

单词 不惜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕This is just another shameless attempt by the Opposition to gain power at any cost. 这只是反对派又一次不惜代价篡夺权力的无耻行为。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕Taylor is one of the diehards willing to push the development program at any price. 泰勒是强硬派之一,他们要不惜任何代价推进这个开发计划。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕The arrangement tempts employees to win contracts even by illegal means. 这种做法吸引雇员不惜利用非法手段来获得合同。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕Please let us have your comments on the plans for the new offices -- we're going to great expense to get everything just right. 请你给我们新办公室的布局提点意见—我们打算不惜花费全都要弄得很好。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕The organizers were told to spare no expense - this was going to be the biggest show on Earth. 筹办者被告知要不惜工本——这将是全球最大的一次展览会。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs. 必须不惜一切代价避免平民伤亡。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕I would give anything for a look at that file. 我愿意不惜一切看看那个文件。朗文写作活用〔advance〕He was advancing his own interests at the expense of his friend's.他不惜牺牲朋友的利益为自己谋取利益。韦氏高阶〔anything〕I'd do/give anything to see her again.为了再次见到她我会不惜一切。韦氏高阶〔arm〕I'd give my right arm to be 21 again.只要我能回到 21 岁,任何代价都在所不惜。朗文当代〔arm〕Most people would give their right arm to go to Cambridge!大多数人为了去剑桥大学可以不惜代价!外研社新世纪〔ascent〕It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost.如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬, 那就错了。外研社新世纪〔ascent〕It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost.如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬,那就错了。柯林斯高阶〔at all cost(s)〕He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃他自己所拥有的一切。剑桥高阶〔at all cost(s)〕Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs.要不惜一切代价确保总统在访问期间的安全。剑桥高阶〔at all costs〕He is determined to preserve his reputation at any cost.他决心不惜任何代价维护他的名声。韦氏高阶〔at any price〕He wanted success at any price.为了成功他不惜任何代价。剑桥高阶〔be out for〕Our country was out for peace at any price.我国不惜任何代价争取和平。21世纪英汉〔begrudge〕The local government did not begrudge the millions to be spent on irrigation projects.当地政府不惜拨款数百万修建灌溉系统。英汉大词典〔cold storage〕He aims to please even if it means putting his principles in cold storage.他一心要取悦于人,甚至放弃原则也在所不惜。朗文当代〔confrontation〕We seek to avoid military confrontation at all costs.我们不惜一切代价力图避免军事冲突。韦氏高阶〔cost〕He ordered the army to recapture the camp at any cost.他命令军队不惜一切代价夺回营地。外研社新世纪〔cost〕He's determined to win, whatever the cost (=no matter how much work, money, risk etc is needed) .他决心不惜一切代价也要获胜。朗文当代〔cost〕I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy.我感到一定要使人们满意,耗费多少时间和精力都在所不惜。牛津高阶〔cost〕I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy.我觉得需要让大家满意,耗费多少时间和精力都在所不惜。牛津搭配〔cost〕She was determined to win at any cost.她决心不惜一切代价要获胜。麦克米伦高阶〔cost〕They told Jacques Delors a disastrous world trade war must be avoided at all costs.他们告诉雅克·德洛尔必须不惜任何代价来避免一场灾难性的世界贸易大战。外研社新世纪〔cost〕We must avoid a scandal at all cost s (=whatever happens) .我们必须不惜任何代价避免丑闻。朗文当代〔cost〕You must stop the press finding out at all costs.你必须不惜一切代价防止媒体发现真相。牛津搭配〔cost〕You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.你必须不惜一切代价阻止媒体查明真相。牛津高阶〔desperately〕The doctors tried desperately to save her life.医生们不惜一切挽救她的生命。