

单词 下摆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ahead of〕I tried to think about all the problems that were ahead of me.我试图考虑一下摆在我面前的所有难题。外研社新世纪〔band〕The dress has an embroidered band at the hem.这件连衣裙的下摆有一道刺绣花边。韦氏高阶〔band〕There is a band of white near the hem of the dress.连衣裙下摆处有一道白色织带。韦氏高阶〔bob〕The clown bobbed his head up and down.那个小丑疾速地上下摆动他的头。文馨英汉〔bounce〕Her hair bounced when she walked.她走起路来头发上下摆动。朗文当代〔coattail〕He caught his coattails in the door.他衣服的后下摆被门夹住了。韦氏高阶〔cutaway〕A man's formal daytime coat, with front edges sloping diagonally from the waist and forming tails at the back.燕尾服:一种男子在白天穿的礼服,其下摆从前腰围呈斜线剪裁并在背后形成尾状美国传统〔dabble〕To bob forward and under in shallow water so as to feed off the bottom.在水底觅食:在浅水中向前、向下摆动,以便在底部找到食物美国传统〔dance〕To bob up and down.上下摆动美国传统〔fan out〕The dress's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle.连衣裙的整个下摆向外展成一个颜色鲜亮的圆圈。外研社新世纪〔flap〕To wave (the arms, for example) up and down.上下摆动(如手臂)美国传统〔flap〕To wave arms or wings up and down.上下摆动手臂,振翼美国传统〔flare out〕Her dress flared out towards the bottom.她的衣裳下摆张开。21世纪英汉〔flutter〕Her arms rose, fell, and fluttered with the rhythm of the song.她的手臂随歌曲的节奏上下摆动。英汉大词典〔frill〕You could always sew a frill or two around the bottom of the skirt if you think it's too plain.如果你认为这条裙子太过普通,可以在下摆缝上一两道饰边。剑桥高阶〔guayabera〕A light open-necked cotton shirt, often with large pockets and pleats down the front, that is typically worn outside the pants.轻便开颈式棉衬衫:轻便开颈式棉衬衫,通常在前方下摆有着褶襉及大口袋,典型为穿在裤子外侧美国传统〔hang〕To alter the hem of (a garment) so as to fall evenly at a specified height.修改衣服边缘:修改(女裙)的下摆以使它最终有一个特定的长度美国传统〔hang〕Your shirt tail is hanging out.你的衬衣下摆露出来了。英汉大词典〔hemline〕In the 1960s hemlines suddenly shot up with the introduction of the miniskirt.20世纪60年代,由于迷你裙的出现,裙子的下摆骤然上移。剑桥高阶〔hemline〕Mickey favoured tight skirts with a hemline at the knee.米琪喜欢穿下摆齐膝的紧身裙。外研社新世纪〔hem〕The height or level of the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat; a hemline.下摆:裙子、外衣、或大衣的底边离地的高度或水平线;底边美国传统〔lap〕A hanging or flaplike part, especially of a garment.衣襟:尤指衣服的下摆或下垂部分美国传统〔lap〕The portion of a garment that covers the lap.下摆:外套下部压住膝盖的部分美国传统〔leg〕She started running, fat legs pumping.她开始跑,两条胖腿上下摆动。牛津搭配〔nod〕To sway, move up and down, or droop, as flowers in the wind.上下摆动:弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风中的花朵美国传统〔outside〕You're wearing your shirt-tails outside your jeans.你的衬衣下摆拖在牛仔裤的外面了。英汉大词典〔out〕His shirttail was hanging out.他的衬衣下摆吊在外面。韦氏高阶〔pump〕He pumped his arms up and down as he ran.他跑步的时候手臂不断上下摆动。韦氏高阶〔ran〕She is running the hem-line of her dress.她正在疏缝她的外衣的下摆。21世纪英汉〔ruck〕The lower hem of his new overcoat rucked up.他的新大衣的下摆起皱了。21世纪英汉〔scrape〕The coat was too long; the hem scraped the pavement.大衣太长,下摆都拖到人行道上了。朗文当代〔shirt tail〕He tucked his shirt tail into his trousers.他把衬衣下摆塞进了裤子里。剑桥高阶〔shirt-tail〕He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirt-tails weren't tucked in.