。牛津高阶〔anything〕We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening.我们希望防止任何不愉快的事发生。牛津高阶〔bad feeling〕I'd like to complain to the neighbours about the noise, but I don't want to cause any bad feeling (between us).我想去向邻居抱怨太吵了,但又不想(在我们之间)闹出任何不愉快。剑桥高阶〔bad〕We have been going through a bad time.这段时间我们一直过得不愉快。外研社新世纪〔bane〕The ugly school uniforms were the bane of the students' lives.这种难看的校服让学生的生活很不愉快。韦氏高阶〔be (as) plain as the nose on your face〕He's not happy here - that's as plain as the nose on your face.他在这里不愉快——这是明摆着的。剑桥高阶〔beastly〕Very disagreeable; unpleasant.令人厌恶的;不愉快的美国传统〔blanch〕She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories.一回想起那些不愉快的事情,她觉得自己的脸刷地就白了。柯林斯高阶〔blanch〕She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories.回想起那些不愉快的事情, 她觉得自己脸色都变白了。外研社新世纪〔bummer〕A disagreeable person, event, or situation.令人不愉快者:令人不愉快的人、事或经历美国传统〔bust〕Bad weather bust up our holiday.恶劣的天气使我们的假日过得很不愉快。英汉大词典〔buzzard〕An avaricious or otherwise unpleasant person.贪得无厌的人:贪婪,否则便不愉快的人美国传统〔combative〕He displayed a most unpleasant, combative attitude.他表露了极不愉快而好斗的态度。文馨英汉〔consign〕He consigned all the unpleasant thoughts to oblivion.他将一切不愉快的想法都置之脑后。21世纪英汉〔cross〕I feel sorry for you, but we all have our crosses to bear .我为你感到难过,但是我们每个人都有不愉快的事情。朗文当代〔delicacy〕She described the unpleasant details with great delicacy.她叙述使人不愉快的细节时极为审慎。牛津同义词〔disagreeable〕Flying can be a very disagreeable experience.乘飞机可能会是很不愉快的经历。外研社新世纪〔displease〕To cause annoyance or displeasure.使人不快,使不愉快美国传统〔displeasure〕The condition or fact of being displeased; dissatisfaction.不愉快,不满意:不高兴的情况或事实;不满美国传统〔drag on〕The old couple dragged on an unhappy existence for many years.那对老夫妻过了多年不愉快的生活。21世纪英汉〔drag〕He dragged on an unhappy existence for many years until in the end he killed himself.他过了多年不愉快的生活,最后他终于自杀。21世纪英汉〔duck〕He tried to duck out of doing that unpleasant job.他试图逃避做那件不愉快的工作。文馨英汉〔effuse〕The drawing room effused an atmosphere of unhappiness.客厅中流露出不愉快的气氛。英汉大词典〔encounter〕His encounter with reality has not been a pleasant one.他第一次直面现实的经历并不愉快。外研社新世纪〔end in tears〕In our family, discussions about money always seem to end in tears.在我们家,关于钱的讨论似乎总是以不愉快结束。韦氏高阶〔end〕Fundraising from family and friends often comes to a sticky end because there are rarely formal arrangements.因为很少有正式的协议, 从亲朋好友处筹款经常会闹得特别不愉快。外研社新世纪〔end〕His marriage to Catherine ended unhappy. 他与凯瑟琳的婚姻结局不愉快。英汉大词典〔engagement〕I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time.我觉得我们订婚期间非常不愉快。柯林斯高阶〔exorcize〕She had managed to exorcize these unhappy memories from her mind.她终于把这些不愉快的记忆从头脑中抹掉了。牛津高阶〔experience〕I had a bad experience with fireworks once.我放烟火曾经有过一次不愉快的经历。牛津搭配〔experience〕I had a bad experience with fireworks once.我放烟火有过一次不愉快的遭遇。