朗文当代〔desperate〕Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life.医生们不惜一切地奋力抢救小女孩的生命。牛津高阶〔desperate〕Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales.两年来销路不畅,商店不惜冒起险来。牛津高阶〔dodge〕Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax.很多挣扎求生的企业不惜违法逃税。柯林斯高阶〔dreaded〕Team orders on the final day were to avoid the dreaded blank at all costs.最后一天,队里的指示就是不惜一切代价实现零的突破。柯林斯高阶〔end〕She was prepared to lie in order to achieve her ends.为了达到目的她不惜撒谎。牛津搭配〔expense〕At vast expense, he flew the entire family to Argentina.他不惜巨额花费让全家人乘飞机到阿根廷。麦克米伦高阶〔expense〕Everything has been provided tonight – no expense spared .今晚什么都提供了,为此不惜一切代价。朗文当代〔expense〕He spared no expense to make the party a success.为使宴会成功他不惜花费。英汉大词典〔expense〕He's arranged everything, no expense spared.他不惜代价把一切安排得井井有条。牛津高阶〔expense〕Julie's parents had spared no expense for her wedding (=they spent all the money necessary to buy the best things) .朱莉的父母不惜代价给她办婚礼。朗文当代〔expense〕No expense was spared(= they spent as much money as was needed)to make the party a success.为使聚会成功多大费用都在所不惜。牛津高阶〔expense〕They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他们不惜一切代价重新装饰这房子,可后来又搬走了。牛津高阶〔expense〕We must have freedom and independence at any expense.我们一定要不惜任何代价争取自由和独立。英汉大词典〔expense〕When they go on vacation, they spare no expense.每逢度假的时候,他们都不惜花钱。韦氏高阶〔extent〕Some people hold their beliefs very strongly, even to the extent of being prepared to go to prison for them.一些人信仰坚定,甚至为之坐牢也在所不惜。剑桥高阶〔extreme〕It's embarrassing the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss.他为了给上司留下深刻印象,不惜走极端,真令人难堪。牛津高阶〔go to the stake for sth〕She was prepared to go to the stake for her views.她准备不惜一切代价维护自己的观点。剑桥高阶〔guard〕We parked our car and paid a young man to guard it with his life.我们停好车, 掏钱让一个年轻男子不惜一切代价看好它。外研社新世纪〔harm〕She'll do anything to protect her children from harm.她将不惜一切地保护她的孩子们免受伤害。韦氏高阶〔lash〕He lashed out on his son's education.他在儿子的教育上不惜花大量的钱。英汉大词典〔lash〕We lashed out £60 each on the best seats.我们不惜高价,每人花60英镑买下了最佳座位。麦克米伦高阶〔lavish in〕His father has decided to be lavish in having the house repaired.他父亲决定不惜代价整修房子。21世纪英汉〔law〕Necessity [Hunger] knows [has] no law.需要[饥饿]之前无法律;需要[饥饿]不知法(为情势所逼,不惜铤而走险)。文馨英汉〔method acting〕Robert De Niro has been a faithful exponent of "the Method", immersing himself totally in his roles and gaining and losing whatever weight has been necessary to convey the character.罗伯特‧德‧尼罗是演技派的忠实代表,将自己完全的溶入到角色中。他为了饰演好自己的角色而不惜增肥和减肥是众所周知的。剑桥高阶〔no expense is spared〕No expense was spared in making the guests feel comfortable.为了使客人住得舒适不惜重金。剑桥高阶〔obligate〕Ava felt obligated to help her mother, even if it meant leaving college.阿娃感到有义务帮助母亲,即使这样做意味着要离开大学也在所不惜。朗文当代〔pervert〕They perverted the truth to help further their careers.他们为了飞黄腾达不惜歪曲事实。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕Both sides pledged that war would be avoided at all costs.双方承诺不惜一切代价避免战争。外研社新世纪〔price〕She was determined to have a child at any price.她决心不惜任何代价要一个孩子。朗文当代〔price〕We obviously want to see the hostages home, but not at any price.我们显然也希望看到人质回家,但并不是不惜任何代价。柯林斯高阶〔price〕We obviously want to see the hostages home, but not at any price.我们显然是希望人质能够回家的, 但并不是不惜任何代价。外研社新世纪〔price〕We want peace at any price.为了争取和平,我们不惜任何代价。牛津高阶〔price〕We want to win at any price.我们要不惜任何代价去争取胜利。英汉大词典〔purpose〕They might well be prepared to do you harm in order to achieve their purpose.为了实现目标, 他们很可能会不惜伤害你。