

单词 不惜一切
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs. 必须不惜一切代价避免平民伤亡。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕I would give anything for a look at that file. 我愿意不惜一切看看那个文件。朗文写作活用〔anything〕I'd do/give anything to see her again.为了再次见到她我会不惜一切。韦氏高阶〔at all cost(s)〕He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃他自己所拥有的一切。剑桥高阶〔at all cost(s)〕Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs.要不惜一切代价确保总统在访问期间的安全。剑桥高阶〔confrontation〕We seek to avoid military confrontation at all costs.我们不惜一切代价力图避免军事冲突。韦氏高阶〔cost〕He ordered the army to recapture the camp at any cost.他命令军队不惜一切代价夺回营地。外研社新世纪〔cost〕He's determined to win, whatever the cost (=no matter how much work, money, risk etc is needed) .他决心不惜一切代价也要获胜。朗文当代〔cost〕She was determined to win at any cost.她决心不惜一切代价要获胜。麦克米伦高阶〔cost〕You must stop the press finding out at all costs.你必须不惜一切代价防止媒体发现真相。牛津搭配〔cost〕You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.你必须不惜一切代价阻止媒体查明真相。牛津高阶〔desperately〕The doctors tried desperately to save her life.医生们不惜一切挽救她的生命。朗文当代〔desperate〕Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life.医生们不惜一切地奋力抢救小女孩的生命。牛津高阶〔dreaded〕Team orders on the final day were to avoid the dreaded blank at all costs.最后一天,队里的指示就是不惜一切代价实现零的突破。柯林斯高阶〔expense〕Everything has been provided tonight – no expense spared .今晚什么都提供了,为此不惜一切代价。朗文当代〔expense〕They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他们不惜一切代价重新装饰这房子,可后来又搬走了。牛津高阶〔go to the stake for sth〕She was prepared to go to the stake for her views.她准备不惜一切代价维护自己的观点。剑桥高阶〔guard〕We parked our car and paid a young man to guard it with his life.我们停好车, 掏钱让一个年轻男子不惜一切代价看好它。外研社新世纪〔harm〕She'll do anything to protect her children from harm.她将不惜一切地保护她的孩子们免受伤害。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕Both sides pledged that war would be avoided at all costs.双方承诺不惜一切代价避免战争。外研社新世纪〔reputation〕Albertson will stop at nothing to safeguard the reputation of the university.艾伯森为维护该大学的声誉将不惜一切。麦克米伦高阶〔rip〕The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.出现生态灾难的部分原因是人们为了增产而不惜一切代价。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕He's prepared to risk everything to avoid this war.他准备不惜一切来避免这场战争。朗文当代〔spare〕Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.官员说他们会不惜一切地阻止再次发生暴乱。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.官员说会不惜一切阻止暴乱再次发生。外研社新世纪He wanted her at all cost(s)/at any cost/whatever the cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃自己的所有一切。剑桥国际He was determined to stay in the saddle at all costs. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权。译典通I emptied my bank account, took out a loan and shot the works on a trip to Mauritius.我取出了全部的银行存款,申请了一项贷款,然后不惜一切的踏上了去毛里求斯的旅途。剑桥国际She said she would finish the race or die in the attempt (= she would do anything to achieve what she wanted to achieve).她说她要不惜一切地跑完比赛。剑桥国际She would do anything for a shot of heroin.为了注射一针海洛因,她愿意不惜一切代价。剑桥国际




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