牛津高阶〔experience〕I had a pretty unpleasant experience at the dentist's.我看牙医有一次很不愉快的经历。剑桥高阶〔extent〕We all to some extent remember the good times and forget the bad.我们在某种程度上都会记住美好的时光而忘掉不愉快的事情。朗文当代〔fact〕We've had a pretty bad time while you were away. In fact, we very nearly split up this time.你不在的时候我们相处得很不愉快。确切地说, 这次我们差点就分手了。外研社新世纪〔fair〕It would be fair to say he had one or two unhappy moments out there.可以这么说, 他在那里有过一两次不愉快。外研社新世纪〔foul〕I've had a foul morning; everything's gone wrong.今天上午我过得很不愉快,凡事都不称心。英汉大词典〔harp on〕She concentrated on the good parts of her trip instead of harping on about the bad.她着重说了自己旅途中遇到的开心事,并没有唠叨那些不愉快的事。柯林斯高阶〔have〕He had a bad time.他过得不愉快。文馨英汉〔hideous〕Dinnertime that day was hideous.那天的晚餐很不愉快。朗文当代〔home truth〕A key or basic truth, especially one that is discomforting to acknowledge.真理:一个基本的或关键的事实,尤其是令人不愉快地承认、接受美国传统〔immediately〕It was immediately apparent that something unpleasant had happened.情况一下子就清楚了,即发生了什么不愉快的事。麦克米伦高阶〔infelicity〕The quality or condition of being infelicitous.处于不愉快的性质情绪或状态美国传统〔make little of sth〕He made little of his ordeal.他对自己的不愉快经历没太在意。剑桥高阶〔make〕The good days more than make up for the bad ones.愉快的日子足够抵消不愉快的日子。朗文当代〔meeting〕The meeting closed on a sour note.会议在不愉快的气氛中结束了。牛津搭配〔objectionable〕The book contains nothing objectionable or libellous.这本书不包含任何让人不愉快或诽谤性的内容。外研社新世纪〔offend〕Bad manners may offend.不礼貌的行为可能导致不愉快美国传统〔offend〕To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in.使不愉快:使不高兴、愤怒、憎恨或受伤害的感情美国传统〔put〕He really put Jones through it when the reports were late.使某人经历不愉快的事情麦克米伦高阶〔put〕To have to endure (something unpleasant) without complaining or take the action necessary to remove the source of the unpleasantry.要就辩护要就闭嘴:不得不毫无怨言地忍受(不愉快的事情)或采取必要的行动来转移不愉快事件的根源美国传统〔recede〕With the passage of time, my unhappy memories of the place receded.随着时间的推移,我对那地方不愉快的记忆变得模糊了美国传统〔repress〕Psychology To exclude (painful or unpleasant memories, for example) from the conscious mind.【心理学】 压抑:从清醒的头脑中排斥(如痛苦的或不愉快的记忆)美国传统〔rough〕We've had a pretty rough day.这一天我们过得很不愉快。英汉大词典〔rub〕To harp on (an unpleasant matter).反复讲(令人不愉快的事)美国传统〔rudely〕Unfair bosses and rude customers make us unhappy on the job.不公正的老板和粗鲁的顾客让我们工作起来很不愉快。柯林斯高阶〔sad〕These adjectives all mean affected with or marked by unhappiness, as that caused by affliction.这些形容词都表示受不愉快影响的或有其特征的。美国传统〔scene〕There have been a couple of ugly scenes between him and the manager.他和经理之间有过几次极不愉快的争吵。牛津搭配〔suck〕Vulgar Slang To be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 厌恶:令人极不愉快或令人讨厌美国传统〔them〕Nobody has so many unpleasant things to plague them as he has.没有人像他那样受到这么多不愉快的事情所折磨。文馨英汉〔they〕When a friend upsets you, do you tell them? 如果一个朋友使你不愉快,你会告诉他(她)吗?朗文当代〔they〕When friends upset you, do you tell them? 如果朋友使你不愉快,你会告诉他们吗?