他穿着凉鞋、旧仔裤,衬衫下摆也没塞进裤子里。柯林斯高阶〔shirttail〕His shirttails were untucked.他的衬衫下摆没有扎进裤腰。韦氏高阶〔shirttail〕The part of a shirt that extends below the waist, especially in the back.衬衫下摆:衬衫延伸到腰部以下的部份,尤指在背部的那部份美国传统〔skirt〕He gathered up the skirts of his robe as he climbed the stairs.他上楼梯时捋起了长袍的下摆。韦氏高阶〔skirt〕She sat down, smoothing her skirt.她坐下来,抚平裙子的下摆。牛津搭配〔skirt〕She smoothed down the skirt of her dress.她把连衣裙的下摆弄平。麦克米伦高阶〔skirt〕The part of a garment, such as a dress or coat, that hangs freely from the waist down.衣服的裙,下摆:从腰部自由下垂的衣服的一部分,例如女服或上衣美国传统〔skirt〕The skirt of her coat got caught in the car door.她大衣的下摆被车门夹住了。韦氏高阶〔splatter〕The hem of her skirt was splattered with mud.她的裙子下摆溅到了污泥。外研社新世纪〔stand away〕The skirts used to be made to stand away from the body before.以前,人们做的裙子下摆都是不贴身的。21世纪英汉〔tail〕He ran into the street, the tails of his crumped shirt flying.他疾步奔上大街,皱皱巴巴衬衫的后背下摆飘拂不停。英汉大词典〔trim〕I trimmed two centimetres off the hem of the skirt.我把裙子的下摆剪短了两厘米。牛津高阶〔tuck〕He straightened the shirt and tucked it into his trousers.他抻平衬衫,将下摆塞进裤子里。麦克米伦高阶〔tuck〕Should I tuck my shirt into my trousers? 我应该把衬衫下摆塞进裤子里吗?剑桥高阶〔tuck〕The boys tucked their shirts in.男孩子把衬衣下摆扎进裤子。牛津搭配〔tuck〕Tuck in your shirt, Tom; it's almost half out.汤姆,把你衬衣下摆塞进裤腰去;差不多有一半露在外面了。英汉大词典〔tuck〕Tuck your shirt into your jeans.把你的衬衫下摆塞进牛仔裤里。牛津同义词〔under〕She pushed the ends of her blouse under the skirt-top.她将衬衫下摆塞进裙腰。英汉大词典〔velvet〕Her velvet was of a pale green with a very full skirt.她的连衣裙是淡绿色的,下摆宽大。英汉大词典〔waisted〕The coats were old-fashioned in cut, waisted and full skirted.这些大衣采用的是老式裁剪,收腰、全长下摆。剑桥高阶〔waistline〕The dress has a small waistline and a full skirt.这条连衣裙腰窄下摆宽。韦氏高阶Charlotte wore a ball gown with a tight bodice and a full skirt.夏洛特穿了一套参加舞会的礼服,上身是件紧身衣,下身是条宽下摆的裙子。剑桥国际He tucked his shirttails into his trousers.他把衬衣下摆塞进了裤子。剑桥国际I've just tacked the hem of this dress to check the length.我刚把裙子的下摆粗缝好,看看它的长短是否合适。剑桥国际Mary Quant was the first fashion designer to raise hemlines.玛丽·昆特是第一位设计收提衣裙下摆的时装设计师。剑桥国际She wore a full skirt. 她穿一件宽下摆的裙子。译典通The full skirt flared out. 那条宽下摆女裙呈喇叭形展开。译典通The hemline on my dress needs altering because it's slightly too long.我裙子的下摆长了一点,需要改一下。剑桥国际The skirt had two rows of red braid round the hem.裙子下摆附近有两条红色镶边。剑桥国际The small boat was bobbing on the rough water of the lake. 小船在汹涌的湖面上上下摆动。译典通The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress. 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。译典通This skirt is too short/long, I'll have to take down/up the hem.这条裙子太短/长了,我得把下摆放长/收短一点。剑桥国际Tuck your blouse into your skirt before you go out! 出去前将你的短衫下摆塞进裙子里!剑桥国际Vases of flowers all around the room lent the place a cheerful look/lent a cheerful look to the place.房间里四下摆放的鲜花给这个地方添了几分宜人的情调。剑桥国际You could always sew a frill or two around the bottom of the skirt if you think it's too plain.如果你认为裙子太朴素的话,常可以在下摆缝上一、两道褶边。剑桥国际




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