

单词 下方的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK〕You have to screw up your eyes to see the figure in the bottom left of the picture. 你得眯起眼睛才能看到画中左下方的那个人。朗文写作活用〔belch〕Tired old trucks were struggling up the road below us, belching black smoke.破旧的卡车冒着黑烟艰难地沿着我们下方的公路往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔below〕I could still see the airport buildings far below.我还能远远地看到下方的机场建筑。牛津高阶〔below〕I felt a draft from below.我感觉到一股来自下方的气流。韦氏高阶〔below〕We could see only clouds below us.我们只能看见下方的云层。韦氏高阶〔caudal〕Situated beneath or on the underside; inferior.后面的:位于下部或内侧的;下方的美国传统〔concave〕The weight of the upper container has concaved the lid of the one beneath it.上方容器的重量把放在它下方的容器的盖子给压得凹进去了。外研社新世纪〔corner〕Click the icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.点击屏幕右下方的图标。剑桥高阶〔corpus striatum〕Either of two gray and white, striated bodies of nerve fibers located in the lower lateral wall of each cerebral hemisphere.纹状体:大脑两半球的位于侧脑室下方的一对灰白色具有平行纹的神经纤维之一美国传统〔directly〕Directly below us was the room where the conspirators would meet.我们正下方的房间就是谋反者要碰头的地方。外研社新世纪〔eaves〕The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.房檐:房顶外沿下方的突出部分美国传统〔fall〕A downward movement or slope.斜坡:向下方的运动或下坡美国传统〔fasten〕It was fastened with buttons down the front.它是用前面下方的纽扣扣住的麦克米伦高阶〔flare〕The skirt fits tightly over the hips and flares just below the knees.这条裙子紧紧包住臀部,到膝盖下方的位置展开。剑桥高阶〔flocculus〕Anatomy Either of two small lobes on the lower posterior border of the cerebellum.【解剖学】 小脑绒球:小脑后部边缘下方的两块小叶之一美国传统〔foothold〕He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rock face beneath him.他把腿向下伸, 直到感觉稳稳地踩住下方的石面。外研社新世纪〔inferior〕Anatomy Located beneath or directed downward.【解剖学】 下的:处于下方的或向下生长的美国传统〔mutule〕A projecting rectangular block or bracket situated above the triglyph and beneath the corona of a Doric cornice.橼端:位于三槽板上方和多利斯上楣檐顶下方的一个突出的矩形块或托架美国传统〔navigation〕You can use the navigation bar at the bottom of the pictures to zoom in or out.你可用图片下方的导航条来放大或缩小图片。牛津搭配〔nearness〕The picture beneath was near lifesize.下方的这幅画几乎和实体一样大小。柯林斯高阶〔nethermost〕Farthest down; lowest.最下方的:最下面的;最低处的美国传统〔order〕To order, call the number at the bottom of your screen.要订购,请拨打屏幕下方的电话号码。韦氏高阶〔pit〕The section directly in front of and below the stage of a theater, in which the musicians sit.乐队席:正好在剧场舞台前面或下方的部分,乐师在那里就坐美国传统〔principal diagonal〕The diagonal in a square matrix that goes from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.主对角线:方阵中从左上方到右下方的对角线美国传统〔pubic symphysis〕The joint located between the pubes in the lower abdominal region and composed of a fibrous cartilaginous material.耻骨联合:位于腹部下方的阴部接合处,由纤维质软骨物质组成美国传统〔retrorse〕Directed or turned backward or downward.后弯的,向下弯的:引向或转向后方或下方的美国传统〔reveal〕A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.从云缝中可以看到远在下方的大西洋。剑桥高阶〔stress mark〕Stress marks above the line indicate primary stress, while those below the line show secondary stress.在文字上方的重音符号表示主重音,而文字下方的重音符号表示次重音。剑桥高阶〔subcortex〕The portion of the brain immediately below the cerebral cortex.下皮层,皮层下部:紧邻在脑皮层下方的大脑部分美国传统〔subjacent〕Located beneath or below; underlying.下面的,底下的;下方的,下侧的美国传统〔subjacent〕Lying at a lower level but not directly beneath.下侧的:在下层但非直接下方的美国传统〔sublunary〕Situated beneath the moon.月下的:位于月亮下方的美国传统〔submaxillary〕An anatomical part, such as a gland or nerve, that is situated beneath the maxilla.颌下腺,颌下神经:位于下颌内下方的解剖结构,如腺或神经美国传统〔submucosa〕A layer of loose connective tissue beneath a mucous membrane.黏膜下层:位于黏膜下方的一层松散的结缔组织美国传统〔subscript〕Written beneath.写在下方的美国传统〔subsolar〕Situated directly beneath the sun.在太阳正下方的美国传统〔substratum〕A layer of earth beneath the surface soil; subsoil.下层土:位于表层土下方的泥土层;下层土美国传统〔the unacceptable face of sth〕The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on the streets with the caption underneath "the unacceptable face of capitalism".该报刊登了一幅无家可归者露宿街头的照片,照片下方的说明文字为“资本主义的黑暗面”。剑桥高阶The paintings in the alcove were spotlit from below.凹室中的画用下方的聚光灯来照明。剑桥国际These exercises are designed to stretch and lengthen the muscles around your stomach and the lower part of your back.这些体操旨在拉长你腹部周围和背部下方的肌肉。剑桥国际




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