

单词 下沉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕As the sun sank lower and lower, the sky first turned pink and then orange. 太阳渐渐下沉,天空先是呈现出一片粉红色,接着又变成了橙红色。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕Hundreds of passengers tried desperately to escape from the boat as it sank. 船下沉时,数百名乘客拼命地想逃离。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕With the car sinking into a marsh, there wasn't a moment to spare. 汽车在泥潭中不断下沉,要刻不容缓地采取行动。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕The boat had sprung a leak and it was sinking fast. 船突然出现裂缝,下沉得很快。朗文写作活用〔ON/ON TOP OF〕Those in the water tried to hold on to the boats that were still afloat. 那些掉在水里的人拼命想攀住仍未下沉的船只。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.我们的船下沉得很快,船长下令弃船。剑桥高阶〔afloat〕Somehow we kept the boat afloat.我们想办法使船没有下沉。牛津高阶〔afloat〕Somehow we kept the ship afloat.我们想方设法使船没有下沉。朗文当代〔bail ... out〕The boaters bailed water out from their sinking boat.船工们从正在下沉的船里往外戽水。21世纪英汉〔bail out of〕The sailor tried to bail the water out of the sinking boat.海员们设法把水从那条正在下沉的船里戽出来。21世纪英汉〔bail〕Our boat will sink unless we bail (out).除非我们把船舱里的水舀出去,否则我们的船要下沉。21世纪英汉〔bail〕The boat's sinking! Start bailing quickly! 船在下沉!快往外舀水!剑桥高阶〔bail〕The fishermen bailed water from their sinking boat.渔人们从正在下沉的船里把水舀出。英汉大词典〔bail〕They bailed out desperately, to stop the boat sinking.他们拼命舀水,以阻止该船下沉。21世纪英汉〔bank〕By the time we reached the opposite bank, the boat was sinking fast.当我们到达对岸时,船正在快速下沉。剑桥高阶〔brave〕They braved the storm to reach the sinking ship.他们冒着风暴到达正在下沉的船只。21世纪英汉〔crack〕The cracks in the walls were due to subsidence.墙上的裂缝是地面下沉引起的。外研社新世纪〔decline〕To sink, as the setting sun.下沉,如落日美国传统〔descend〕The sun began to descend to the horizon.太阳开始朝着地平线下沉了。外研社新世纪〔dip〕Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight.布莱克很熟练地跳上了船,他的重量使小船微微向下沉了沉。柯林斯高阶〔dip〕Geology The downward inclination of a rock stratum or vein in reference to the plane of the horizon.【地质学】 下沉:矿层或岩石相对水平面的向下倾斜美国传统〔dip〕Geology To lie at an angle to the horizontal plane, as a rock stratum or vein.【地质学】 下沉:从地平线下降,如岩石层或岩脉美国传统〔dip〕I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.我注意到了一些细节:头微微的下沉, 肩膀突然的颤动。外研社新世纪〔distress〕The sinking ship sent out a distress call.下沉的船只发出遇险信号。牛津搭配〔downdraught〕Those deadly downdraughts almost collapsed my chute.那些致命的下沉气流几乎把我的降落伞冲瘪。英汉大词典〔dream〕Their dream turned into a nightmare as the ship began to sink.船开始下沉,他们的梦想变成了一场噩梦。牛津搭配〔drunkenly〕Subsidence made its walls lean drunkenly.地面下沉使得墙面摇摇欲坠地歪向一边。外研社新世纪〔fiery〕The sun was now sinking, a fiery ball of light in the west.西边的太阳像一个发光的火球正在下沉。牛津高阶〔flop down〕The postman flopped his heavy bag down for a short rest.邮递员噗地一声放下沉重的包,休息一会儿。21世纪英汉〔flop〕The postman flopped his heavy bag down for a short rest.邮递员扑通一声放下沉重的袋子休息一会儿。英汉大词典〔give〕The foundations are giving.地基在下沉。英汉大词典〔go down〕Everyone took to the lifeboats when the ship started to go down (= sink).轮船开始下沉时,所有人都上了救生艇。