朗文当代〔unhappiness〕There was a lot of unhappiness in my adolescence.年少时我经历过很多不愉快。柯林斯高阶〔unpleasantness〕I hate all this unpleasantness.我讨厌所有的这些不愉快。朗文当代〔unpleasant〕I found the atmosphere in there extremely unpleasant.我觉得那儿的气氛令人很不愉快。牛津搭配〔unpleasant〕It was the most unpleasant experience in my life.这是我一生中最不愉快的经历。外研社新世纪〔unpleasant〕Not pleasing; disagreeable.让人不愉快的;不舒适的美国传统〔unpleasant〕She's unpleasant to work with.和她一起共事令人很不愉快。外研社新世纪〔unpleasant〕We were all ignoring the unpleasant truth.我们都对那不愉快的事实视而不见。麦克米伦高阶〔wipe the slate clean〕A new relationship presents you with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean.一段新的感情使你有机会忘掉以前的不愉快,开始新的生活。剑桥高阶A breakdown in communications between staff and the prison governor led to the present unhappy situation.监狱全体狱警与典狱长之间中断了理解和沟通,导致了现在这种不愉快的形势。剑桥国际Although we did things like shopping and housework together, our marriage suffered because we had very little quality time.尽管我们在一起购物或做家务之类的事,可我们的婚姻很不愉快,因为我们很少有用来融洽关系的时间。剑桥国际Despite the bitter memories, the election campaign has been remarkably peaceful, even good-humoured.尽管有不愉快的回忆,竞选还是非常平静,甚至气氛轻松。剑桥国际He consigned all the unpleasant thoughts to oblivion. 他把一切不愉快的思想置于脑后。译典通He described the meeting as having been a very disagreeable experience.他把那次会面说成是一次非常令人不愉快的经历。剑桥国际He had an unhappy spell working as an engineer.他做过一段时间工程师,但工作得很不愉快。剑桥国际He must learn to take his medicine. 他必须学会忍受不愉快的事情。译典通He was dreadfully (= extremely) upset.他极度不愉快。剑桥国际If you're not happy with it, you should complain. Don't just suffer in silence (= without saying anything).如果你觉得不愉快你就说出来。别闷在肚子里。剑桥国际In her autobiography she often refers to her unhappy schooldays.在她的自传中,她常常提到她不愉快的学校岁月。剑桥国际It breaks my heart (=makes me feel very sad) to see him so unhappy.当我看见他如此不愉快,心里十分难过。剑桥国际Politics is all about putting a good gloss on unpleasant or difficult situations.政治就是用曲解来处理不愉快或困难的局面。剑桥国际She said some very disagreeable things.她说了些非常令人不愉快的事。剑桥国际She steered the conversation away from the unpleasant subject. 她设法摆脱这一不愉快的话题。译典通She was unpleasant to work with because of her bitchiness.由于她的傲慢,跟她一起工作是令人不愉快的。剑桥国际She's gone away for six months, but strangely / oddly / fuily enough (= surprisingly), her boyfriend doesn't seem too unhappy about it.她已经走了6个月,但很奇怪,她男朋友似乎并不怎么不愉快。剑桥国际The argument darkened her mood. 那场争吵弄得她心情很不愉快。译典通The bad weather conspired with some other unpleasant causes to ruin our picnic. 坏天气加上其他一些不愉快原因使我们的野餐令人大为扫兴。译典通The cold truth (=unpleasant fact) is that she's just not very efficient.不愉快的事实真相是她做事就是缺乏效率。剑桥国际The disagreement left a sour taste.争执留下了不愉快的印象。剑桥国际The people are looking forward to being delivered from the nasties. 人民期待著从不愉快的状况中解脱出来。译典通We had a frightful journey. 我们作了一次不愉快的旅行。译典通




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