外研社新世纪〔regardless〕She was got up regardless.她不惜花费地打扮。文馨英汉〔regard〕As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.至于这场战争,黑格认为要不惜任何代价取得胜利。柯林斯高阶〔reputation〕Albertson will stop at nothing to safeguard the reputation of the university.艾伯森为维护该大学的声誉将不惜一切。麦克米伦高阶〔rhetoric〕He was prepared to use militant rhetoric in attacking his opponents.他不惜使用犀利的言辞攻击对手。牛津搭配〔rip〕The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.出现生态灾难的部分原因是人们为了增产而不惜一切代价。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕He's prepared to risk everything to avoid this war.他准备不惜一切来避免这场战争。朗文当代〔risk〕She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.她准备不惜牺牲一切,作最后的一搏。剑桥高阶〔sake〕The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy.这篇译文为求准确而不惜牺牲自然流畅。牛津高阶〔shirk〕A determined burglar will not shirk from breaking a window to gain entry.一个决计要下手的窃贼会不惜破窗而入。牛津高阶〔spare〕No expense was spared in developing the necessary technology.在开发必需的技术方面是不惜工本的。朗文当代〔spare〕No expense was spared in furnishing the new office.装潢新办公室不惜工本。牛津高阶〔spare〕Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.官员说他们会不惜一切地阻止再次发生暴乱。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.官员说会不惜一切阻止暴乱再次发生。外研社新世纪〔stand〕He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions.他被指责为实现自己当总统的野心而不惜毁灭该党。柯林斯高阶〔stick〕He wouldn't stick at cheating to get what he wanted.他为了得到想要的东西会不惜行骗。英汉大词典〔trade on〕He was a man who traded on the achievements of others.他是个不惜利用他人成就作踏脚石的人。柯林斯高阶〔trickery〕They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔trick〕He was willing to use any dirty trick to get what he wanted.为了得到他想要的东西, 他不惜使用任何卑鄙的欺骗手段。外研社新世纪〔unsparing〕He is unsparing of his own peace and comfort.他不惜牺牲自己的安宁与舒适。外研社新世纪〔wad〕We are going to shoot our whole wad at the ship.我们将不惜工本地建造这艘轮船。英汉大词典〔what〕I'll do what it takes to win.我会不惜代价争取胜利。韦氏高阶He arranged everything, no expense spared (= he spent as much as was needed).他不惜代价安排了一切。牛津商务He spared no expense in building a villa for himself. 他不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。译典通He wanted her at all cost(s)/at any cost/whatever the cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.他不惜一切代价要得到她,即使这意味着放弃自己的所有一切。剑桥国际He was determined to stay in the saddle at all costs. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权。译典通I emptied my bank account, took out a loan and shot the works on a trip to Mauritius.我取出了全部的银行存款,申请了一项贷款,然后不惜一切的踏上了去毛里求斯的旅途。剑桥国际Last of all, our thanks go to the caterers who have been unsparing in their efforts to make this afternoon such a success.最后, 我们感谢那些不惜付出自己努力使今下午的活动取得如此成功的餐饮服务人员。剑桥国际She had spared no expense to make the party a great success. 为使宴会成功她不惜花费。译典通She said she would finish the race or die in the attempt (= she would do anything to achieve what she wanted to achieve).她说她要不惜一切地跑完比赛。剑桥国际She was willing to fulfil her plan at any price. 她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。译典通She would do anything for a shot of heroin.为了注射一针海洛因,她愿意不惜一切代价。剑桥国际The company appears to have spared no expense in designing and building the new shoe store.公司似乎不惜工本地设计和建造这家新鞋店。剑桥国际There were rumours that the bosses had filled their pockets at the expense of shareholders.有传言说老板们为了中饱私囊不惜牺牲股东的利益。牛津商务We want peace at any price.为了和平我们不惜任何代价。剑桥国际We will save his life at all costs. 我们将不惜任何代价挽救他生命。译典通




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