剑桥高阶〔go〕She went under, coughing and spluttering.她身子往下沉,边咳嗽边呼呼地吐气。朗文当代〔go〕The crowd watched as the ship went slowly under.人群看着船缓缓下沉。麦克米伦高阶〔grow〕As the island subsided, the reef grew upward and outward.小岛下沉,暗礁开始向上方和四周延伸。牛津搭配〔haze〕The moon, hazed by mist, was sinking.被云雾遮掩的月儿渐渐下沉。英汉大词典〔heart〕Her heart sank when she saw the number of books she had to read.看到那么多书要读,她的心直往下沉。朗文当代〔hole〕A torpedo holed the ship below the water and it quickly sank.一枚鱼雷在水下把船给炸了个洞,船迅速下沉。剑桥高阶〔horror〕The captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly.船长惊恐地意识到,泰坦尼克号正在迅速下沉。英汉大词典〔level〕Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.利兹往下沉, 直到水接近下巴, 泡沫刚没过眼睛。外研社新世纪〔level〕Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.莉兹往下沉,直到水没过下巴,泡沫浮至眼睛。柯林斯高阶〔lower〕The moon is lowering slowly.月亮慢慢地下沉。文馨英汉〔pigmentation〕Deposition of pigment by cells.色素沉淀:细胞色素的下沉美国传统〔pitch〕The alternate lift and descent of the nose and tail of an airplane.(飞机)摇晃:飞机机头机尾交替下沉美国传统〔plummet〕Her spirits plummeted at the thought of meeting him again.一想到又要见到他,她的心情便直往下沉。牛津高阶〔rescue〕The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.救生艇将水手们从正在下沉的船上救起。剑桥高阶〔riffle〕Gold would sink and lodge in riffles that lined the bottom.黄金下沉并留存在底部的格条中。英汉大词典〔rock〕The ship struck a rock and sank.船触礁下沉。英汉大词典〔sag〕A sagging area; a depression.下沉地带;凹陷美国传统〔sag〕To sink, droop, or settle from pressure or weight.下垂:因压力或重力而下沉、下垂或停留美国传统〔settle〕The road-bed settled.路基下沉了。21世纪英汉〔settle〕To become compact by sinking, as sediment when stirred up.压紧:沉淀物被搅起时,通过下沉而变紧密美国传统〔settle〕To cause to sink, become compact, or come to rest.使下沉,使变紧,停止美国传统〔sink like a stone〕The ship hit an iceberg and sank like a stone.那艘船撞到冰山后迅速下沉。韦氏高阶〔sinkage〕A sunken area; a depression.下沉地带;低洼地美国传统〔sinkage〕The process, amount, or degree of sinking.下沉:下沉的过程、深度或程度美国传统〔sinker〕One that sinks, as a weight used for sinking fishing lines or nets.锤,坠子:下沉的东西,例如钓鱼线或渔网等的铅锤或坠子美国传统〔sink〕Duane was in waist-deep and sinking fast.杜安陷到了齐腰深的地方,而且还在快速下沉。牛津搭配〔sink〕If they carry on sinking boreholes then the land is likely to subside.如果他们继续钻洞,地表很有可能下沉。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕The boat was beginning to sink fast.小船开始快速下沉。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕The boat was beginning to sink fast.小船开始迅速下沉。外研社新世纪〔sink〕The porch on the old house was beginning to sink.老房子的门廊开始下沉了。麦克米伦高阶〔sink〕The rubber ball won't sink.皮球不会下沉。英汉大词典〔sink〕To appear to move downward, as the sun or moon in setting.下落:看起来在向下沉,例如太阳或月亮的下沉运动美国传统〔sink〕We're sinking! 我们正在下沉!牛津高阶〔sink〕When they came to build the southern spire the foundations began to sink.他们建南边的塔尖时,地基就开始下沉了。柯林斯高阶〔spell〕Sleeping Beauty lay under the wicked fairy's spell until the prince woke her with a kiss.睡美人在邪恶仙子的符咒中倒下沉睡,直到王子吻了她一下才醒来。剑桥高阶〔subside〕The earth subsided and buildings began to crack.地面下沉, 建筑物开始裂开。外研社新世纪〔sunken〕Steps led down to a sunken garden.台阶通向一个下沉式花园。朗文当代〔support〕To hold in position so as to keep from falling, sinking, or slipping.支撑:扶持以防止摔倒、下沉或滑倒美国传统〔suspicion〕The Captain confirmed my suspicions – we were sinking.船长证实了我的怀疑,我们正在下沉。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕To support from below; keep from falling or sinking; prop.支撑:从下边支持;防止摔下或下沉;支撑美国传统〔swamp〕Nautical To fill (a ship or boat) with water to the point of sinking it.【航海】 使船沉没:给(船)和小艇灌水直至其下沉美国传统〔swamp〕Their boat swamped in the storm.他们的船在风浪的冲击下沉没了。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕To become full of water or sink.淹没,沉没:使充满了水或下沉美国传统〔under〕The boat was going under fast.小船正迅速下沉。牛津高阶〔unthinkable〕Then the unthinkable happened and the boat started to sink.接着,难以想象的事情发生了,船开始下沉。朗文当代〔vessel〕The vessel flooded and began to sink.船身进水,开始下沉。牛津搭配〔way〕The sea may rise or the land may fall; either way the sand dunes will be gone in a short time.可能会出现海平面上升或陆地下沉:不论发生哪种情况,沙丘都会在短时间内消失。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕The boat sank under the weight of the cargo.小船在货物的重压下沉没了。韦氏高阶〔weight〕The fishing nets are weighted with lead.这些渔网是靠铅坠下沉的。牛津高阶〔winch〕The two men were winched out of the sinking boat by an RAF helicopter.那两名男子被皇家空军的直升机从正在下沉的小船里吊出来。朗文当代〔wind shear〕A change in wind direction and speed between slightly different altitudes, especially a sudden downdraft.风的切变:在稍微不同的纬度之间风向和风速的变化,尤指突然的下沉气流美国传统A torpedo holed (=made a hole in) the ship below the water and it quickly sank.鱼雷把船底打了个洞,船迅速下沉。剑桥国际An earthquake and riots in the same week was a real one-two punch for the local community.在一个星期里既发生了地震又发生了暴乱,这对当地的群众来说实在是一连两下沉重的打击。剑桥国际By the time we reached the opposite bank, the boat was sinking fast.我们到达对岸时,船正快速下沉。剑桥国际Everyone took to the lifeboats when the ship started to go down (= sink).船开始下沉时,每个人都上了救生艇。剑桥国际He beheld the boat sink. 他注视著那条船下沉。译典通Nearly 600 passengers and crew were aboard the liner when it started to sink.客轮开始下沉时船上有近600名乘客和船员。剑桥国际Sleeping Beauty lay under the wicked fairy's spell (= influence caused by magic words having been spoken) until the prince woke her with a kiss.睡美人在恶仙女的咒语中倒下沉睡了,直到王子给了她一吻才唤醒了她。剑桥国际The captain refused to leave his sinking ship. 船长拒绝离开正在下沉的船。译典通The crew of the sinking tanker were picked up (= saved from the sea) by helicopter.正在下沉的油轮上的船员被直升飞机救了起来。剑桥国际The ferry sank after leaving port with its bow doors open.渡船在离开码头后下沉了,船头门开着。剑桥国际The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into ground.要使房子不再进一步往下沉降,地基必须要加固。剑桥国际The ground was in danger of subsiding near the edge of the cliff.悬崖边缘的土地有下沉的危险。剑桥国际The partially inflated boat began to sink.充气不足的船开始下沉。剑桥国际The tanker is listing badly and liable to sink at any moment.该油船已严重倾斜,随时都有可能下沉。剑桥国际They bailed water out of the sinking boat. 他们从正在下沉的船里把水舀出。译典通We all thought we were done for when the boat started to sink.小船下沉的时候,我们都以为会丧命了。剑桥国际We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.我们在快速地下沉,船长下令弃船。剑桥国际




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